• Becoming a Pro Poker Player

    For a couple days last week I didn’t work. I woke up, walked to Casa, ate my lunch, sat with my friends until lunch hours ended, and then sat in the empty restaurant, staring out the window. What do I want to do with my life? Not the whole thing, but right now. Conversion Doubler…

  • On Set

    Tucker Max and I will probably never be friends. We live by a lot of the same principles, but those principles have led us in very different directions. His daily pleasure is getting trashed and being obnoxious. Mine is eating vegan food and riding an electric skateboard. Still, that doesn’t take away from the fact…

  • A Typical Day In Austin

    I always want to write about a “typical” day here in Austin, but it seems like no day is actually normal enough for me to write about, so it ends up not happening. So, since I have a few minutes in my RV before it’s time to head to late night dinner, I’ll just write…

  • Seeing Her Again

    Mandeville. I looked at the route that Google Maps gave me to drive my RV back to Austin. The route went right past Mandeville, Louisiana. That’s where Katya lives. I hadn’t seen her in years. We broke up four years ago, and I only saw her once since then, three years ago. She randomly showed…

  • If It’s Too Good To Be True…

    If there’s one popular cliché that is dangerous to believe, it’s this one. “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” Actually, I can even live with that phrase literally. But most people take it to say “If it’s too good to be true then it DEFINITELY is.” That’s dangerous because it programs…

  • Back Home

    Life Nomadic is far from over, but today I’m in the US, back in Austin. We’ve been away from Austin for seven months and have circled the globe entirely. We’re already planning more trips, but armed with experience, we don’t plan on being on the road for such long stretches in the future. For me…

  • The Zero Cost Lifestyle

    Several years ago I was sitting with a bunch of friends at a restaurant. Dinner was winding down and we were all stuffed. My friend next to me asked me how I made so much money. I always had the money for everything, she said, and she was always struggling. The bill came and everyone…

  • Crazy Travel Schedule

    We’re now in France, which means that in the past two weeks we’ve been in seven different countries (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Macau, Hong Kong, Qatar, and France). That’s a lot. We left Taiwan in early June, and that was really the last time we were properly settled. This style of travel is pretty exciting. We…

  • Smuggling from the Catacombs

    Smuggling from the Catacombs

    The police lined us up in the pitch black tunnel. Their headlamps flicked around as they gave their orders in French. We were getting searched. They went up the line searching my friends. First they were patted down, and then their bags were sifted through. Nothing to worry about, as they had nothing to hide.…

  • Hong Kong Hospitality

    Man do we have a lot of catching up to do. This rapid fire traveling schedule doesn’t leave us with all that much time to contemplate and write. If we aren’t checking in somewhere, we’re checking out and trying to catch a plane. We were worried about where we’d stay in Hong Kong. It’s a…