It’s 10 minutes before midnight on the last day of 2006, and I’m sitting in bed writing a post. I guess that shows where my priorities are. Anyway, a year ago I wrote down my goals for 2006, so our first order of business is to review them.
1 – Become Fully Polyphasic.
I guess I did this one, but I’m not polyphasic anymore. I’ll count it as a win since I made it and then decided not to be polyphasic.
2 – Gain 15lb. of lean muscle mass
I totally did not do this one at all. In fact, I lost 12 pounds this year because I went vegan.
3 – Make a Million Dollars
This was a huge failure. I did not make a million dollars. I made several important financial changes that will help with this (cut my unnecessary spending by 50%, started investing in berkshire hathaway, sold some stuff), but that doesn’t count for anything. This is the most disappointing failure because unlike some others that I failed on, I still really want this one.
4 – Become a relatively well known rapper
Argh. Another big no. I’ll give myself 20% credit for having a weekly gig hosting karaoke where I get to sing a lot of rap songs. I’ve made some progress here, but not nearly enough.
5 – Find and date one incredible girl OR date several great girls
I’ll give myself full credit for this one. More details to follow later…
6 – Enlarge my social circle
I did a fantastic job of this one. I definitely have a bunch of new cool friends and hang out with my friends more often.
7 – Do something REALLY nice for someone or a group of people
I’ll give myself 40% credit on this one. I’ve done a few nice things and many people have e-mailed me saying that my site changed their lives. However, I don’t think I did anything exceptionally nice.
My final score? 3.6 out of 7. Not impressive at all.
I’m not letting myself off the hook here, because I set goals and did not reach them, but one thing I realized is that a few months into the year, I didn’t really want all these goals anymore. The two exceptions were rapping and the million dollars. I’ve become somewhat well known around Austin, so that’s along the same vein as the rapper one. Nevertheless, I’m going to make my 2007 goals only things that I know I will really care about.
On the plus side, I accomplished a lot of goals that I didn’t know I had. I went Vegan, which I consider to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I got to lecture at a college, I wrote a book, I made some new songs. I got a real job for the first time, I started Tynan’s Angels, I moved, I hung out with Mel Gibson, I went to Japan and some other places, I found out what it was like to think you’re going to have a kid, I started hosting Karaoke, and thanks to people like you I made a moderately popular blog. All in all, that’s pretty good for a year.
Here are my 2007 goals :
- Make a Million Dollars This is long overdue. Not much else to say here.
- Operation Broccoli This is a secret for now… relating to the ladies. I’ll write about it when it’s a success.
- Have a good relationship with my sleep schedule For as long as I can remember, I have been unhappy with my sleep schedule. I sleep too late, too much, or too chaotically. My options here are either to adopt a regular sleep schedule, go polyphasic, or accept that it’s ok to sleep like a crazy man and not feel bad about it.
- Start the Tyboy Empire Step one for this should be to come up with a better name. I want to have a regular social scene at my place including cool parties that aren’t typical get-wasted-and-act-like-an-idiot-parties.
- Figure out what I want to do with my life (or at least the next 5 years) This is probably priority #1.
I think that’s all! This year I think that I can do all of these! I intentionally chose fewer goals because I need to be more focused. Happy new year and all that…
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