Have you ever noticed that almost no one actually does anything? Somewhere around 99% of people simply tread water in the sea of life, and always seem to be in the same place whenever you check on them. These people aren’t dumb or incapable – they’re just stuck in a permanent rut.
Listen to people’s problems. They’re always the same. One person always seems to be just short of rent every month. Another keeps meaning to start some project, but it never materializes. Someone else is always in a bad relationship somehow.
This isn’t coincidence or bad luck. If you’re in a situation like this, then pay attention : It’s your fault.
The easiest in the world to do is complain. So alluring is the complaint that most people choose it over taking action. Observe people around you. How many are actively doing something TODAY that will help them reach their goals? How many will complain some time today about not being where they want to be?
In my experience, there is nothing more powerful than taking massive action. I have many successful friends, and I constantly try to observe what they have in common that less successful people don’t have. There are several things I’ve noticed, but one of the most important is that they all take action.
My friend Steve, who runs Smiley Media, works non stop on his business. If he’s at home, he’s probably working on it. He dropped out of school to do it. Mystery, Tyler, and other famous Pick up artists go out every night to learn more about meeting women. Very rarely do you see someone who is actually taking massive action on a regular basis who hasn’t gotten anywhere. How much action do you think bums are taking? Not much.
Direction is important too, but it doesn’t need to be precise. Often people will obsess over every last detail, trying to formulate the perfect plan. This is totally unnecessary, as plans are never followed anyway.
Imagine that you’re in Tynanville and you want to get to Springfield. There are two roads, A and B, that both get there. If one person sits around trying to figure out which route is faster, better, or more efficient, and the other person just takes one of the roads, the latter person is going to get their first. Maybe the first person will decide after a while that it’s too far away or that there’s too much traffic and will never get there. If the second person went in South instead of North he would also never get there, but just knowing the general right direction was enough.
When I wanted to become a professional gambler, I researched but I played at the same time. Within a week I was immersed in gambling and was close to figuring out how to win. If I had spent time overanalyzing everything without getting into the game, I may have never done it.
When I moved to LA to learn pickup I thought I wanted to become a pickup artist. After a while I realized that going out to clubs every night wasn’t my lifestyle of choice, but I had learned the confidence and skills that I had really needed.
When I started my first diet two years ago I hadn’t done enough research to know that eating meat wasn’t healthy. Instead of spending my life researching it while eating hot dogs and french fries I used the best knowledge I had and cut out flour, sugar, and bad fats. A year later when I learned that being Vegan was better, I added those restrictions easily.
Massive action doesn’t guarantee success by any means, but it does provide the opportunity for it. When I wrote my book, The Skinny Snob, I jumped right into it. I wrote the book within 24 hours and had the site ready to go in a week. I didn’t plan it out, print business cards, and research the market. I ended up making a little money, but in the end the venture fizzled. At least I learned a lot about the game, though, and now when I release my book about meeting women it will be a lot easier.
And hey, I’d rather be doing something than nothing. Just sitting around thinking guarantees failure.
Already since getting fired only 11 days ago I’ve started a new blog, written a book about meeting women, sold my old house, and have almost built another site that I will launch soon.
If you feel inspired, take some massive action today. It’s Sunday, so you’re not doing anything else anyway. Buy a house. Start a business. Call your brother that you haven’t spoken to in ten years. Break up with your crappy boyfriend and come in my hot tub.
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