Little May Updates

I still live in the RV. People ask how long I’m going to stay here and honestly I don’t know. I love it so much that I don’t even want to leave. I DO want a solar panel, though, which gets installed thursday. That’s exciting. Did I already mention that I had 5 people over to play cards? That’s six people in the tiny RV including me, which is my personal record. Soon I will have a house party.

I learned (the basics of) PHP, MYSQL, and AJAX in the past week. They have such scary names I assumed that it would be really difficult to learn, but in fact it’s super easy. I’m making a quiz site (like those myspace quizzes), and I already have most of it done. It’s even fancy and ajaxy. If you’re a lady, pretend that this last paragraph was about me saving kids from a fire, and not about nerdy stuff. Thanks.

My eyes are getting better and better from PRK. Still not totally recovered, but almost certainly 20/20. We go in for a checkup in a few days, so we’ll see what the doctor says.

I weigh 128 pounds. That’s nuts. A year ago I weighed 145 and a year before that I weighed 155! I am way too skinny, so my new goal is to eat at all times. Right now I’m eating two hummus sandwiches. When I eat I eat a lot, but sometimes I don’t eat enough meals in the day. Parking / living across from my favorite restaurant helps with that.

I got a kick ass flashlight called the Surefire Lumamax L7. It’s seven times brighter than a 2D mag lite, much smaller, and rechargable. I should write at again so that I can explain in detail how kick ass this light is.

I wrote a new mini ebook about wingmen which you can get for free at if you refer a few people to my free 10 day e-mail course.

My little sister graduated from high school. She’s the best and I am super proud of her (just for who she is… graduating high school isn’t that big of a deal). On a similar note, graduations are the worst thing ever. All of the speeches are the same “You’re expecting for me to talk to you about X, but I’m not going to. Former President XXXX X. XXXX once said ‘inspirational quote here’. blah blah blah… this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life and it’s time to let go of the old surroundings you’re used to”. Seriously every speech is like that. I actually started laughing when the third speaker (do we need three speakers) included a presidential quote.

I think it’s awesome that Ron Paul is getting so popular. If he wins I might actually stay in America. I go to this super hippie smoothie place called Daily Juice and even THEY have signs for him. Hippies endorsing a republican. Wild.

I shaved my head. It was really hot and I’ve always wondered what I’d look like. Now I know – I look kinda funny.

The other day there was a huge storm here. My friends and I all have high end rain gear so we put it on and took a walk through the woods. I felt like half commando half homeless person. It was really fun. Actually, I’ve been doing more things outside recently and they’ve all been fun.

Ok, that’s all for now.






9 responses to “Little May Updates”

  1. SargeNation Avatar

    Sounds like you’re having a good time in the RV park 😉

  2. phill Avatar

    i’d have to disagree with the flashlight. although it is the brightest, it certainly doesn’t last the longest. most surefire flashlights only last 1-2 hours max. I’d keep an led flashlight as a backup.

  3. Will Avatar

    Glad to hear you’re a Ron Paul supporter!

  4. Omri Avatar

    How did you learn MySQL?

  5. Tynan Avatar

    omri: I just found some tutorial. It’s actually pretty intuitive for basic stuff.


  6. Sir Turj Avatar
    Sir Turj

    I’ve heard “Ron Paul” mentioned over the last few months but never really paid attention. What’s so great about this Republican that even “hippie’s” are supporting him? Is it just a tongue-in-cheek internet phenomenon like “All your base” or maybe they like that he’s against the Iraq War?

  7. Tynan Avatar

    No, it’s serious. The short version is that he’s not corrupt at all (takes no kickbacks and donates part of his salary to the treasury), speaks in plain english, and has a very logical non weasely approach.


  8. Factors of Attra Avatar
    Factors of Attra

    House Party! I’m there! 😉

  9. Thor Avatar

    Ron Paul is more of Libertarian. He supports small government, strict constitutionalism, and little government intervention in the social affairs of its people. Hes like a social liberal and fiscal conservative. Its really the best of both parties.

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