I’m not sure if I mentioned some of this already, so I’ll explain what’s happening with LN this year.
LifeNomadic.com is no longer a blog. We’ve decided to make it a resource site for nomads and hardcore travelers. We’re working hard on it now and it will be up very soon.
Instead of blogging on LifeNomadic.com, we’re blogging on Gadling this year. Gadling is the most popular travel blog on the internet, which means that our articles will be read by millions instead of hundreds. This gives us more incentive to produce really high quality posts and videos, and to make them more often.
Our first post is up here: Welcome to Life Nomadic
You can subscribe to the Gadling feed, or you can subscribe to Life Nomadic only posts by using this rss feed. You can also subscribe to the SuperTynan Feed, which has my posts from everywhere mixed together.
One of the ways our success as bloggers is measured is by the comments we get. Don’t comment just to make us look good, but if you like a post, have a question about it, have something to add, or have a suggestion for improvement, please comment. I will personally try to answer every question asked in the comments there.
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