Life Nomadic Book Coming Soon


A week ago I was rooting through my projects folder and I came across something that I had somehow forgotten: a full length book I wrote about Life Nomadic. I gave it a quick read-through and thought, “man… there’s some great stuff in here! Why didn’t I release it?”

So, I’m going to release it soon. I’ve spent a good part of the last week doing some light editing, rearranging, and adding in sections that I hadn’t quite finished.

The book has a lot of stories and anecdotes in it, but it’s really a manual for the nomad or hardcore traveler. It talks about why to be a nomad, what it’s like, what to expect, and how to deal with some of the challenges. About half of the book is dedicated to logistics: how to choose gear, how to pack it, where to stay, how to get there, etc.

The best chapter, in my opinion, is the air travel chapter. My goal when writing it was to make the chapter so valuable and practical that the whole book would be worth purchasing, even for someone who only travels once or twice a year. I include every tip and strategy I have for air travel, including a bunch of stuff I’ve never seen written anywhere else.

The general theme of the book is this: become versatile, see the world and experience everything it has to offer, but do it as cheaply and intelligently as possible. If that resonates with you, you’ll probably enjoy the book a lot.

I haven’t decided whether I’m going to release it as an ebook, physical book, or both. I thought about breaking it up into several mini books on different travel subjects, but I think that might be annoying.

Once Todd finishes editing it (*nudge* *nudge*) I’ll post a really cool video clip from this year’s Life Nomadic trip, and I think I’ll post a sample chapter or two as well. So if you enjoy Life Nomadic related stuff, you’ll have a lot to look forward to in the next couple weeks.






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