I think it’s our third day here. It’s hard to tell because I’ve spent a good amount of that time sleeping. However, I’m now over the jet lag and ready for action again.
Last year when we came to Japan we had no jet lag at all. My jet lag strategy is to try to match my sleeping pattern to the destination’s. We got into Japan at 4pm on Tuesday, so I should have been awake for 4-6 hours and have slept for 8 hours.
That’s how we did it last year and it was fine.
THIS year, however, I stayed up all night the night before hanging out with my LA friends and then packing and making final preparations for the trip. Then on the plane I slept immediately and only for five hours.
As a result when I got to Japan I had been awake for about 7 hours and had only slept 5. Not good. Since then I’ve just been sleeping whenever I’m tired.
Today we just started getting on track. I didn’t get much work done (I think Todd got some done), but we did a crossfit and we’ve found a few vegan restaurants. Compared to Panama the restaurants here give you half the food and cost three times as much. On the plus side they make you feel like a king when they break out that deep bow action every time you pay or order or leave.
Some tidbits:
1. Todd beat me in a GPS contest. I followed my phone, he followed his watch, he won. Hate to admit it, but at least I’m the undisputed king of orange throwing in Panama.
2. The shower here is so awesome. I can only imagine that the amount of water pressure it has would be illegal in the United States. It also has a thermostat – you set it for 40 degree Celsius and it stays there. On the other hand, the shower door opens up into a hallway rather than a bathroom for some reason.
3. It’s a lot colder here than we were expecting. We must have ignored the forecast because of the famed flower viewing, but now we’re wearing all of our winter stuff out. Todd commented today that I look like I just got out of a ski lodge.
4. Grocery stores are absolutely crazy. We saw a $60 canteloupe. Did I already mention that somewhere? I feel like I did.
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