If You Just Ignore It, It Will Go Away

Just a quick update here. At around 10am I figured I should put my old wheels on so that I can drive around today. I went out to the garage and started jacking up the car.

Then I realized that the tire isn’t deflated anymore. Here’s a recap :

1. Tire goes totally flat a block from my house
2. I spend 20 minutes filling it up and getting it to around 25psi
3. I pull into a supermarket and by the time I’m done buying a pizza of death, it’s totally deflated again.
4. I drive to the nearby gas station and fill it up to 30psi
5. I drive home and it looks to be lower than at the gas station and is still making a hissing noise.
6. ????????
7. This morning it is at 30psi and looks fine.

My best guess is that 6 is “Midget ninjas replace tire, fill it up, slay my enemies, and then hide in the woodwork to watch my look of surprise when the tire is fine”.

So now I don’t know what to do. I kinda want my old tires back because the ride is so much smoother and they never go flat. Also I have 5 of those, but only 4 of my 19″ ones. On the rare occasion that something goes wrong with my tires (*cough*), it’s nice to have a spare. The 19″ wheels are also worth a lot of money, so I could sell them.

On the other hand, the 19″ wheels make the ladies swoon [note: this is a totally unverified claim], the tires on them are apparently monitored by ninja midgets, and choosing to keep these wheels means that I don’t have to do anything right now. The car really does look better with them, though.


Unfortunately all of the pros for putting the old tires on are legitimate, whereas I made up every single one of the claims for the bigger wheels. I guess that means it’s garage time. ๐Ÿ™ Goodbye big shiny wheels! If my car was clean I would take pictures, but it’s not. It’s filthy. Ooh! I will wash my car today too. Then I will show you pictures of the old wheels.






4 responses to “If You Just Ignore It, It Will Go Away”

  1. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    May I remind you that you filled up the tire with instaflat, that is I presume a fix-up liquid in the tire? So maybe it started working late ๐Ÿ™‚ Haha I solw the mistery! You owe me one ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Kristen Avatar

    Before taking pictures of your car, make sure to take that pillow out of the back seat; it’s kind of girly looking. All the fine ladies will suddenly doubt your (previously undeniable) manliness…

  3. Catherine Avatar

    Are you sure you weren’t just hallucinating from the “pizza of death” and maybe the tire never deflated the second time?

    Maybe they gave you Cambodian pizza and you just didn’t realize?? That would do it.

  4. auridicyl Avatar

    I’m glad you backed down on the “make the ladies swoon” comment. Otherwise, I would’ve had to call you out on it. Although I suppose 19″ wheels might impress *some* gals, if you’re truly in the market for a high-quality chickie (read: intelligent), you’re not likely to catch her with those pimpin’ wheels. Quite the contrary. We generally laugh, or want to cry, depending upon our mood at the time, when we see otherwise nice guys wasting time and money on ‘pimping their ride.’

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