Halfway Through Panama

How quickly the time has gone! We’ve been here for a month now, and it will already be hard to go.

We went to Mireya’s for lunch today and Mireya said (in Spanish), “Oh good! I was thinking you left the country already!”

She seemed happy that we were here for another month and we talked about our trip to Las Tablas. I don’t want to talk much about the Great Panamanian Road Trip of 2008, since Todd is writing a post about it and I’m making a video about it (check back this weekend), but I will say this – it was great!

Last night we found ourselves in the covered walkway in front of our building with our security guard, an ex US Army officer, a midget (or at least close), a blind guy, and a large guy who kept hiding behind a column for some reason.

The blind guy had a guitar which he used to play “My Way” as sung by Frank Sinatra. He sang it beautifully in spanish. “Mi Manera”. It was a surreal and magical scene.

Alex Shalman (alexshalman.com) came randomly to visit us for a few days, which was a lot of fun. He really inspired us to stop sitting on the couches working all day. I did an interview over at his site which you can check out.

Let’s see…

Crossfit has been going well. We ran a 10K almost a week ago which totally wrecked me. 6.2 miles. I haven’t run that much in forever, and my calves are still hurting. We ran into two guys starting a Crossfit here in Panama, but that will probably be covered in the Carnival post.

We had an awesome trip to the Panama Canal, but we’re not writing about it or posting the video because we’re arranging to go back and film a couple more things. The people there are great and the Canal is, of course, spectacular.

I guess that’s it for now… just making sure I update this bad boy frequently!






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