Get a Deal on a Treo 700p

So yesterday the Treo 700p was finally released. For those who don’t know, this phone is the new hotness. It has 128mb of ram, a 1.3 megapixel camera, and EVDO high speed internet. If you aren’t a big nerd, then take my word for it – it’s great. You can even stream TV and movies on it. If you have Sprint or Verizon, then this is the phone for you.

The price is $649. This is a lot, but I always like to have the cheapest or the best, and this is the best.

However, with a little finagling, this beauty can be in your hands along with a free 1GB SD card next Tuesday for only $549. Here’s how you do it :

  1. Click this link. It will bring you to a page where you can put in the serial number of any old Treo to get a free 1GB SD card. These sell for $100 on Palm’s site, but are really worth only around $50.
  2. Next, in the same browser window, go to the Palm developer site. Register for an account – this will allow you to get the $100 developer discount.
  3. Log in to the developer site and select “buy” from the left. Follow the links to the treo store, and add the 700p to your account.
  4. Your cart should now show the Treo 700p and a 1GB SD card for $549 including overnight shipping. Enjoy your new phone!

This is currently the best deal available on the 700p. If something went wrong, try again and make sure you did it in the right order. Doing it in the wrong order will cause the 1GB card to cost $99.






2 responses to “Get a Deal on a Treo 700p”

  1. Allen Avatar

    Nice phone, congrats.

  2. Pentarix Avatar

    Wicked deal, great find!

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