Book, #1 on Google, Blog, Panama, etc.

Hey guys. Everyone once in a while I feel the need to have one of these posts two write about little things that don’t really deserve their own posts.

First, my book is doing great! The most important thing is that people are really enjoying it and getting a lot out of it. The less glamorous side of it is that even though it’s launched, it still requires quite a bit of work. Right now I’m writing the 10 day bootcamp (you can sign up on the front page). I’ve written 7 days, so only 3 to go! I’m also writing three “special reports”, mini ebooks on some specific topics. With typical internet marketing, it’s important to have these. I don’t mind, though. I feel like there are a few things that I could have gone into more detail on, so I’m using those as topics. If you bought the book, you’ll get those as free updates. Thanks a lot to everyone who has bought the book so far!

Next, I am now #1 on google! If you search for “Tynan” I am #1 and #2! One of my life goals was to make it so that I was first for my first name on google, and I’ve done it. The best part is that you can type in “Tynan” in google, and then click “I’m feeling lucky” and it shows my page. Obviously having a unique name like “Tynan” makes things easier, but I was still up against 1.5 million other pages. A lot of the credit is due to people who link to me and have “Tynan” be the clickable text. I can see everyone who links to me and I always go check their sites. Thank you guys very much!

Despite a bit of negligence, the blog has been doing great. For over a week I was getting a couple thousand people a day through StumbleUpon, and I have more regular readers than ever. It’s really flattering that so many people read my site. To state the obvious, I made a new design which I think it’s a bit livelier than the old one. The only problem is that the pink is gone (which I know some people including me really liked). Kristen, a good friend of mine who has posted a bunch of comments before, drew the cartoon of me. I did a very bad job scanning it before, but now it looks good. If you’ve ever seen me in real life, it looks a lot like me. The other day a guy came up to my table at a restaurant and told me he read my blog and recognized the hat. How cool!

If you miss me posting all the time, you should check out the forum where I post most days. There are also a bunch of cool readers who post interesting things too. It’s one of very few sites I check all the time.

I’ve been looking at new countries to move to. I love where I live now and couldn’t imagine a cooler place, but whenever I have to move, I might try living in another country for a year. My first choice so far is to live in Panama City, Panama. I’m going to be going there for a month this year to check it out. If anyone lives there (or any other low income tax country that rocks), let me know.

I am totally loving not being employed. Every day I get to do whatever I want (as long as whatever I want involves a lot of work on my projects), and I feel so happy all the time. I guarantee you people I’ll never get a real job again. I do miss my homies at work, though! When I was reading Ben Franklin’s autobiography, one of the most interesting things I noticed is that no one really had jobs back then. People would have a trade in which they would serve as someone’s apprentice, and then open their own small business. Now almost no one does that. Interesting.






7 responses to “Book, #1 on Google, Blog, Panama, etc.”

  1. Allen Avatar

    Another cool thing about being #1 on google is that if you just type your name with no “www.” or “.com” it will redirect to the first google result which will be this site.

  2. Jermil Avatar

    Hey! I got a new computer with Vista on Sunday. When I checked your site, I saw the new design and everything. The first thing I thought was that you had a super colorful site for Vista visitors and the other site design for visitors with other operating systems. Then I realized how crazy that was and figured your update coincided with my upgrade. Looks good!

  3. Magnus Avatar

    If you go and live in another country for a year, you probably won’t have to pay income tax there if all your businesses are registered elsewhere.

    You are better off getting a company in the Vanatu islands or somewhere like that, running all your money through there, and living wherever you want.

    I like to go and live in different places for 3 months at a time. Last year Ibiza, the year before Vienna. Just look at it as a holiday, but you do lots of work online.

  4. leo Avatar

    “or any other low income tax country that rocks”

    Well, I’m Brazilian and I’ve gotta tell you… This Plance ROCKS.

  5. chrisp Avatar

    I wish I could just not get a regular job, but I just don’t have the resources right now for any crazy ideas that I ever come up with. I just want to get through the last years of college and find a fun job doing printing/design (which I think is completely possible).

  6. Rob Avatar

    Hey Tynan,

    I just got back from Panama and made a couple of contacts there. Let me know if you want to talk and I can tell you more about my experience there!

  7. Jordon Harbinger Avatar
    Jordon Harbinger

    Hey man, I used to live in Panama City, Panama. What a coincidence. When I get back from the Balkans, let’s get on the horn and I can fill you in if you’re interested.


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