Bobby Needs Us Again

Remember a month or two ago when Bobby and his converted bus were in the contest and we all voted?

Well, as you probably know, he won. We were the force that pushed him over the edge, and he was very thankful for our help.

This week is the finals, which determines who actually wins the prize. He and one other guy have been going back and forth between first and second place.

As I said last time, I hate asking people to do things like this, but Bobby is my dad’s best friend and he and his bus really do deserve to win. What can I say? I have a soft spot in my heart for converted schoolbuses.

Around a thousand people read this RSS and another 600-700 check the page every day, which is more people than have voted so far in total. Can I ask you one LAST time to vote for Bobby and help him win? I would love to see him just crush the other guy.

CLICK HERE TO VOTE.  Click “Bobby”

You don’t have to put in your e-mail, name, or anything annoying like that. Just one click and maybe a victory comment back here. Two seconds. The voting ends Wednesday at noon CST.

Thanks! Real post coming tomorrow!






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