Author: Tynan
Custom Food Bars and Cooking in the Airport
Twice a month I stray from my superlatively healthy diet and eat anything, no holds barred. A week or two ago I ate a couple slices of deep dish Chicago pizza with bacon and all sorts of nonsense on it. The idea behind this is that once in a while, usually while travelling, I find…
How You Play Matters
(Old fashioned typesetting isn’t the most efficient way to print, but…) As we walked to Mel’s Diner, her phone kept ringing. Not the typical I’m-in-LA-and-I’m-popular ringing, but more of a your-house-is-burning-and-I’m-trying-to-notify-you ringing. “Do you need to get that?” “Oh no,” she replied, without taking the phone out of her purse, “it’s just my ex-boyfriend.” Five…
Three Super Quick and Cheap Lifehacks
I love little simple life hacks and am constantly seeking out and inventing new ones. Here are three that you can do in the next ten minutes. None of them are going to save your life, but each one will improve your daily experience for the rest of your life. Tighten up your Keychain A…
VIDEO – Not Taking Risks is Risky
I just got back from Peoria, AZ, where I gave a speech about risk from the perspective of a former professional gambler. The takeaways are: Evaluate risks logically, considering the payoff and probability Make risk taking a habit Hard decisions don’t matter very much Judge yourself Enjoy, and let me know if you’d like to…
Do Something Now
Here’s a question I get a lot. “Hey, I really want to do ( some cool project or life change ), and I have it all figured out, but there’s no way for me to ( overcome one single obstacle )”. I like receiving questions and am usually happy to answer them, but this one…
Pre-Order Life Nomadic, I’ll Give the Money to Haiti
It has been surreal to see the pictures of the devastation of Haiti. Normally when these disasters happen and circulate around the internet I don’t feel much of a connection to them. This one is different to me. I spent a few days there last year and really had an amazing experience. I knew that…
Take Off Your Pants
Anderson, Todd, Stuart, Autumn, Tynan, Grace “Umm… I have to kick out a lot of bums and crackheads. Take this.” It was a puzzling statement. He handed us three bags of ground coffee, worth almost fifty dollars. We thought he was a fan of what we were doing, so we smiled at him. He didn’t…
Born at the Right Time
A picture of me with my grandparents, siblings, and some cousins before going sledding I’m on a Boeing 757. Out of my window I can see the wingtips, which are bent at the ends to improve fuel efficiency. The web address of the airline is printed on the tips, which should seem totally normal, but…
My Early History as an Entrepreneur
Despite mostly cutting myself off from parental financing in high school, I’ve actually only had a “real” job for less than a year total in my life. I attribute this not to any great genius on my part, but rather to habit. It was what I was used to doing. I knew that I couldn’t…
My 2009 In Review
I’ve given up on doing my yearly or bi-yearly goals. Why? I don’t actually do them, and I don’t actually care. I like having a somewhat chaotic life, changing my priorities and focus as I go along. Most of the time when I look back at my previous incomplete goals I’m glad I didn’t…