Author: Tynan
Color Guard
High school is nearing its final semester and I need a P.E. credit. Actually I need two P.E. credits. If you’ve ever taken the time to admire my physique, it may surprise you to hear that my high school career is lacking in the Physical Education department. Suspend your disbelief for a moment. I sign…
Hanging Out With Tynan’s Angels
Ok, so I hung out with Cristina and Evan the other night and wrote about it, but not here. To read of our magical adventures, go to Tynan’s Angels, which is the greatest site in the land, other than perhaps this site.
The Chauffeur
The road to Reno stretches far ahead of us, but we all wish it is even further away then it is. I glance back. Style is working on his book, The Game. Every once in a while he reads a sentence to get some feedback. I’m sitting on the side bench staring through the darkly…
Here, Fishy Fishy
Usually I come to this page with an idea of something to write about. Not today. This will probably be one of those random posts with little bits of everything in it. Have you ever noticed that my first paragraph is always long enough to make that drop cap thing on the left look right?…
The Student Discount
I always help myself to the student discount when available. Sure, I don’t actually go to school, but I still have my UT ID, and I’d argue that I learn more on a regular basis than most college students. Before today I’d never had any problem using my ID. I’m sitting at a poker table…
Midyear Madness
On my fancy Treo 700 I have a little plugin that shows my daily todo list and calendar entries below my programs. I have to do this because otherwise I never really notice the things I write there, and thus don’t do them. I use the todo list a lot, but the calendar is basically…
I’m Moving
I’ve been trying to post for a few days, but my site hasn’t been working. Luckily the computer gnomes magically fixed it tonight. Anyway, one of the reasons that I’ve been so busy lately is because I am moving! I’ve been wanting to post about this for a while, but I’ve been waiting to make…
Roller Coaster
As I mentioned previously, my gas got turned off. I’m moving soon, so I’ve been getting my house ready to be sold. Part of that includes turning on the gas again so that the inspector can make sure everything’s fine. At noon a knock lands upon my door. I open it and see a towering…
Tynan’s Angels
Ok, guys. I have a good one for you. I should be sleeping right now, but I was hanging out with one of the Angels until 5am, and then for some reason I went back to work after that. Now it’s 8am and I can’t fall asleep. So, who are Tynan’s Angels? A fine question,…
How To Do Everything Right
I actually found this on I shouldn’t even post their name since they’re one of the few big aggregating sites that has never run one of my articles. But hey, when they’ve got a good article, they’ve got a good article. They posted This MP3 about how to always do the right thing. It’s…