Author: Tynan

  • Shafted!

    I’ve been wanting to write this story for a while, but I can’t find the one picture I have of it. Oh well, when I find it I’ll just add it on to the end. Full from dinner, we get into the elevator as we always do. The rumor is that the more likely one…

  • I Have an Advertiser!

    Today is a big day for btyb. Why? I have an actual advertiser besides google. Actually, google has recently been paying me about twice what I used to get. I have no idea why. My best guess is that they’re getting better at figuring out what sorts of ads are appropriate for my site, and…

  • Japan is Better than the US

    Instead of writing a million more posts about Japan, I’m going to finish it off here so that I can start writing other things. When you boil all of my experiences in Japan down, you’re left with one common theme – Japan is way better than the US. In America we’re all so proud that…

  • I’m Pregnant

    A monday afternoon some time ago, she texts me with, “Call me. It’s important.” Strange. I’m in the car, so I ponder what’s so important as we drive back to the office. I can’t figure it out. We get to the office and I step into the echoey stairwell for some semblance of privacy. I…

  • Tynan Goes to Japan : Part Two

    Tynan Goes to Japan : Part Two

    Man… I just had an awesome jaunt through Japan. I misunderstood a web page I read and thought that we had to pay $280 for a week long subway pass. I knew Tokyo was really expensive, so I didn’t question it. The only problem was that this mysterious train pass could only be bought in…

  • Tynan goes to Japan : Part One

    So, I’m in Japan right now. I stayed up all night packing, laundering, and cleaning the kitchen so that it would be pleasant when I got back. Jonah and Evan hung out with me to keep me awake. The best part was that I miscalculated the time and had to race to the bus station…

  • Meeting Mel Gibson

    I know that you think your other blogs love you like I do, but seriously – who brings you stories like this besides me? Evan and I were hanging out at my place last night. The neighbors were having a party, as they often do, and we could hear it in my room. For some…

  • Six Books that will Change Your Life

    Six Books that will Change Your Life

    I enjoy reading but I it’s difficult to find really great books to read. Here are six non-fiction books that have had a big impact on my life. You should definitely buy them, read them, and have your life changed too. Don’t worry if they don’t address issues that you care about – simply reading…

  • Sad

    Since Krunkaoke got shut down, I go to Rain every Wednesday. It’s a gay club that does Karaoke on Wednesday nights. They have a good selection of songs, a cool light up stage, and a laid back attitude towards me including “nigga” in all of my songs. The downside is that I get hit on…

  • Cell Phone Etiquette

    I’ve been wanting to write this one for a while. It’s some practical advice on how to use a cell phone without causing me to want to kill you. Try it at home… Don’t Answer it – It is almost always wrong / rude / punishable by death to answer a cell phone in front…