Author: Tynan
The Day the Bus Died
I told this story the other day and then immediately thought, “Man… that’s a good one for the blog.” As I wrote about in my converted school bus story, my friends and I used to have a school bus. We went on a lot of fantastic trips in it, but those stories will have to…
About a week ago I woke up and got out of the RV, which I’ve had parked on the same street for the better part of the last five months. To my surprise there was ANOTHER RV in front of mine. It was a lot older, but about the same size. I went to lunch,…
With the vegan diet in full swing for six months now, something occurred to me. It doesn’t make since to be eating a perfect diet (according to my understanding of food) if I’m not physically active. In fact – if I’m going to be physically active, I should be doing the best exercise, right? And…
Guerrilla Karaoke
Bonjour. As you may have read in the past, Doug and I host Karaoke every Wednesday at Firehouse Lounge in Austin, TX. We now also host it at Shakespeare’s on Tuesdays. Tazeroke, which started as a one time event, has now become a weekly event. Yep, we electrocute people every week with an 800k volt…
A Ramble
I haven’t been super motivated to write here for the past two weeks. I started two posts, got sick of them, and now they’re sitting as drafts. One’s about having even less stuff and the other is about radical honesty. Maybe I’ll finish soon. Instead I’ll just write about what’s on my mind, because otherwise…
How to Have an Interesting Life
EDIT: Welcome, StumbleUpon users! Thanks for checking out my site. A while back someone e-mailed me and asked me how I had so many interesting experiences in my life. I meant to write him back, but couldn’t find the e-mail. First of all, what constitutes an interesting life? Do we care if OTHER people think…
Understanding Pickup
Mystery’s show on VH1, The Pickup Artist, has gotten a lot of mainstream attention. As a result there are scores of people in that audience trying to wrap their minds around this whole “pick up thing”. I’ve read a few message boards where people are discussing the show, and almost universally trying to discredit the…
The Running Bets
I like to bet. For those of you who have read the story about how I was a professional gambler, this is obvious. What I don’t like to do is exercise. At one point in my life, these two activities joined to provide an interesting story. I have a friend named Hayden. He likes to…
Behind the Scenes with Tax Protestors Ed and Elaine Brown
He doesn’t like to call it a compound, so I won’t. It does have 10 inch thick concrete walls, though. When I heard that Ed Brown was allowing visitors to his “home” in New Hampshire, I had to visit. Ed and Elaine Brown are a pair of famous tax protestors who are evading arrest in…
Childhood Memories
It’s a dangerous night to be walking outside. Not for me, but for the tiny little frogs that dot the gravel road. I swish my overpowered Surefire flashlight across the dark gravel trying to avoid stepping on them. When I get close they freeze in their tracks, making them harder to see. This would be…