Author: Tynan

  • Life Nomadic Day 1

    Life Nomadic has begun. Six months of not particularly careful planning and a full week of hectic scrambling to rid ourselves of nearly every earthly possesion has paid off. As I write our first post for Life Nomadic, Todd’s in the next seat over editing our first video. The kid behind me is pounding on…

  • Significant Days

    I got back from Boston on the 28th of December, giving me 10 days in Austin before Todd and I leave on the world trip. Every day counts now. I’ve been spending TONS of time with my friends. I’ve been slaughtering my backlog of important but not urgent todo items. I’m not wasting a minute.…

  • My Last Tazeroke EVER!

    Ok, maybe not ever, but probably for a year or so. As you know I’m leaving for my world trip a week from today, so this will be the last Tazeroke I’m a part of for a while. It will continue on with my friends Doug and Clint, but I won’t be there to experience…

  • Coming Soon… 2008

    I’m doing my new years post a few days early this year. I have a post coming out on the first and I want to give this one a few days at the top. So first, let’s get to last year’s goals. Make a Million Dollars This is long overdue. Not much else to say…

  • Amy the Waitress

    I finally arrived at the Manchester, New Hampshire airport around nine at night. We fly in there because it takes less time to get to my grandparents house in a Boston suburb from Manchester than it does from the Boston airport. Traffic and all that. We were supposed to get there at five, but there…

  • Movie Theater Mischief

    I’d driven by dozens of times and never noticed it. Tucked away from the main parking lot, vines had begun to cover the corners of the building. Pieces of sheet metal were hanging from what once might have been a modern looking building. A Wheel of Fortune aficionado may have been able to make sense…

  • It’s the Final Countdown

    I have two weeks left in Austin and ten days in Boston. When we first decided to go on the trip six months ago it seemed like it would take forever. Now every day seems to fly by before I can make any progress on my list of stuff-I-must-do-before-I-go. Of course, the one thing I’ve…

  • Miracle Berries

    So… we ate Miracle Berries. I know that sounds like I’m either a druggie or a hippie, but I swear I’m not. Miracle Berries are this crazy fruit from West Africa. They’re bright red, have a large pit in them, and taste a bit like a weak grape. So why eat them? Because they have…

  • Thanks Mom and Dad!

    Last year on Thanksgiving I made a big list of everyone I knew and thanked them each for something. I was going to do this again, but almost all of them would be the same as last year. Instead I’m going to talk about my parents a little bit, since they’ve surely had a bigger…

  • Saturday Delight

    What? Two posts that aren’t over a week apart?! Believe it… A lot of exciting stuff going on over here. First – I have seroiusly neglected my friends and my desire to have fun for the past few months because I’ve been working on an awesome project (Sorry guys, I love you and miss hanging…