A looong time ago I mentioned that Annie was going to start a blog. Well, I’m happy to say that that day has come!
The best kind of blog is a blog about a niche subject that’s so well written and universally useful that even people read it even if they have no connection to that niche. My blog isn’t one of those.
I’m about as ignorant as they come when it comes to ballet. Annie is the exact opposite (on of very few opposites we have), and her posts so far have that “niche but universal” quality that makes a blog so good.
Equally important, she weaves in a lot of personality. In fact, I don’t like to admit it, but I’m a little jealous at how effortlessly she does that. Then again, we HAVE been waiting a long time for this blog… maybe it’s not as effortless as it looks.
If you love ballet, want to learn more about Annie, or just like my points of view and want to read from someone who shares most of them, visit and subscribe to Bloggerina.
It has a place on my ruthlessly culled RSS subscription list. I’d subscribe even if it was bad though, so go check it out for yourself: Bloggerina.
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