A Busy Week

Wow, that was a really busy week. I’m not used to being busy at all – back in the day I had all the free time I could possibly imagine. Maybe it’s about time to revisit polyphasic sleep? Here are some things that made me busy :

Work, of course. I’ve been waiting for weeks for a company to send us a new computer for our data center that lets me do fancy things. Last week it seemed like every day was going to be the day that it would be ready, so I would just wait all day for it to be set up. Then there would be some problem, and the process would repeat itself the next day. Finally this week it got all set up, so now I have more to do than I have time for. Yes! I love having things to do. It just so happens that this particular task is really fun too.

My car broke AGAIN. I have a 1994 S600, which is known to be one of the hardest (read : most expensive) cars to maintain. The reason is that it’s a V12. Since it’s basically two V6 engines stuck together, it also has two of a lot of components. Twice as many things to be broken. It also has a hydraulic suspension, which is what broke on mine. Of course this time I didn’t take the car to the dealership.

I barely even care when it breaks anymore. I just assume that every month or two something huge will need to be replaced on it. Then again, there’s no other car that I want more, so I’m basically stuck with it. Actually, my friend Todd has an Audi All Road wagon, and that is a really cool car. I might get one if my car ever totally blows up.

My top secret new web site / business is coming along great. Expect to hear a lot more about it in about a week.

I got my new
http://www.tynan.com/get-a-deal-on-a-treo-700p/” mce_href=”Treo” class=”linkification-ext” href=”http://www.tynan.com/get-a-deal-on-a-treo-700p.htm%22%3ETreo”>http://www.tynan.com/get-a-deal-on-a-treo-700p/”>Treo 700p this week. At first I was underwhelmed, but now that I’ve copied all my software to it and gotten it set up, I really love it.. The best part about it is that having an open internet transfer doesn’t send callers straight to voicemail anymore. That was a common annoyance for people trying to call me.

I’ve switched 100% over to Linux. Usually I make fun of the nerds who run linux because there’s no point and it sucks. I was bored one night and decided to try it out on my computer. It’s FANTASTIC. There are a lot of differences between it and Windows, but there are two main ones :

  • It assumes you’re smart. Windows assumes you’re a huge idiot.
  • It’s much quicker than Windows.

It used to be that Windows was much easier to use in every area. Not so anymore – the linux installation process is easier than windows, as is installing new programs. It also comes with tons of programs preinstalled which saves time – and I’m not talking about crappy spyware and antivirus tools that Dell puts on computers. I’m running Suse 10.1, which you might want to try out too.

My good friends Austin and Matt were in town. Matt has recently moved to San Antonio (close enough) and Austin has moved to Florida somewhere to be a helicopter pilot with the Navy. I don’t get to see these guys a lot, so we spent a lot of time hanging out. Perhaps the best part about having out of towners in town is that they’re very proactive about getting people together. Every day this week my friends were doing something interesting.

One of the more fun things we did was go to Matt’s house and just hang out. What happened to just hanging out? No one ever calls anyone and says “Hey, want to come over and hang out?”. I mean… I might say that to girls, but it probably means “Hey, want to come over and hang out and also make out?”. Matt has a pool and a fire pit, so we had a good time swimming and making s’mores. I also got bitten by some crazy mutated breed of mosquitos that has left my legs covered in huge mosquito bites. Form a single file line, ladies… no pushing…

I went to a Roots / Blackalicious / Incredibuls concert last night. It was bad. I love The Roots, but hadn’t ever heard Blackalicious or the Incredibuls. I actually liked the Incredibuls the best, even though they’re some no name act. The Roots just sorta jammed, which was interesting for about twenty minutes. The vocals were way too quiet and the songs were done so differently that I couldn’t recognize them. I actually left early, as did Todd and Steve. It’s weird – I usually LOVE rap acts, but this was pretty bad. The ?uestlove drum solo was cool, though.

It’s bike week in Austin. This means that going anywhere downtown is extremely unpleasant because there are thousands of motorcycles driving around everywhere. The funny thing is that if it weren’t for the motorcycles, one would probably assume that it was a gay pride weekend or something. Everyone’s dressed in all leather gear.

If you’re a biker, please don’t kill me. Thanks.

Oh, and I slept through my police physical aptitude test. How dumb is that? I actually slept while the alarm clock went off for over an hour. To be fair I had gone to bed at 2am and had the alarm set for 5am. Where’s polyphasic when you need it? I e-mailed the deputy to reschedule but she advised me that I needed to submit a formal request for a reschedule in writing. How idiotic is that? There is absolutely no benefit to that process.

When I create Tynan Island (you’re all invited), there won’t be any retarded laws. Unless you count “no pants for hotties” a retarded law. But you probably don’t.

I’ve decided to streamline my shower process. Usually I go into the shower, stand under the hot water for 20-30 minutes while I rap or just stare into space. Finally I actually wash myself and get out. Because my whole shower / brush teeth / shave / etc. routine started taking so long, I would procrastinate and do it as late as possible. I have three bedroom house with an appropriately sized water heater, but even though I live alone I would often use all the hot water. I would actually crank the tempurature up so that each shower would need less hot water per minute, giving me even longer showers.

So for one week I decided to try taking showers as quickly as I could. As soon as I get in I begin washing, and when I’m done washing I get out immediately. I even brush my teeth while I wait for the water to heat up. Now I don’t procrastinate because I know that I will be in and out of the shower in under ten minutes.

Steve moved into a really cool place in downtown Austin. The best part about his condo isn’t the 6 burner Wolf stove, the bamboo floors, or the two balconies looking over the city. It’s the laundry machines in the closet. What a good idea! My laundry room is off of my Kitchen, which is absolutely idiotic because the kitchen towels and cloth napkins rarely get washed. Why should I have to walk all the way to the other end of my house just to wash clothes? It makes no sense at all.

Anyway… that’s what’s on my mind this week. Time to go to work!






6 responses to “A Busy Week”

  1. Nick Hance Avatar
    Nick Hance

    It’s good to hear things are going well for you man.

  2. Kristen Avatar

    Actually, I believe there is a simultanious gay pride parade some time this weekend… Seems like the worst weekend of the year to have it, but you know, I’m sure the bondage shops are reeping the benefits.

  3. Ryan Avatar

    I assume you’ve heard the Jay-Z Unplugged album. ?uestlove’s work is increible on that record. Seamless translation from electronic to trap set.

  4. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    My washer and drier are in the garage, that is a separate building from the house. 🙁

  5. Alcibiades Avatar

    We really do need our own island, with no silly laws holding back productivity.

    Carlos Lehder owned Norman’s Cay, which included 100 homes, an airstrip, a yacht club, etc. etc. He made over a billion in cocaine sales flown in by the ton from the island to the states.
    Beats Project Ibiza 😉

  6. Austin Avatar

    I moved out to San Diego. If I were moving to Florida (again), I might actually murder someone.

    I know you’ve never been to southern california, so you’ll just have to trust me that it’s totally sweet; I’ll send you a postcard. You gotta visit sometime.

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