Too Busy to Post Right Now

Sorry… I was really trying to do it every day. I had a good story for today, but I don’t have the time to do it justice, so I’m going to delay it. Some quick points of interest :

I may be getting a “real” job. Not the kind of job boring peons get, but a really interesting one. We still have to work out the details, so I’ll write more if it happens.

I got pulled over today for not putting my headlights on. Oops. I didn’ thave my insurance card, so I got a ticket for that. It was actually expired, but they gave me a new policy card anyway for some reason, so I can mail that in and get out of the ticket. The best part? My car is super illegal at the moment. My registration and inspection are not only expired but not in my name. I never bothered to switch it over because I like my cali plates. This is the third time I’ve been pulled over in a year and they’ve never ticketed me for it. The last two times they noticed and had mercy on me.

Adjusting to normal sleep is weird. I feel like I don’t have nearly enough time now. I still have tons of stuff I want to do tonight and won’t. Also I’m sleeping 7 hours or so, so I’d say there’s an excellent chance I’m going back to polyphasic in a couple weeks.

I’m reading the book Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. It’s an incredibly fascinating book that I’m learning a lot from. It’s told mainly in the form of anecdotes, which make the most interesting type of reading. I’ll probably write more about it when I’m finished.

Ok, that’s it for now. Expect a mind blowing entry tomorrow.






3 responses to “Too Busy to Post Right Now”

  1. Michael Avatar

    I bought the book Blink this summer!
    It’s definetely an amazing book.. =) Really insightful..

  2. Becca Avatar

    I was worried you might get a real job! Just think about it first and don’t make any rash decisions like I did.

    I got a real job after 7 years of doing my dream job. At first the real job was kinda fun. It felt odd to be doing something that normal people do and I enjoyed the novelty at first. I also liked hanging out with my normal coworkers and being a lookey-loo seeing how average people live their average lives. Now, I’m starting to get bored with the whole normal job thing and the average coworkers are seeming really dull.

    I want my old life back! But now I’ve gotten used to this paycheck thing. It’s nice and regular and it keeps getting bigger the longer I stay.

    What about your rapper plans? I don’t have much room left on my ipod but I’d find something to delete if you put out more tunes 🙂

  3. Steven Klassen Avatar
    Steven Klassen

    The book gets a little dry about 5/6 of the way through and then finishes strong. I actually picked up another book by Paul Eckman that he references a few times about lies.

    Decent read in general.

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