The new site design is here! Rejoice! It’s not totally done yet, but I think it’s fully functional. I put all the ads back in, and I think that they blend with the site design well enough to not be a pain. I personally use firefox with adblock so that I don’t have to see ads, so if they bug you – try that. I made the whole design myself including the html, css, and graphics. However, I stole the comments part from Fahlstad. He makes the best freely available wordpress templates, so check him out if you need one. I’ll be replacing most of his comments code with my own soon.
I’ve been staying up incredibly late, going into the office at night, and working at home as well. I like working when there are other people around, plus I have phone calls to make tomorrow, so I’m going to wake up earlier and get back in the habit of working when other people are.
Today Terri, the only female employee in the Austin office at the moment, came up to me as I was trying to fax something.
“Tynan… I heard a rumor about you.”
Oh crap, I thought. My brain scanned through every grey area I’ve ventured into. What did she know about? More importantly – what didn’t I want her to know? I couldn’t think of anything, which seemed scary.
“When you were in San Francisco… well…”
That narrowed down my problem. What happened in San Francisco? I tried to get onto the roof of a hotel. That’s hardly bad at all. Did I inadvertantly do something inappropriate that other people were talking about?
“I heard that girls were flocking to you left and right.”
Huh? I don’t think that actually happened. There were two random girls that I talked to while I was there. Does that count as flocking? Oh well – you can’t complain having rumors flying around the office like that. I guess it would help if there were some ladies around the office to hear them.
I’ve done two interviews this month (see how casually I say it? It makes it sound like I ALWAYS do interviews). One was with Men’s Health UK and the other is for a seduction blog. I’ll post links / text when they’re published.
Hmm. I think I need to find a girlfriend.
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