
I recently began a quest to become a deputized police officer. I want to get a police badge so that I can enjoy whatever perks come along with it, but also I’m fascinated to find out more about the police. As part of the process of getting the badge I will have to undergo standard police training and will actually do some policework every month.

I’ve been jumping with excitement over this new discovery. I can’t wait to become a police officer. I mean, who wouldn’t want a police badge?

Most everyone.

A coworker, who is becoming an increasingly good friend, Doug, instantly shared my enthusiasm and began putting his mind to work on getting it too. What’s funny is that when I first started working at Smiley Media, I didn’t expect to become friends with Doug. He seemed the most standoffish and corporate. I couldn’t have been more wrong, in retrospect.

The two of us scheme all day at the office, in between bouts of getting actual work done, proclaiming the benefits of having our badges. But guess what? No one else wants to do it (actually Steve does, but he’s not quite as excited).

I don’t understand this. I’ve actually devoted at least half an hour of thought to this precise topic. How ANYONE could learn that it’s possible to get a police badge as a citizen and NOT go nuts trying to get it makes no sense at all to me.

I mean, half of these people don’t even ask what it takes to get the badge. Do they assume it’s hard? Do they just not care?

And it’s not just people at the office. No one seems interested in getting a badge. I’m not trying to sell it or anything, but I’m shocked at how few people want to do it.

Maybe I’m just not explaining it well enough or something, but people just don’t seem into it.

The same thing happened with gambling. When I first learned how to make money gambling online I excitedly told all of my friends. No one did it. I prodded further showing them my checks and even going so far as to get on their computer and do it for them.

I made one friend $200 in about 10 minutes. The check came a week later. He politely thanked me but said that he wasn’t interested in doing it anymore.

A few friends got onboard and made a bit of money, but they invariably quit. It just made no sense to me at all. One person who I made money for would rant behind my back about how I didn’t have to work for money.

Few people were interested in polyphasic sleep, and no one got onboard after I proved that it worked.

I’m the exact opposite. If I see ANY sort of opportunity or good idea, I tend to go crazy for it. Think of all the people who could have moved to LA instead of me. It’s not like I had any special connection to those guys. In fact, I’d met only one of them once. My drive to explore things I don’t know propelled me to LA.

I attribute a good deal of my happiness to my neverending quest for new skills, ideas, and experiences. If you feel like your life is missing something, maybe that is it.






14 responses to “Opportunities”

  1. Alcibiades Avatar

    So what does it take to get a badge then? And what can you do with such a badge? arrest folks? i.e., costs and benefits, let’s hear them…

  2. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    I am the same. Now Im fixated on the idea of pimping a Trabant, or Trabi (google it). Its the ugliest most shitty car ever made but!!!! I can pimp it to the sky. Noone belives me. Idiots. Now im gonna do it to prowe them wrong… I just need the money…dang.

  3. Dennis Pallett Avatar
    Dennis Pallett

    I agree with alcibiades, let’s hear what it takes. I must admit you’ve made me interested now.

  4. Jake Avatar

    You should also mention Ty, that at birth, your parents held you by the ankles and dipped you in Teflon.

  5. Isarian Avatar

    I’m intensely curious… although it may not be for me now, I’m interested to see what all goes into it. Let us know 🙂

  6. Nick Avatar

    okay. This is the coolest thing ever…. details??

  7. jlaix Avatar


  8. David Avatar

    Cough it up spill the beans…whats it take

  9. Catherine Avatar

    Heed the warning of the Engrish shirt I bought for my friend recently but decided to keep:


    I’m not quite sure what the asterisk is for so maybe you’re ok.

  10. name (required) Avatar
    name (required)

    Why would you want police powers? So you can abuse them? Or do you just dont want to pay your traffic violation tickets anymore? A police officer is really in complete control of the state. The only reason why they get so much (sometimes criminal) leeway is because the local justice arm treats everyone as one big family (gang) and if they really did their job right that wouldn’t of been a problem.

  11. Ira Avatar

    wow, you showed people how to make money from gambling online and they didn’t go for it??

    I’m really good at talking myself out of shit when no one is showing me how to do it, but if someone’s there to show me how, shit, man…

  12. Pentarix Avatar

    Not a fan of the cops. I already have a couple police officers in the family, they hate it and recommend another line of work. Part of it is all the BS you see and have to deal with.

    Ever see two cop cars beside each other with the drivers talking? A friend who’s a cop told me that when you see that, it’s two cops talking about getting out of the police business.

    As far as the deputized deal that you’re doing, I don’t think it’s possible where I live up here in Northland. But that being said, I think it’s great that you’re trying something that interests you, please keep us informed of exactly how it goes! We want deets man!

  13. Statcat Avatar

    So theres a guaranteed way of making money gambling online, and the whole world -doesn’t- know about it? Or was this the thing where you used to be able to cash out big sign-up bonuses by playing the required stakes through on Roulette, putting equal amount of chips on each square?

    That’s what really intrigues me about this post, beacuse here in Manchester, UK, anyone with a police badge gets shot up.

  14. Statcat Avatar

    ^^ Sounds bitchy. Isn’t meant to. Like the blog muchly.

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