The Student Discount

I always help myself to the student discount when available. Sure, I don’t actually go to school, but I still have my UT ID, and I’d argue that I learn more on a regular basis than most college students. Before today I’d never had any problem using my ID.

I’m sitting at a poker table at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut. I haven’t played in a while, and it’s good to be back. I step away from the table to answer my phone. It’s my mom and she wants to know where I am. I’m at the casino. She insists that I’m flying back to Austin at 7:30am the next morning. No, I was flying out on Sunday and planned on spending Saturday with the family. She checks, and she’s actually right – my flight leaves in only seven hours.

We pile into the car and begin the two hour journey back to my grandparents’ house where I’m staying. That gives me about 5 hours to sleep, pack, and leave the house.

I wake up bleary eyed and contemplate the parking situation at my new place. It’s random, but I’ve only gotten a few hours of sleep during the past two nights. The night before I stayed up late watching the midnight showing of that pirate movie (instant review = 0 stars. Don’t see it.) and then woke up early to go to the casino. Still delirious, with my mind out of my direct control I stumble out of bed and begin packing.

I pass the time on the flight playing scrabble with my sister and mother and by watching a documentary on the Concorde. It’s fascinating. A several years ago I found a great loophole to ride the Concorde for only $1000, but I couldn’t get anyone to go with me. Now I wish I went alone.

The plane finally lands in Austin and I dash for the downtown shuttle. There’s a bus that runs from the airport to downtown every forty minutes, the next one leaving five minutes after my plane lands. The bus costs fifty cents, but only twenty five if you’re a student. Obviously saving a quarter isn’t a big deal, but I might as well. My sister had given me a quarter for it on the plane.

I step onto the bus and deposit my quarter nonchalantly.

“I’ll need to see some ID.”

Really? It’s a quarter. It’s not worth your time.


I hand my somewhat faded student ID, with the picture taken a full seven years ago, to the driver.

“Is this expired?”

My mind races. There’s no expiration date on it. I still look basically the same. Is there a new design?


I don’t really like lying.

“Well, then why would you possibly try to use it?”

I glance around the bus. There are only a few people on it, but they’re all watching the drama unfold. I consider launching into a tirade on the benefits of going to school, the proper definition of a student, and the importance of learning throughout one’s life. I sense that he probably wouldn’t buy it, so instead I sheepishly explain that I thought I could still use it. I instantly wish that I had chosen to deliver the tirade – now I just feel like an idiot.

Struggling to come up with an analogy, he says it’s like trying to get money with an expired bank card. My natural inclination to argue surfaces and I point out how ridiculous that is. Our whole conversation is ridiculous. It’s over a quarter, and it’s obvious I’m going to have to pay another one.

“Ok… look… I’ll just pay the full fare. It’s fine.”

He continues to argue with me as I pat my pockets. Uh oh. I have no more quarters. I reluctantly reach to my back pocket.

When I was in Boston someone paid me who owed me some money. For whatever reason he only pays cash, so I have a thick bundle of twenties and hundreds in my back pocket. The hundreds are on the outside, making it look like even more than it is. I try to feel the bundle to pull out the smallest bill, but I can’t tell where the middle is.

I pull out the wad of bills and flip through it to find a one.

He looks at me with more contempt than I’ve ever experienced. Yeah, the rich kid is trying to rip off the city by a quarter when he has thousands in his pocket.






12 responses to “The Student Discount”

  1. Sir Turj Avatar
    Sir Turj

    Even if there was a new design for the ID, it could still just be an “honest” mistake that you grabbed your old one in a rush. It’s not like he was going to call the school to verify. It’s tough to think in the moment, though, which is why it’s helpful to rehearse your response to any potential objections before lying.

    Did the documentary on the Concorde have the decency to not show the flaming jet on it’s doomed voyage? I mean, it’s being shown on a plane afterall.

  2. Ira Avatar

    perhaps if they provided something like a real service, the full fare would be worthwhile. as it is, since you can’t get anywhere in 2 hours that it would take 20 minutes to drive, I’d say don’t pay ’em.

  3. David Mc Avatar
    David Mc

    So they didn’t change the design, but they added these crazy id scanners in all of the capitol metro buses that supposedly have a list of the current valid id numbers. If you wanted to keep using the id on the buses, your best bet would be to demagnetize it.

  4. dom Avatar

    Damn, $0.50 for the bus, it’s $1.75 in Portland and they are talking about raising it again.

  5. Kelsey Avatar

    my first mention!! you couldve atleast used my name and a link to my myspace…just a thought dearest brother

  6. Hu_Hefner Avatar

    Maybe when he asked if it was expired, he was actually referring to his own hand, and not your card in his hand, so the correct answer could have been “I don’t know”. The 2nd rule to live by in this world is “you don’t know”. Try using this type of logic in your daily life, and see if problems like this disappear after a short while.

  7. frodo baggins Avatar
    frodo baggins

    Hey, I always have little problems that get turned into something much larger and more embarassing than they should. It’s comforting to know that these sort of things happen to cool people, too.

    But I think if I were you when he asked why you would try to use your expired ID, my first response would’ve been “Because I can usually save more than 25 cents” but he probably wouldn’t have liked that either…anyway, at least now it’s behind you and you can laugh about it. Funny story.

  8. luff Avatar

    I found this blog like 2 days ago through ASF and I cannot stop reading… this is my new favorite site. Awesome job, keep it up!

  9. Hunter Avatar

    Foxwoods, nice. I just blogged about my trip to Foxwoods a couple weeks ago.

  10. Chip Avatar

    Talk about winning the battle but losing the war. Guess the bus driver can sleep well knowing he made the city an extra $.25

  11. auridicyl Avatar

    I wonder if he realizes that the diesel the bus burned while he was having his argument with you cost the city more than the $.25 you would have cost?

  12. John Avatar

    I’m from Austin, and what I’ve noticed is that it’s better to have the ID out while you are paying your quarter. That way you can just kind of flash it, and it’s no big deal to the bus driver–he won’t ask you whether or not it’s expired because he won’t think you’re trying to hide something from him.

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