I Wrote a Pickup Book!

Note: If you’re new to this site and don’t know about my history as a professional pickup artist, read this story first.

Ahoy! One of the reasons I haven’t been posting here like crazy since getting fired is that I’ve been working day and night on my new book about pickup, called Make Her Chase You. I literally work non stop until I am too hungry or tired to function, then I take a nap or eat and start again. In fact, I’ve probably been working harder recently than I ever have. It’s been fun and I am super proud of the result!

I haven’t officially launched the book yet because I’m waiting on a better payment processor. Right now it goes through paypal, which adds extra steps and is confusing to people (because it looks like you need paypal to buy it, even though you don’t). Anyway… I figure that anyone reading my site is probably smart enough to deal with the extra steps, so I’m announcing it here.

If you go to the website You’ll see that it’s super long and somewhat tacky ad copy. Unfortunately, that’s the only way to market effectively to the masses. If you don’t feel like reading it, here’s the executive summary of the book :

It’s a complete guide to becoming the most attractive person you can possibly be. I’ve tried to analyze everything I do that’s attractive to girls, including stuff I learned from master PUAs and on my own, and put it into writing using fun stories as examples. I’ve written it in the casual style I write posts here (although much better edited), and have had a dozen people read it and give me feedback which was then incorporated. A dozen people or so have bought it since I announced it early on my forums, and everyone has been absolutely raving about it (even top pickup artists). In a nutshell, it’s the book that I wish I could have read when I got into pickup.

There’s also a deluxe version (which you get offered once you click the “Yes I want to download…” button at the bottom). The deluxe version comes with a 70 minute MP3 of me picking up two girls with a friend. I pause the pickup every 30 seconds – 2 minutes or so and narrate what’s going on and why I’m saying what I’m saying. I think this gives a really great look into how pickup should actually go down. It’s mostly outside, so it’s very easy to hear me clearly.

There’s a 100 day money back guarantee. You guys know I’m pretty responsive so if you buy it and it’s not for you, just send me an e-mail through the contact link on this site and I’ll give you a refund with no problems.

Get it at MakeHerChaseYou.com

(Oh, and if anyone does read the whole web site, I’d be really interested in knowing which parts were compelling and which weren’t. I have lot to learn about copy writing.)






22 responses to “I Wrote a Pickup Book!”

  1. Donovan Avatar


  2. Magnus Avatar

    You really should mention that you are Herbal from The Game at the top of that sales page…

  3. chrisp Avatar

    I really wish I had the extra money right now, I’ll eventually get around to making the purchase though.

  4. David Avatar

    I have the extra money (sorta) but I just have to find a credit card to make the purchase.

  5. Donovan Avatar

    You should have mentioned that you stole the “Worlds Greatest Pickup Artists” girlfriend TWICE

  6. Streetwise keeb Avatar
    Streetwise keeb

    Yo man, just got finished reading the whole page (yeah Im driven, or bored, you decide)

    The things I like about it: I like you mentioning how successful you had been and where you had been before. I like the three choice part. I like the little teasers of stuff you have in the book (well written and tantalyzing)

    What I dont really care for: The testmonials seemed a little dry. I mean, they did there job but not spectacularly, you know? Also I dont think you need to really bash any other gurus (even the fake ones). Their reputations will speak for them and yours will speak for you. Lastly it seemed wierd that you hung on to that one example of the model that you took from her b/f (where is that entry, anyway? Lol). You mention all these other examples but you seem to focus to much on that one time. I know better but if I didnt I would believe that that was one rare occurance instead of the everyday thing it probabally is. “Win like it happens to often and lose like its a good change of pace.”

    Other than that good job, I hope to be checking it out soon.

  7. Tynan Avatar

    Shh…. 🙂

  8. Tynan Avatar

    Thanks man…. I will definitely take into consideration your points.

  9. kota Avatar

    Hi Tynan,
    I don’t like the paragraph about other pickup eBooks; It’s true there’s crap out there, but you can get good material (don’t forget the classics here). Instead I’d clarify what your book adds to the subject (I’m sure it does).
    Anyway I’m afraid I won’t give it a try; It seems absolute AFC-oriented and I’d like to improve my game, which isn’t that bad. Also it’s a bit expensive for me (I’m not american), and I don’t want to con you with the 1$ trick; I’ve read your blog for a long time and you’ve gained my respect.
    Thanks and keep up the good work!

  10. Tynan Avatar

    A few people have now specifically mentioned that paragraph, so I will revise or remove it. I wasn’t referring to the great books by people like Mystery, of course, but I guess that isn’t clear. Thanks a lot for the comments and for reading my blog!


  11. Eric Avatar

    the “read it for a dollar for 7 days” does not actually seem to exist. Or atleast I can’t seem to get to it. The link takes me to the ‘normal’ checkout screen.

  12. Tynan Avatar

    When did you last try? It should work now. There was a problem ealrier with it.


  13. Nick Hance Avatar
    Nick Hance

    It looks like the server is down? Welcome to dreamhost reliability!

    (I’ve got my own dedicated server now if you want to move to a cheaper more reliable host for these projects.. Shoot me an email)

  14. mthorn Avatar

    Use Google Checkout instead of Paypal.

  15. Alex Shalman Avatar
    Alex Shalman

    Congratulations Tynan,

    You are very ambitious and have come up with a great way to help the other guys and make money at the same time. Everybody likes a win-win. I personally couldn’t stomach reading that whole page for you but I looked through the highlights.

    Anyways, I wanted to ask you to update Best of the land, i have been waiting for entries.

    AS – http://www.alexshalman.com

  16. Ben Avatar

    Aight mate.

    The first thing I’d say is that it reads much like every other fucking crappy pickup book / make money fast / be awesome eBook advert out on the internet or over on eBay. This is probably fine, because you’ve done a very effective job at what I feel are some key things, as I’ll explain below, and after all, there’s a reason they’re all like that, and that’s that it works. However, I, personally, would be more attracted to something a little bit more distinctive and individual, to make it stick in my memory a little more, to make me think next time I get rejected “hey, there was that awesome looking eBook online that I should get”. Video clips of a pickup? Sample pages? I don’t know what to suggest to be honest, I’ll think about it as I have way too much free time.

    Something that sticks in my mind, and I can’t remember where I found it, was a video of Style, pre transformation, doing fucking geeky standup, and being lame, ugly, and terrible all at once. That really stuck in my head.

    Here are my comments. Good and bad mixed in together.

    1) You’ve targeted, almost verbatim, exactly the kind of people who will stumble across this and decide to buy. “Computer Geeks”. “Too shy”. “Buying a lottery ticket”. Brilliant. Not only have you built a rapport with them quite early in the piece, but by suggesting that you’ve gone from being one of them to being the PUA that you are, be it true or not, you’ve got their attention immediately.

    2) Ramble Ramble Ramble. It seems a bit long. However, the way you break it up, use attention grabbing headlines and highlight key points counterbalances this.

    3) Testimonials. More people with less to say would be ideal, in my opinion. Just three long winded testimonials gives the impression that you’ve got some friends to write some stuff and passed it off as “Look what ‘everyone’ is saying”. The juxtaposition between the bullet pointed testimonials and the prose ones, and also the fact that the last two testimonials have names and locations, but the first doesn’t, is jarring. The first one seems to be in a totally different style to the other two. If it’s a book review by someone legit, frame it as such. If it’s not, frame it the same way as the other two testimonials.

    I’m not quite sure about the mugshots either. The first guy looks about 14 and a bit comical, the second guy is fine, he looks like a real bruiser, and the third guy… the photo is terrible. Perhaps this is the point. Perhaps you’re trying to say “these guys aren’t really, really attractive, but they can now get women thanks to the book”, but for me the mugshots kind of broke my concentration.

    Also go over the testimonials and correct their punctuation, grammar, syntax, capitalization etc.

    3) I Will NOT Teach You How to Manipulate Women. This is a good section.

    4) The money back guarantees sound almost too good to be true, but I can’t really think of any way of making them sound as legit as they are. This shouldn’t really be an issue.

    5) I thought it was hilarious when I signed up for the free bootcamp, because your page started calling me Scarfo. I can’t decide whether it would be an awesome or rubbish name to use as a PUA, but anything is better than Ben.

    So yeah, I think it’s really good in all. Congratulations and all that. Just fix the testimonials, so they meet the standard set by the rest of the page, and we’re rockin’.

  17. Tynan Avatar

    Thanks Ben. I’m using real testimonials that people wrote. Once I get more I’ll shorten them all and put more on there. I’ve only really been selling the book for a few days now, though.

    It does read like your standard ad for this sort of thing. Obviously that’s not my natural style, but it has been proven to work time and time again.

    I’ll see if I can come up with something that makes it stand out more. I think that’s a great piece of advice.



  18. Motown Avatar

    As recompense for enjoying your sites free of charge (!) I’m going to offer a few business/marketing suggestions:

    1. Think less about having a “makeherchaseyou” website selling things, and more in terms of building a “makeherchaseyou” brand, as a platform from which to sell your goods and services from. That name is just perfect, by the way.
    2. Create a sexy looking simple corporate logo, maybe a stick man being chased by several stick women, to use as an accent on all your pages and products. The stick man could even wear a sideways baseball hat if you must! The point of the logo is to raise the quality of business image you project, a certain corporate consistency for people to feel comfortable dealing with. Keep it 2D and 2 colour…all the best logos are.
    3. Don’t make it difficult for the customer to commit by hiding the button at the end of War & Peace. More buttons, or less text, or an ever present scrolling sidebar button with branding.
    4. Funnel the right person to the right product…don’t lead them to a page for an ebook, then immediately try and escalate them into a bootcamp, they may assume everything on the page is too expensive for them, and quit. Have a homepage and lead them to choose the product they want from the menu there, then go into information about that specific product on the relevant page. This may naturally make them more invested in the exercise and may therefore increase your conversion rate.
    5. Consider graphics rather than text. I know you have a rationale of following the industry benchmark, and maybe you should stick to that concept first as the proven play, being that you will have invested money in this. But if it doesn’t take off, consider covering the entire monitor screen with graphics that instantly convey what your goods/services will do for the customer. No need for them to scroll down or be persuaded. I’d build on the idea of the “being chased” dynamic you show in your header photo. It should scream “want to go from THIS to THIS? Then try THIS!”. In sales in particular, a picture tells a thousand words…so consider showing them, not telling them. The detail can come later in the site, once you have already sucked them in. Maybe construct a parralel site selling the same thing in a different style, as an experiment.

    My businesses are not in the PU industry so maybe my perspective doesn’t translate, but I hope there is something useful there for you.



  19. Smack Avatar

    The above comments are all excellent, which in itself says something FOR your site so far. I think we like your writing style and your charisma and authenticity transmit well enough that the comments are right on target.

    Currently the first ‘download trial’ button isn’t working in Firefox Yeah, that’s not a whole lot of ‘help’, but its something concrete.

    On the marketing thing, I’m definitely no expert, but it seems to me that your download-for-free (then pay later if happy and/or don’t cancel payment) model might not be the most profitable, near or long term. Its generous, and follows the idea of ‘free at first, for publicity’, but seems a little risky in eBook form. Or maybe its not that. It just seems a little off somehow.

    Perhaps giving a chapter or two ‘on trial’, with the rest either unlockable with purchase, or downloadable in installments? I don’t know what the fashionable eBook business model is these days, but I’m sure you can do better than the average eBook.

    Good luck with your book and keep up the great blog. It makes great reading.


  20. Tynan Avatar


    Thanks a lot… it was a really stupid mistake.

    I think that the free trial will be really profitable long term. There will be a few scammers, but I really do believe that the book is going to help everyone who reads it, and I’m happy to prove it before they have to pay.

    Thanks a lot for reading and for finding that error!


  21. The Reel Deal Avatar
    The Reel Deal

    How much is $99 in food stamps?

  22. Name-type thing: Avatar
    Name-type thing:

    I have two points to make. First, though the read is lengthy and likely to draw attention to people likely to search for that type of literature (like me, for example), there is very little in the way of concrete proof in the essay. The testimonials tend to say things like they enjoyed the book, but they never seem to say how they’ve improved with the ladies after having read it. You may try encouraging people submitting testimonials to include a personal story of an incident in which your advice was helpful, which should show that the text isn’t just self-promotion.
    Second, I was wondering if the book is available in hard copy through a bookstore anywhere? I’m not personally a fan of ebooks, and no matter how helpful the information may be some people, like I, may not be willing to purchase it only over the internet; there’s no sense of property when all one owns are a few electric impulses, sort of thing…

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