The Great Brain

Right now I’m sitting at Casa De Luz waiting for my friend to get here. I’m using a cool wireless card from Sprint, which is my main internet connection now. For those of you who are nerds, I downloaded at 160k/sec while driving in my car. Pretty wild.

Anyway, sorry for not writing frequently lately. I’ve been a little burnt out I guess. Today I did something a bit different and I recorded myself reading the first chapter of the best kids book in the land. As I mention in the recording, this book is pretty much responsible for me being who I am. If you want to ensure that your kids don’t come out like me, definitely don’t let them read this book.

You can listen to the first chapter here or buy it at Amazon.

There’s actually a whole series. I think that the chapter I read is one of the less interesting ones, but I chose it because it’s first and I’m one of those people who hates spoilers of any kind.






3 responses to “The Great Brain”

  1. stephanie Avatar

    i LOVED these books as a child!

    i was homeschooled, pretty sheltered, a few years ahead in school, and not allowed to watch tv… needless to say, a significant percentage of my free time was spent reading.

    fortunately, i loved to read, so this wasn’t a problem. when i was around six or seven, i realized that seeing as my mother was about to have her third kid (we ended up with five), most of my toys (including my books) were destined for the hand-me-down pile.

    so, i made a box of books that i wanted to keep. i just went down to my garage and the great brain and the great brain is back were in there…

    i love it.
    these books are forty years old and they still make me want to live life awesome.

  2. Ben Avatar

    Have never even heard of this. I might check them out next time I’m short of something to read.

  3. Chris Hynes Avatar
    Chris Hynes

    I had a pretty similar experience to Stephanie — homeschooled and sheltered. Somehow I ran across these books at the library, and just couldn’t put them down. The antics are great and the writing is pretty solid IIRC.

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