If I Were President

Just for fun, here are all of my political views. I’m not super into politics at all – in fact before Bush started screwing everything up, I had zero interest in them. I definitely haven’t done enough research to have definitive stances on most of these things, so take them with a grain of salt.


This is the one I care about the most. Our tax system is extremely screwed up. Did you know that we’re one of only TWO countries in the world who tax their citizens if they don’t live in the country or make money in the country? If I spend a year traveling the world, making money online, I STILL have to pay taxes in the US (there’s a partial exemption that it’s possible to qualify for).

We should really get rid of the income tax and move to a national flat sales tax. Americans spend WAY too much money. If there was a higher sales tax, but no income tax, people would be encouraged to save money. This would lighten the load on social security, welfare, and other handouts.

The sales tax would also be nice because Americans would have to pay significantly LESS money each. The operations of the IRS takes up a non-negligible part of your taxes for one. Second, tourists (which we have TONS of) would pay a lot more in sales tax. Win-win-win.

Overall I’m in favor of major government cuts as well, which would further lower taxes.


Definitely in favor of abortion. Let’s say I’m going to have 2 kids in my lifetime. If I have two now, when I’m not at all prepared to have them, they’ll probably have a worse life than if I have them later when I’m ready for kids. If I’m going to add two humans to our population count, I want them to have the best life possible.

Foreign Policy

Leave people alone. I don’t know NEARLY enough about Iraq to have a valid opinion on it, but it really doesn’t seem like it’s any of our business to be there. It has been pretty obvious from the start that 9/11 had nothing to do with Saddam, and basically everyone knows it. Overseas we are seen (because we ARE) a huge bully who throws their weight around to get our way.

9/11 was a tiny little BLIP on the radar screen. So few people died in comparison to say… drunk driving accidents that year, that we should just move on with our lives. As Ron Paul says, they’re pissed at us because we’re over there in their business.

I’m not a dove, though. If a country threatens or attacks the US, I’m all about sending the boys in to take care of business.

Women’s Suffrage

Strongly against.


I think pretty much everything should be Privatized. People love to go on about how evil corporations are. How GOOD is the government? It is WAY more corrupt and has way less oversight than the average large company.


I’d like to see every budget cut except for education. Double it. The only way to ensure our country’s long term success is to make sure that we have the smartest and most able citizens anywhere. As is, we are huge idiots. Next time you’re out of the country, ask people what they think about Americans.

I’d like to see a wider range of subjects taught. Why our our kids not learning Chinese? Nothing about personal finance, social skills, or diet? Is chemistry REALLY more important than any of those?

The whole system probably needs to be restructured. School should be a place that MOST kids like to go because they can learn and work on personal projects. As is, it is basically daycare (if you look into this, you’ll find that it actually started because people didn’t know what to do with their kids all day).

I’d even like to see school be free through college. This is probably surprising since I’m pretty libertarian and hate college. We have a large pool of people in the country, and I’d like to make sure that those with the most drive and natural talent make it to the top and further the country’s goals.

Health Care

I think our system’s fine. I have a huge rant about this in the forums (scroll down a little ways).

The best way to improve our system is through education. Regulating what foods people can and can’t eat is oppressive and encourages people to eat the next worst thing on the menu. If children learn from the beginning HOW the body processes food, what’s good to eat and why, and is eating healthy in school, and is physically active in school, more people will end up needing far less healthy care.

For 21 years of my life I ate as poorly as possible because I had no idea why it was important to eat healthy. To me it was a matter of “am I fat?”. I never was, so I ate McDonalds.

Leaving People Behind

This stance doesn’t fit neatly into a single category. A country isn’t defined by it’s slackers and drug addled losers. It’s defined by the people who excel and contribute. I want the system to accelerate the progress of people who are motivated and smart, and leave people alone who aren’t.

For example, high school classes are dumbed down for people who aren’t doing the work or who can’t get it. That’s ridiculous. Don’t want to get with the program? Fine… you’re going to fail and you won’t get your high school diploma. At the same time, some people are more independent and need to learn in different ways. If someone wants to sit at a computer all day and teach himself how to program video games, that’s fine too.


I would legalize prostitution, gambling, and drugs. Prostitution and drugs would have high taxes, like everything else. If someone wants to do crack and buy a girlfriend, that’s fine with me. I think it’s stupid, but it’s not the government’s place to protect people from themselves. In fact, I’m in favor of stupid people killing themselves through poor choices and getting out of the gene pool. We need to focus on long term – what will make the US the best place to live and work and contribute to the world?

Legalizing these three things would take a HUGE burden off of police.

Oh, and I would also broaden our gun laws so that anyone can have a gun and carry it however they please. If you have any sort of criminal record (for a crime WITH a victim), you can’t have a gun.

The Environment

This is a tough one. On one side I think it’s dangerous to have the government start making moral calls. On the other, I find public parks to be extremely beneficial. Would we totally screw over the environment without legislation? Possibly.

State’s Rights

Let’s put more power in the hands of the states. Why not have them compete for our residence? Is Delaware awesome at handling education? If people are leaving Chicago for Delaware because their kids will come out smarter, Chicago will improve their education system. OR maybe they’ll say “oh yeah? We have the best job opportunities because we have super low corporate taxes. Send your kids here after they graduate”. Specialization could be good.

The corrupt states with high overhead would see people leaving and would have to shape up FAST.

This would also help us test new things. Maybe Oregon ups the speed limit to 100mph and finds that there are fewer wrecks and more people come through and spend money at gas stations. Then other states could copy. When the WHOLE US is used to test we lose perspective, and it’s also harder.






22 responses to “If I Were President”

  1. Dova Avatar

    laughed so hard at woman’s suffrage. probably cause i saw you saying it when i read it. completely you.

  2. Manson Avatar

    100% agree with you on taxes. Eliminate income tax and make a flat sales tax on everything we buy. This means getting rid of the IRA.

    Love your blog, because it isn’t focused on seduction/pickup guru hero worship.

  3. Dispel Avatar

    yo Tynan,
    some cool shit on here, bro, just one small piece of advise about a hitch most bloggers hit at the beginning – when posting a link you need to put “http://” in front of the URL. In you post “How to attract women” the “click me” link does not work because you didn’t put the “http://” part in. The URL then gets resolved onto the parent site, ie clicking the link attempts to go to “http://www.tynan.net/www.makeherchaseyou.com

    which of course does not exist.

    peace out, bro

  4. m00j Avatar

    Wow I think I agree with you on all points except the gun laws. The gun laws I disagree on primarily because an idiot can easily kill someone else by misusing a gun and I don’t see any need for most people to carry one around. Granted I live in Australia where our gun laws are pretty strict.

    One thing I would add to that list, put some limits on liability issues. Stupid people should not be able to sue others for their own mistakes.

  5. Tynan Avatar

    Dispel : Thanks… didn’t catch that.


  6. Danny Avatar

    I agree with some of your views, especially that tax laws are ridiculous. But to make a very high, flat national sales tax is not a solution, it would just create more problems. It would lead to a decrease in consumer spending, therefore hurting the American economy. It would also increase the already extremely wide gap between the rich and the poor. Since everyone is paying the same tax rate, the poor would be affected much more because they have less money.
    And legalizing all drugs and removing gun laws is ridiculous and would cause the crime rate to skyrocket.

  7. Will Avatar

    Women’s Suffrage — Strongly against.

    You got it half right. We should end everyone’s suffrage.

  8. Will Avatar

    BTW, your blockquote doesn’t fully work — I included ‘cite=”Tynan”‘ but it didn’t do anything with it.

  9. Matt Avatar

    Great post, I hands down agree with everything here.

    Danny, there may be much less incentive to be poor under Tynan’s scheme. A lot of people are poor simply because they know that the state will support them… So they become apathetic about taking control of their finances. Under this scheme, their family would need to support them if they’re too poor to support themselves, leading to them working harder to get out of their rut, rather than being complacent. Of course, if there was a fast switch to Tynan’s suggested scheme, there would be a lot of problems, however a gradual shift and things may very well work out better for everybody.

    The gun laws thing is a bit tricky, though. I kinda disagree.

  10. Otter Avatar


    Love your blog, but I must respectfully disagree on a number of points (especially since nobody else seems to be doing so).

    Foreign Policy: One of the most poorly understood areas of American politics. Given the polarizing nature of this subject, I will say that it is a bit more complicated than “I’ll leave you alone if you leave me alone” and end there.

    Privatization: I agree, generally a good thing, as is smaller/less government. Though there are practical limits. Should we privatize the police? The fire dept? The military? While private enterprise has a phenomenal track record of squeezing out inefficiencies, some things are too important to be left up to private business, especially given the corrupting power of profit motives.

    Education: Could be better funded, I’ll agree. However, one of the biggest problems with public education is the monopoly that the teachers union has over the public school system. Throw all the money you want at it, but until you borrow a few things from private enterprise, such as competition among schools and performance based compensation for teachers, you will still have many of the same problems. Note: I am not advocating the privatization of schools in general.

    Health Care: Though I think you’re coming at this from a slightly different angle, I would say watch Michael Moore’s “Sicko.” Might turn you around a bit on the idea of privatization and open your eyes to the shortcomings of our health care system.

    The Environment: Would we screw over the environment without legislation? DEFINITELY! There are plenty of examples in our own country, but to take one outside, look at China right now and the environmental problems they are having with industry running unchecked by environmental regulations. Furthermore, the environment is not a moral issue but an economic one. If the polar ice caps melt and sea levels rise 20 ft or so, that puts much of NYC underwater, as well as Shanghai and some of the world’s most populous cities. Never mind the economic losses of flooding some of the most valuable real estate in the world, think about the economic devastation of 100 million refugees. As bad as Katrina was, this would be many orders of magnitude worse.

    Sorry this ran so long, but kudos to anyone who stuck it out and read through my entire rant.


  11. Matt Avatar

    I would just like to add, the problems with education are not related to funding. I would like state-supported College, though.

    There also seems to be a lot of misconceptions with gun control. Any place where guns are available, everyone needs to have the same access to them (except criminals and the mentally ill). Look at places like Sweden and “Gun Town USA” (Kennesaw, GA) for examples of safe gun-friendly societies. Most big massacres that have occurred in the US have happened in “gun-free” zones.

  12. Lani Avatar


    Loved your libertarian post, EXCEPT,
    “sufferage” means to allow to vote.

    So if you’re against “woman’s sufferage” you are against the right of women to vote? Sounds odd to mer after what else you post says.



    1. The right or privilege of voting; franchise.
    2. The exercise of such a right.
    2. A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office.
    3. A short intercessory prayer.

  13. Will Avatar


    Yes, I’m pretty sure Tynan realizes that.

  14. Matt Avatar


    Great post, EXCEPT,
    “Higuy” needs a space in there somewhere

  15. Chinese Avatar

    Hi, concerning learning Chinese I 100% agree with you!

  16. Magnus Avatar

    Guns, no.

  17. Statcat Avatar

    I disagree with pretty much everything you say, for once. You’re right about education, though, but your healthcare point is moot.

  18. Par Avatar

    Being from a country that differs a lot from the US in almost everything I can’t really relate to many of this issues.

    Just a few notes:

    Foreign policy: If someone gets fucked up over and over again they will eventually explode. It happened when the USA was formed, throwing out the English. It happened/happens in Africa when old colonies are being liberated. And it happens now in Iraq, Afghanistan etcetera. There is a reason why they are mad at the UK and the USA. They have nothing against the American Way of Life or any of that bullshit. The thing is that we in the west have over and over fucked them up and stole their resources (in this case mostly gas).

    If a fraction of the money spent by the EU and the US in controlling this region with arms had been spent investigation in this region again we would not have had this war.

    Regarding the gun-thing, that I can’t even begin to understand, here are some photos from Liberia:

  19. Sir Turj Avatar
    Sir Turj

    Education: More money is not the solution.

    Proof: The USA already spends more on education per student than nearly every other country and yet look at our test scores compared to them. It’s something else that needs to be fixed. I don’t know what it is exactly. My only advice is that teachers should be supported more by the principal and parents. Every parent thinks their kid is a saint (the bad guy think he’s the hero of his own life story) and won’t side with the teacher.

  20. Chris Avatar

    I agree with you on a lot of things in fact almost everything. And agreeably with the Education there are problems but i don’t think throwing money at it carelessly would solve anything. In the end i think America does way to much of that to begin with. After all look at the billions spent on bail outs lately, and yet those same company’s end up in debt soon after. There was a reason they got into trouble if a company cant sustain itself it fails, that is how a free economy is supposed to work but our government doesn’t seem to get that. I personally think the reason the schools fail is because slowly America in general at least has indeed slowly become stupid in general and many people out there want a free hand out in life and don’t want to actually work for the knowledge to get them somewhere in life. However i must agree on the rest of the topics you did flawlessly. However un-likely it is that you would run i would easily give you my vote for president over any of the disasters we have had to pick from in the last few decades.

  21. Andrew Avatar

    I don’t like the current tax system either, but replacing it with a national sales tax is not the answer. Lower income earners spend the majority of their income on consumables, which would be taxable under your system. Higher earners, who save more, would not be taxed on the money they’re not spending. Lower income earners would have most of their income exposed to taxes, while higher income earners would not.

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