Ok, not really. BUT… there’s a big article about me in the Austin newspaper, the Austin American Statesman. I’m on the front of the XLent section, which is the weekend entertainment section. If you’re not in Austin, you can read it here : XLent.

I did the interview last May but it kept getting pushed back. Finally I got a call from the art director from the Statesman asking when I could do a photo shoot. That was a couple weeks ago and today, Thursday, the article comes out.

If you FOUND my site because of the article, here are some of my best posts for you to read :

How I Became a Famous Pickup Artist
Breaking into the Tunnels under UT
Living with Courtney Love
What happens when you put a 3100 Gallon Swimming Pool in your Living Room?
Why I Don’t Drink
Exploring Airman’s Cave
How to Have an Interesting Life
Night Swimming
Quintessential Man
Trying to Pick Up Topanga (and Failed Miserably)
How to ALWAYS Be Happy
Buying and Converting a School Bus
How I Became a Pro Gambler

Enjoy… come see my friends and I at Tazeroke on Tuesdays at Shakespeare’s Pub on 6th.

Also, for my regular readers… I have a big post on how I totally overcame slacking and procrastination coming up soon!






10 responses to “I’m SO FAMOUS!”

  1. Donovan Avatar

    Great job Tynan! That was a long article with nothing but good things.

  2. Alex Shalman Avatar
    Alex Shalman

    I just finished reading the article. Pretty good press. I’m actually doing my own personal research on remaining friends with an ex. We’ll see if it’s possible =)

  3. SargeNation Avatar

    Congrats Man! That was a great article, and love the close up of the hat ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Ryan Avatar

    Congrats, Tynan!

    Very cool.

  5. Jeremy Avatar

    dear asshole. you are a fucking douchebag, and i wish i had the words to state it more clearly. you were once my customer, and while i found you somewhat annoying, i had no idea what a complete waste of human flesh you were til i read the XLent article. read some philosophy. please, do anything. if you hold yourself in such high regard, please do something to justify it. and stop coming in to my shop for oatscreme, because the next time i see you is gonna be the first time i ever puked on shift. women are human beings and you’re a fucking child. go fuck yourself.

  6. Evan Avatar

    i’m sorry i said i didn’t like your hat in print ๐Ÿ™

  7. Tiff Avatar

    You’re SO FAMOUS that you got banned from oatscreme ๐Ÿ˜›

  8. Rick Avatar


  9. Joshua Avatar

    Hey, Ty. Been a long time. Your oats announcement on MySpace reminded me to catch up on all thing, Ty.

    I read the article. I love every bit of it, except the part where you told the AFC to make up a story. That has come back to bite me in the past and I’ve always regretted it. You of all people are a shining example of… Live. Life. Awesome.

    If the AFC feels like he had to make something up then he’s not living life awesome and he deserves his AFC life. I think the karma gods deliver what we earn. He’s not earning it if he had to make up an interesting personal story.

    Ever think of becoming an Awesome Coach?


  10. Tynan Avatar

    Hey Josh,

    Great to hear from you… we’ll have to catch up before I head out.

    I didn’t tell him to make up a story. I told him to find one from his past, but he was really struggling with it.

    Finally he was like, “Can I just make one up?”

    I said, “Umm… I guess so, but you should really come up with some real ones for the future.”

    We were going out in just 15-30 minutes so it was a compromise. But I do agree… using fake stories is pretty lame.


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