Ok, so I changed my theme again. I kept that last one for a LONG time, but I got a little restless. I’m sad to say goodbye to the awesome cartoon that Kristen drew me, but I had to get this gangsta picture of me up here. I couldn’t resist.
I know that there are a few minor issues with the theme (like the fact that I haven’t tagged / assigned a category to any of my posts for the past year or so). I’ll probably go back and fix that and make it look pretty for you.
The REAL exciting news is that I’m going to be writing features for Gadling.com. Gadling is a travel blog, and I think it’s the most popular one on the net. I’ll be writing a story every week for them. It’s a cool site, so definitely check it out… my favorite posts are the ones by the pilot guy. Very interesting to see behind the scenes there.
It’s interesting that I’ve become a writer of sorts. I used to hate writing papers and usually just failed to do it when they were assigned to me. I don’t really consider myself a writer, though. I consider writing to be the necessary side effect of living a pretty cool life and wanting to keep other people in the loop.
Ok, time to get some sleep over here in the land of the rising sun. Thanks for reading!
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