Ok, serious question here: what would happen if I started habitually using the ladies’ room? I’m sitting at JFK airport right now, and I just went to the men’s bathroom. It’s filthy. I mean filthy filthy.
Some of the displays of filth are so bad that I can only assume people have never used toilets before. Everything is in the wrong place.
I don’t understand how it happens. Are these accidents? Do people enjoy displaying their work for the next guy?
The bottom line is that I NEVER contribute to the overall disgusting nature of bathrooms. Why should I have to deal with it every time I have to go to the bathroom in a public place? Until they segregate the mens’ bathrooms into “normal people” and “weirdo freaks who poop on the floor”, I am seriously considering switching to the womens’ bathroom.
I don’t have too much experience with womens’ bathrooms. A couple times I’ve gone in after hours or accidentally gone in the wrong door (actually, I don’t know that that’s happened, but I have somehow been in their bathrooms during the day before), and the bathrooms are unbelievable. They are sparkling clean and have couches! WOW!
I would totally duck into the bathroom if it meant that I could sit on the couch and hang out with some ladies in a pristine environment.
So, needless to say, I have the motivation and sense of entitlement to make the switch over to womens’ bathrooms. The question is : “are the ladies ready for me?”
I don’t really know. I don’t know if I could go in and everything would be normal, or if there would be shrieks, yells, and an angry group of hotties tazing me to death while coating me with pepper spray.
What do you guys think? Have you ever used the womens’ restroom? Ladies, what would you do if you found yourself washing hands next to a handsome young gentleman in a sequinned hat?
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