The other day in a moment of distraction I went onto YouTube and watched an old video of Mystery and me. I scrolled down to the comments, which I’m sure the authors never expect the subjects of the video to read.
There are, of course, tons of haters bashing all of us. In one clip we’re hanging out with Miss Toronto, and they call her a five and say they wouldn’t even talk to her. But that’s okay. I understand that being chronically single brings a certain level of frustration that can both lead to trying to learn pickup and also to venting on the internet.
There is also a lot of speculation about Project Hollywood, or more accurately, The Game. How much of it was real? How much of it was exaggerated? Since no one who actually lived there has come out and publicly talked about it, I’ll quickly run through the common speculations.
First, EVERY event in the book actually took place. Neil didn’t make anything up. A few of the things happened in different orders and were swapped around, but this is minor. As far as I can tell, these sorts of swaps were made to make the story flow better, not to change what happened. In other words, causes and effects weren’t swapped around.
Most of the characters were dead on. I thought Neil did a great job with everyone with the one exception of Tyler. And even with Tyler, I don’t think he actually ascribed any actions to him that he didn’t do.
Tyler and Neil were NEVER on great terms. Whatever caused it was there before I knew either of them, so I can’t say much about that. At the end of Project Hollywood, from what I understand, there was a lot of bad blood between them. I don’t think that Neil intentionally painted Tyler as an evil dude,I think that’s just how he felt at the time and it colored his perceptions. The motives and behind the scenes plotting that he assumed Tyler was engaged in just weren’t true.
On the other hand, Neil and I were on great terms when I left. As a result, my character is surprisingly positive. TONS was left out of the book. Believe me, if Neil wanted to make me into a bad guy he would have had more than enough ammo to do so. And that probably goes for just about anyone in the book. Interpretations of actions could have varied wildly.
The other thing about the book is that, by necessity, it’s a highlight reel. It covers the most tense parts of the year. There were tensions and drama, but there were also a lot of times that the whole house got together to go out to dinner or to the clubs or whatever. Most people got along reasonably well for most of the time.
There’s also the issue of the quality of girls that were brought around the house. Was it ALL bikini models? Nope, not at all. Certain people at certain times were more focused on quantity than quality, whether that was just to practice or because they just weren’t that picky. At the same time, there WERE a ton of incredibly attractive women there. I’d say that at one point or another every resident of the house was involved with a girl you’d objectively rate as a 9 or 10.
If anyone has any specific questions about the Game or Project Hollywood, ask in the comments and I’ll try to answer them all.
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