Get Yourself a Man, Girrrrrrrl!

Ladies? Yeah! Ladies! Yeah? Wanna roll in my Mercedes? Hell yeah! Then shake it! Shake it! Shake that healthy butt.

Baby got back.

Ahem. Ladies.. this one’s for you. Indirectly, it’s for me. Today we’re going to take a critical and mildly chauvinistic look at what makes a woman more attractive to a guy.

I’m going to assume, for argument’s sake, that you’re looking for an ideal guy. Some of you have issues and would prefer a trailer rat like K-fed or a submissive wimp because you’re domineering. These tips will probably help you with that, but there’s no guarantee.

Though I’m impressed with myself on a daily basis for remaining so humble and modest, I’m going to propose that I’m the ideal man, or as close as one can find in this crazy crazy world. Witty, charming, moderately tall, an ass that just doesn’t quit, and all body parts intact. Yep. I’m the complete package. To move more into the objective realm, most girls like me and I’ve never been broken up with. So it’s a start.

First, let’s tackle looks.

“Looks don’t matter. It’s what’s inside that counts. I have a weak grasp on reality,” they whine.

Check it. Looks matter. They always will, until our collective social skills crumble to point where no one leaves the house and people date online exclusively. Honestly, I can’t wait because then I can date AND play freecell simultaneously. Early experiments with that combination in present society have proven to be a failure, unfortunately.

First, hit the gym and start eating healthy. You think you’re skinny enough and healthy enough? Probably not. I literally know one girl who is skinny enough (maybe too skinny) to the point that she shouldn’t hit the gym and eat healthy (she already does). Maybe you’re already ok, but losing 3-5 pounds and getting more toned would help. Forget what that chart says about what your “healthy weight” is. You don’t want to be in the middle of that. Be on the low end.

Also, when you’re at the gym, do cardio. Jog, run, step on some stairs. Despite what those freaky freaky body building magazines may tell you, muscly women are gross. (Ok, fine.. if you know what you’re doing then you can do some weights to tone.)

When you eat healthy foods your skin looks much better, your hair is shiny and smooth, and you have energy. Bad skin, dull hair, and lethargy aren’t on anyone’s top ten list – I promise. Also, it’s a clear indicator that you take care of yourself, and thus respect yourself. This is good.

Now, you might think you have to be a 10. You’re right. Actually, I’m just kidding. We’d love for you to be a 10, but looks aren’t the only factor. An 8 with a killer personality beats a 10 with a boring personality anyday. Well… not any day, but most days. Even a 7 is going to be good enough if you really have a great personality. Below that… keep working.

The good news is that basically any girl can become a 7 or an 8 with some work. Getting to the lower ranges of your ideal weight and eating healthy is a huge start. Posture is also huge – I literally followed a girl around the mall trying to catch up to talk to her because I spotted her excellent posture from across the mall. I’m often attracted to dancers and models because they tend to have great posture. A beautiful girl who slouches and walks awkwardly loses points.

Smile. This is another make it or break it point. A smile is infinitely more attractive than a frown or a blank stare. Everyone wants to be surrounded by happy people, so why not advertise how happy you are. You are happy, right?

If you’re not happy, you are not attractive. People HATE whiners and people with negative attitudes. Everyone wants to be around people that make them feel good – it’s basic, but I don’t think women understand how important this is. That doesn’t mean not to talk about bad things that happen to you. It means to be optimistic and don’t let a bad driver ruin your day and dominate the conversation for the evening.

Confidence, when presented properly, is extremely attractive. I love a girl who is great and knows it. Note that this is different from man-hating girl power advocates. “If a MAN can do it, I can do it. Woman are the stronger sex,” has never attracted anyone. Drop it. These days any guy that you are going to consider probably has a healthy respect for women. Move on. Also, we’re all upset that you ladies are allowed to vote, so try to avoid sticky subjects like that. Same goes for driving, of course.

This is a personal pet peeve of mine. Don’t try to “be one of the guys”. If I hear you burp, I will probably not date you. You won’t hear me burp either, so don’t start complaining about a double standard. You’re not proving anything by doing it, and if we wanted to date men, we’d be gay. Men are attracted to femininity, so be a girly girl.

Wow… when I started writing this article I thought it was going to be a lot shorter, but I keep thinking of more things.

One last bit of advice. Learn how to dress. We act like the only piece of clothing we’re interested in is your bra, but that’s not actually true. Well dressed girls stand out, look more confident and together, and are much sexier. I literally melt when I find out a girl is into fashion. That might be a personal preference with me… I’m not sure that most guys care that much, but it certainly won’t hurt.

I really want to stress that all of these points are extremely important. I know that if I were to read an article like this for guys, I would assume that the first point mattered and that the rest were filler. I don’t waste my time with filler, and was actually trying to cut some points out to make it shorter – but I couldn’t because they’re all important.

Now that you’re a 8 or higher with a great personality, what do you do? Well, you e-mail me, of course. You didn’t think I wrote all that for nothing, did you? Oh, and if you think you’re hot enough, send me a picture. I’ll be honest. Honest.






19 responses to “Get Yourself a Man, Girrrrrrrl!”

  1. Ira Avatar

    On the last point, about fashion, a guy doesn’t have to be fashion-aware for it to make a huge impact.

    According to one anthropology book I read, the way the brain handles visual input from the opposite gender is primitive. We respond unconsciously to exactly what we see, without any post-processing. This is why makeup works, especially when it is more expert and subtle.

    I can’t look up the precise quote, because (honest to god) my friend’s dog ate this book.

  2. AJ Avatar

    I’d like to also point out that almost all of this advice goes for guys as well. Although looks are actually much less important, if you’re not proud of who you are (including how you look!) then I don’t want to date you. Confidence, style, optimism are all VITAL!

  3. Mo.C Avatar

    I’ve had you on my list of blogs that i RSS and read for a little while now. When i first stumbled across it i was rather taken aback by how similar it seemed that you and i are in our personality and interests. You are definitely a bit much on this post though.

    ” You think you’re skinny enough and healthy enough? Probably not” “Maybe you’re already ok, but losing 3-5 pounds and getting more toned would help. Forget what that chart says about what your “healthy weight” is. You don’t want to be in the middle of that. Be on the low end.”

    Wow! If there are any girls who bother to read your blog, i hope they are nothing like the majority of females in the US who suffer from issues with confidence, self worth, and self image. You basically just told them that everything they doubt themself for is for good reason, and they should waste more time trying to look like that ultimate pie in the sky image that men require of them… because they just aren’t good enough right now.

    Also, if you want to consider yourself the ideal man, you should try to be above the common man. I know its the norm for us guys to numberically rate girls, but it certainly doesn’t represent a “healthy respect for women”. Its just juvenile, and i invite you to be above that.

    P.S. I know you’re proud of yourself, but you honestly aren’t very humble in this blog. Maybe compared to how boastful you are in real life you are… but you don’t come off as humble at all on here. Not that it matters because it is your blog, i just thought i’d tell you.


  4. Administrator Avatar

    Hey MoC,

    First of all, this might get messy. So before we get to business, I want you to know that I genuinely do appreciate you reading my blog, even if you disagree with my sage advice.

    Look… I’m not saying “feel bad because you’re overweight”. I’m saying “Look… set a higher standard.”. I see A TON of girls who have that extra 5-10 pounds that they would probably like to lose, but they find that they can get an OK guy without it, so they shrug it off. I’m saying NO – go the extra mile. You’ve probably realized that I follow this philosophy pretty strictly – I always go the extra mile.

    As for numerical rating? Get over it. No girl can be boiled down to a number, but when I say “7”, you know what I’m talking about, as does every other guy. If a girl wants to call me a 7, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.

    Lastly, I was joking about being humble. I’m not humble. I’d rather be honest than modest, and I really do think I’m super great.

  5. Milo Avatar

    Long-time listener, first-time caller. 😉

    I agree that looks matter a lot. Although personality and chemistry are huge, physical attractiveness is much more imporant for girls. Since looks matter and Tynan has made health a high priority in his life, it makes sense that he would place emphasis on it as a requirement in whomever he dates. And when you’re a guy with options like Tynan, “small” things like this that other men would look past can be deal-breakers.

    I too have noticed that a lot of girls go with the “good enough” approach to their body, especially in cold weather climates where their body is fully covered by clothing most of the year. Unfortunately, that probably won’t land them a really high quality guy, but maybe their aren’t enough really high quality guys out their for them to think it’s worth the extra effort.

  6. LadyTea Avatar

    Tynan — Great post… I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think it’s important for us all to stop with the “warm fuzzie’s” and face the truth. No one likes to look at fat or chubby. I personally am within my “ideal weight range”, yet I’m fat — I still get plenty of attention and would venture to say I’m normally one of the more attractive girls at any given place (with the exception of a club with a bunch of hot-bodied girls), but I know I could be even better “not fat.” So hearing advice like this from a well-respected guy, is inspiring and motivating…much the opposite effect that MoC suggested. We should always try to improve ourselves and our lives…many times we just need a little push– Thanks for your insight, Tynan — cant wait to read more.

  7. Phi Avatar

    I totally agree with you. There are too many girls (and men) that are a bit overweight or worse. Haven’t they got any discipline and self respect?

  8. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    Read “Naked Ape” from Dasmond Morris guys and girls. Many a things will be cleared.

  9. Murphy Avatar

    This is all great advice.
    I agree with you about fashion. Girls should put a lot of effort into dressing right it can easily push their rating up two notches.

    They should read a lot of fashion magazines and websites and take advice from well drssed friends.

    They should also read the great chapter on fashion in “The Rules”
    It basically says that women should dress to please men.
    ie. dress sexily but not slutily and NOT try to dress fashionably
    By this I mean whatever the fashion quirk of the time is for women.
    This is a pet peeve of mine as I constantly see women wearing shorts and stupid giant socks/tights
    I just think to myself “How can you possibly think those are attractive?”

  10. Joeyann Avatar

    I don’t know, cool blog, i guess, but the voting?driving comment kind of made me think you were a trashy angry person. The rest was cool though.

  11. Tynan Avatar

    Haha… or a sarcastic person.

  12. April Avatar

    Wow. “mildly chauvinistic” was a total understatement. 😉
    Ahem. You know what myself and most women find MOST attractive? Humility, something you definitely lack.

    Guys like you become turnoffs when you open your mouths, whether the lady be a 10 or 4 alike.

    I find it hard to believe that any self-respecting lady would even consider someone like you worthwhile. It’s be charity in any case; She’s have to feel pretty bad for you. 😛

  13. Quinkin Avatar

    Behold – the blindingly stupid rambling off a “vegan pickup artist”.

    The net has reached a new zenith of suckitude…

    Go the extra mile and put some effort into yourself you weedy little self-obsessed misogynist.


  14. McGregger Avatar

    Good Advice, As usuall. And for the haters, dont take everything word for word, the message of this was basic; Look your best, Do Your Best, Feel your Best, Dont Settle For Second Best.Why? Everyone should want the best for themselfs, who wouldnt?. And not only that, someone that really cares(Tynan), wants the best for everyone else too.
    Would it make more sence for this article to give you advice on how to be fat and lazy with no ambition? I think not.
    Good people dont hide embarrasing truths or simply dont mention it, we say something to try and help.
    Haters: People who don’t tell you your fly is down in public because they are embarrassed to mention it.

  15. Trista Avatar

    Oh my Gosh you guys what the heck.
    why are you all hatin’ on Tynan :[
    hes awesome,
    and in case you haven’t noticed, if you DO decide to give him a negative comment, he’ll be more than likely not to care, AT ALL.
    I know I wouldn’t
    you people probably don’t even know him.
    and all you girls out there getting mad,
    hes not trying to offend you
    hes trying to help you get what you deserve!
    and there IS a thing called sarcasm.
    and btw I’d date him ;D

  16. Sarah the Kiwi Avatar
    Sarah the Kiwi

    Holy smokes – Tynan, firstly I think you are very brave to be so honest in this time of such exaggerated political correctness and I applaud you for it. Secondly I absolutely agree with everything you have said above. Us females constantly whinge and whine about “girl, I think my ass gettin big” and how all the good men want is hot chicks with smokin asses… um… well hello? do something about it other than just complaining. Go to the gym, eat right and have a little more pride in yourself. Open your eyes – that is all Tynan is trying to say here people.

  17. supersexygrrl Avatar

    Lol I love it how Tynan has multiple accounts to comment on his own posts… =)

  18. angelique1067 Avatar

    Yes, everybody likes to look at an attractive person. when it comes down to it chemistry and personality is everthing! It does go much deeper than looks. I have meet men I was physically attractive to but as soon as you date them and find their only concern in life is themselves and you find no compassion and some how they don’t make you feel good inside your just left with a Nice Face and Chest. I have found myself attractive to average men because of their attentiveness, affection, and compassion.

  19. Yumi Avatar

    Ouch. A little discouraging to some of us that are down on the 3-4ish scale physically, but great post nonetheless. I love how straightforward this is, knowing how hard it is to find that these days.
    I do agree that personality is one of the key factors of a person’s appeal.

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