I’ve been trying to post for a few days, but my site hasn’t been working. Luckily the computer gnomes magically fixed it tonight. Anyway, one of the reasons that I’ve been so busy lately is because I am moving!
I’ve been wanting to post about this for a while, but I’ve been waiting to make sure it’s a sure thing. Between offers going back and forth and inspections, you never know what will happen in the end.
Anyway, a friend and I bought a condo right in downtown Austin. It’s right next to one of my favorite clubs, The Foundation, and only a couple blocks away from some of my other favorite places like Halcyon, Alamo Drafthouse, Whole Foods (YES!), and even my work.
Best of all, it’s one of the penthouses, so we actually have our own part of the roof. We’re going to put a hot tub up there, and there’s a rooftop pool a short walk away. The previous owners planted a garden with a fountain, so that’s cool too.
I’m seriously looking forward to living downtown. My house right now is really cool, but is very far away from downtown. When I bought it I had no sense of direction so I just sat in the real estate agent’s car and looked at all the houses she brought me to. I bought the one I liked the best, and then slowly came to realize that it was 15-20 minutes from downtown. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is for Austin.
Now I’m working on selling my house, which may be a bit of a challenge. I took the liberty of tearing out the closet in one room, installing stadium seating and a 10 foot screen and making it into a movie theater. Another room has a hole in the ceiling for all of the cables to go into the 8′ server rack that controls the house and theater. I set up a robotic lawnmower, and had to chop off the bottom quarter of a fence so that it could get to the front yard. These are all cool things, but they make selling it a little strange. I think at least hte rack will have to go.
When I move downtown in the next couple weeks I’m going to get a bike, jlaix style. I want to get a 60s Schwinn with tons of chrome. There are also these awesome bikes called “art deco bikes”, but they’re too expensive. I also want to get either a segway or a vintage Vespa. I can’t really decide which would be cooler, but I do know that if I got a segway I would have to put spinners on it so that people wouldn’t think it’s nerdy.
I leave you with some pictures of the new place:
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