8 Health Foods That Are Bad For You

Yesteday Todd and I were choosing a place to go to lunch. I normally go to Whole Foods because they have healthy delicious food, unlike almost everywhere else. However, we wanted to try somewhere new. How about Veggie Heaven?

I’d never been there before, despite living across the street from it for two years. I used to eat awful food on a daily basis, and considered vegetarian and vegan food to be for hippies. I still do, actually.

Anyway, we get to the restaurant and are handed three menus each. The main menu had almost fifty items in it. Many were marked as being vegan. Hey, this must be healthy, right?

Wrong. I went through the entire menu and picked what seemed to be the healthiest item on the menu – a vegetable curry. Todd ordered “the immaculate tomato” or something like that.

Our orders came. Each one was smothered in gross sugary sauce. This is typical for vegetarian and vegan places – they’re almost NEVER healthy. This was actually my favorite thing about eating raw – there was nothing on the diet that wasn’t healthy.

So, in honor of Veggie heaven, here is a list of eight “health foods” that you shouldn’t eat.

  1. The Baked Potato – It’s not fried, and it’s a vegetable. It MUST be healthy. Nope. Potatoes are pure starch and have almost no nutritional value. Even plain they’re awful for you. Once you start adding bacon bits, sour cream, butter, and all that other junk, they quickly become the worst possible thing you could eat.
  2. Diet Soda – Most people probably know this. Diet soda isn’t good for you. Take a look at the ingredients some time – is there ANYTHING on there that is an actual food? No. It’s water and chemicals. Some of them are proven to cause cancer. Not only that, but there’s the caffeine. Caffeine is actually very good for you in small doses, like in white or green tea. However, caffeine from soda or coffee gets released all at once and is a higher dosage.
  3. Rice – I seriously don’t understand why people eat rice. It doesn’t even taste good. Maybe that’s why people think it’s healthy. It’s not. It’s a processed grain that is converted into sugar as soon as you eat it. Brown rice is okay for you, but still isn’t very good for you. I don’t eat it at all.
  4. Crackers and pretzels – I love how people think crackers are healthy. What do you think is in there that is good for you? There’s absolutely nothing. It’s just white flour, which is horrible for you.
  5. Juice – Some juice is good for you. The kind that you’re drinking probably isn’t.. But it’s fruit. What’s wrong with that? Well, the parts of the fruit that is good for you is the fiber and the vitamins. Juicing removes the fiber (some is added back in if you’re a ‘some pulp’ fan), and pasteurizing boils out most of the nutrients. You’re left with sugar water. Pasteurization is actually the worst thing ever – have you ever wondered why fresh squeezed orange juice is so much better than store bought orange juice? It’s because pasteurizing boils the juice so that old people won’t die if they drink it. If you’re not old and dying, drink unpasteurized orange juice and milk. Whole foods sells them.
  6. Frozen Yogurt – I don’t even want to talk about this one, because it makes me so upset. Frozen yogurt is just sugar. I think it has less fat than ice cream, but I don’t even care enough to look it up. It doesn’t matter because even if there’s no fat, you’re still just eating pure sugar. This also goes for those smoothies that have frozen yogurt mix in them (yeah, that actually exists.)
  7. Salad – Salad can be healthy. It usually isn’t. Lettuce is good for you, but is also fairly insignificant. It’s mostly just fiber, water, and low concentrations of vitamins. Most people slather their salad in dressing, which is almost never good for you. Just because a meal has lettuce in it doesn’t mean that it’s good for you. 80% of the calories in any salad are probably from the dressing. The only dressing that’s good for you is olive oil with a little bit of lemon juice or vinegar.
  8. Energy Bars – Energy bars are the hugest scam ever. I really wish that I thought of them first. Here’s a recipe for making an energy bar : take a candy bar, flatten it, and then stick some granola on it. You can also add some protein powder to it if you want it to have some merit, but that’s optional. The only good energy bars are Larabar, Organic Food Bar, and Organic Fiber bar. One of Boomi bar’s products are ok too.






117 responses to “8 Health Foods That Are Bad For You”

  1. jamEs Avatar

    A lot of the stuff you mention are lesser of 2 evils then anything else.

    Baked potato is better for you then eating french fries. While it doesn’t have massive nutritional value, it’s still something that fills gaps in a meal.

    I agree with Diet Soda being bullshit. If you want to be healthier, stop drinking soda altogether.

    Rice is neutral like the baked potato. It fills space while not being terribly negative.

    Crackers are quite often bad, though pretzels are okay. Again they are a lesser of 2 evils. You could be eating well worse snacks then pretzels.

    Juice is pretty brutal, but in most cases better then drinking pop.

    Frozen Yogurt is a better alternative then ice cream. It’s not healthy, but it’s also not as detrimental as the alternatives.

    If you eat salad instead of a burger, which is better for you?

    And energy bars are total BS.

    I don’t think berating people’s choice in food does much good. Eating healthy is all about making the less detrimental choice as most of the time you don’t have the best options layed in front of you.

  2. Kristen Avatar

    As you probably expected, I loved this post.

    Especially the part about salads! Girls always order salads when they go on dates because they don’t want to seem like they’re some hearty, thick-ankled pig. But what they NEVER realise is that their “balsamic vinegrette” dressing is just sugary CRAP. Ooh it’s clear! must be light and healthy! It doesn’t even taste good.

    I saw a commercial for the McDonalds “Asian Chicken Salad” the other day. These weird distorted cartoony women are all doing yoga, then get a craving for a wilty, untossed fast-food salad! So they all finish off their healthfest by ordering some Asian Chicken Salads. After some quick Google-ing, I discovered that the single serving packet of “asian” dressing had like 800 calories in it, and the entire rest of the salad had around 40.

    What’s the deal with everyone assuming asian food is healthy? Tons of girls I know seem to believe this weird myth. Is it because asian people are skinny? Asian people eat a ton of lean fish, THAT’s why theyre all skinny! General tso’s and seshwuan (sp?) beef is NOT HEALTHY. It’s just grodie-ass meat thrown in a vat of gooey spicey syrupy shit.


  3. Niels Avatar


    Ty, I’d like some healthy alternatives to the foods you’ve mentioned. Could you please give us some?

    Replacing a bad habit with a good habit works better than just stopping a bad habit. No void.

  4. Jake Avatar

    Odwalla makes a super food bar that rocks.

    If you make a Salad right, you dont even need dressing.. and it taste friggin awsome. Dont use iceburg though, their are alot of good greens out there.

  5. Aimee Avatar

    Not terribly relevant, but regarding the balsamic vinaigrette… what makes you think it’s sugary and unhealthy? I work in a restaurant and make it, and unless there’s something about balsamic vinegar I don’t know (?) there’s nothing sugary about it. It’s just balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and some seasonings.

  6. Alex Avatar

    On Seinfeld last night Jerry exposed Fat Free Frozen Yogurt for having fat in it. Rudy Giuliani used ending the falseness of frozen yogurt’s claims as a campaign point, and won!

  7. anon Avatar

    So what would you suggest for good nutrition that isn’t as time consuming and inconvient as raw? (preferabbly vegan)

  8. Ebony Avatar

    There will always be something healthier to eat than what you’re eating right now, so it’s all about what level of eating fanaticism you can live with.

    The two energy bars that Tynan offers as good are natural and raw, but half of their calories come from fat. Healthy fat, yes, but if you want to fuel your body optimally you won’t get that from 50% fat. You need more along the lines of 40% protein, 40% carb, 20% fat. If those bars were your only or primary source of fat for the day, then fine. But otherwise, it’s not exactly that great.

  9. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    You wanna eat healthy? Eat mediterannean food, cost of adriatic see, (city of Dubrovnik) food. People on the coast of Croatia live for almost 100 years! The main food is fish (blue), olive oil and lightly cooked vegtables. Lots of work and fishing, guarding sheep.

  10. Pat Avatar

    Diet Pop. Aspartaime poisoning, ever heard of it? It is a condition that causes loss of sensation in the extremities, memory loss and seizures. THAT’S what’s wrong with diet pop.
    Salad. Eat too much of it and kiss your gall bladder goodbye. The gall bladder breaks down lipids (fats). Lettuce is made of little tiny squares of condensed lipid. They are not the fat that winds up as cottage cheese thighs, but the gall bladder can’t tell the difference, gets overloaded and it feels like a knife getting rammed into your stomach. I work at a large metropolitan hospital, I see it every day. Nasty Stuff.

  11. Kristen Avatar

    My friend, Dorothy*, Used to put “raspberry balsamic vinegrette” dressing on practically everything with leaves. It was quite sugary according to the nutrition label.

    *Name changed to protect my own ass. (“Dorothy” is about four inches taller and seventy lbs heavier than me.)

  12. Will Avatar

    Aimee — I think your restaurant is probably the exception. Most “balsamic vinegarettes” at restaurants seem to have a lot of sugar added. In fact I have stopped even asking for balsamic vinegar at restaurants since they usually give me their sugary “vinegarette” version. Usually now I just ask for vinegar and oil, and if they actually give me balsamic vinegar and olive oil, it’s a bonus (which actually happened the other day at a local pub).

  13. jlaix Avatar

    Potatoes are not bad, especially if you want to gain mass they can be helpful, just eat them early in the day and you should be fine. Brown rice is not bad either. Eating white rice or white flour though and you might as well just eat big spoonfuls of sugar.

    Juice blows because of the massive carb load it carries.

    BTW ty, I got a new song coming out soon, it’s a rocker… it is the theme song for The Summer of Ripped Abs, and it will be performed live. At the end of the track, I will rip off my shirt a la Hulk Hogan, and a spot will shine on my glistening oiled up ripped abs, while a fan blows on me.


  14. Tynan Avatar

    Some examples of healthy snacks:


    popcorn cooked over a stove in olive
    oil, or air popped

    apples (I keep a bag of them on my desk and eat at least 2-3 per day)

    fat free yogurt sweetened with fruit juice is pretty good. I add a scoop of protein powder to make it even better for you

    The most important thing is to develop a habit of healthy eating. I actually eat about one unhealthy meal a week, but it’s usually not too bad and is the exception to the rule. I live on salmon and vegetables, basically.

    Jlaix – yeah, there are reasons to eat baked potatoes and brown rice, but if you’re not working out, you shouldn’t. There are even reasons to eat pure dextrose in some workout plans. Once I move downtown and have easy access to a gym and whole foods, I’m going to begin the most hardcore workout plan ever.

    I look forward to the song… let me know when the live performance is. And, if you need a gangsta rap interlude, you know who to call…


  15. Alcibiades Avatar

    Good call, Tynan. A lot of so-called health food is probably not very healthy. Especially the sugary things stuff, the evidence would seem to suggest. So it goes…
    I would personally put money on Diet Cola being benign, however. Just because something isn’t “food,” (which is just chemicals, some of which can be broken down by the body for energy, and some no), doesn’t mean it hurts you.

  16. Magnus Avatar

    Salmon and Vegetables rock, but isn’t it good to get a varied diet?

  17. trey Avatar

    I just wanted to mention that pasteurized milk can not be found at whole foods, anywhere in texas at least. Unfortunately in texas it is a clandestine activity, so you must hunt out the farmers.

  18. Sassel Avatar

    Magnus: Excellent point. Salmon is great, and can be eaten often, but a more balanced and healthy diet should include other meat/protein sources such as chicken, lean beef, soy, and whey.

  19. Jeff Avatar

    I just wanted to add that raw milk (unpasteurized) is only available in milk producing states as federal regulations prevent the shipment of non-pasteurized milk across state lines.

    Pretty much you have to get raw milk at the farm. You can find raw milk sources at http://www.realmilk.com/where5.html#tx

  20. anon Avatar

    How about basmati rice? (which is a staple of mine) It’s far ligher than most rices. But it does have a white appearance.

  21. Javierin Avatar

    What is your criteria for healthy foods?

    Scarcely caloric does not automatically healthy, neither does sugar-free; some of the unhealthy foods described can be part of a healthy diet, rice being the clearest example.

    If your intention was to manifest that just by basing diets in such ailments most probably will lead you into health problems, then very well, point taken and I totally agree with you, but the same may be said any food.

    BTW, SKINNY DOES NOT MEAN HEALTHY. –but might mean healthier.

  22. Gina Avatar

    I think what people misunderstand about Asian food is that it is not only their diet that keeps them healthy, but rather their active lifestyle and ways of dealing with stress.

    Even though I am Italian and was exposed to a lot of pasta, heavy cheeses and red meat growing up, I now tend to follow a cuisine that is more a mix between Asian (i.e. brown/long-grain rice, raw/fresh fish, lean pork, lotsa veggies mostly steamed) and Mediterranean (i.e. plain yogurt instead of mayo, extra virgin olive oil, grape seed oil, leafy greens, lamb, fresh fruit, etc.).

    Stopped drinking soda pop three years ago and have never felt better. I stopped fast food five years ago and it was the best thing I ever did for myself.

    What are your thoughts on alcohol, in moderation it is supposed to be good for you. I drink Guinness and Cabernet Sauvignon mostly.

    Also, don’t drink/eat decaf or diet anything, including coffee, it is all bad for you. Often worst than the fat and caffeine themselves.

  23. Ebony Avatar

    When I think of Japanese diet, I think healthy too, and yet Japan actually has a high rate of diabetes (5th in the world). They’re also ranked 5th in heart attacks.

  24. vicki Avatar

    Which BoomiBar did you mean?

  25. Joanne Avatar

    They say that Jesus ate a Mediterrean diet. Maybe we should listen to Him – I think He was pretty smart!!


  26. Kristen Avatar

    This is depressing. I eat what I want. Chips, pizza cookies, etc. I exercise daily and I’m not too overweight, I’m happy, I used to be anorexic, always obsessing about food. I’m much happier now.

  27. A K Avatar
    A K

    Friends… this article is ABSURD. It is based purely on OPINION and nothing else. (and you know, opinions are like a**, everyone has one). There are scientific or statistical evidence to contradict most of the things mentioned…. thouhg in other sense, you mention absolutely any food item and you can find something BAD in it…. Raw carrot… well, bad.. bad… no matter how much you clean them, there are dirt, bacteria, bugs poop remaining on them… point is, just because you can find one thing bad in any food does not mean they are bad for health….
    the prime example mentioned above is RICE — not only it is absurd opinion above about whether its healthy or not, Tynan went ahead to mention that ” I seriously donรƒยขรขโ€šยฌรขโ€žยขt understand why people eat rice. It doesnรƒยขรขโ€šยฌรขโ€žยขt even taste good”…. it shows he/she’s like a frog in a pond for whom the pond is the world… the above sentence is not only offensive, it takes away whatever little credibility anyone can associate with this article….
    so, readers, read this article as any other opinion and just don’t make it change your healthy lifestyle for a bad one….

  28. Dennis ( Oh yeah Avatar
    Dennis ( Oh yeah

    Man Ty, I think some of these guys need to go to Japan for awhile. Get happy.

  29. payton Avatar

    this really helped me with my debate on weather healthy food is always healthy for you…thanks a bounch

  30. Carl Brutananadi Avatar
    Carl Brutananadi

    Check out Rebar!

    It’s a 100% all fruit and vegetable bar that gives you a few servings of each in each bar. Granted, it’s not as good as eating raw veggies but if you flying or on a long car trip where the food options are fat laden meat and sugary starches it’s a great alternative. They kind of taste like Kagome juices made into a chewy bar, kind of tart and earthy with a bit of sweetness, from raisins if I remember correctly.

  31. LT Avatar

    I just wanted to mention that if you eat carbs (rice, pasta) eat it in moderation. Drink plenty of water and exercise regularly and this will all help. There are bad foods out there and if you stay away from them, you will benefit from it. Try eating non processed foods, such as canned goods and switch to fresh foods such as fruits and veggies. Eat chicken and fish instead of fattier meats. Eat rice in moderation (not everyday) unless you work it off, but you have to remember everyone has a different metabolism, so some can eat it everyday and not gain weight. Choose brown over white rice if you can. It all comes down to BALANCE, eat healthier smaller portions, exercise often and drink plenty of water! Best of luck. p.s I lost 10 pounds this year from this advice!

  32. Butch Avatar

    I wouldn’t be so sure about all these claims, especially the potatoes, rice and salad.

    Nutritional advice is best left to people who really depend on it, like athletes strength coaches and the like.


  33. mr.kai Avatar

    I don’t really agree with the claims about rice and potatoes
    well the main thing is that natural won’t damage your health
    though white rice is considered to be processed and refined, but some white rice are fortified with vitamin B complex, so don’t have to worry about malnutrition
    well about the cracker comment is true
    flour is plain and high GI index, potato is better
    I would say most bakery is not healthy, because of the refined sugar, solid margarine and nutrition-less flour
    it’s kind of ironic that we all debating over these nutrition matter
    when I think of the starving children in Africa, I would be grateful with what I have on my palate

  34. Nolan Avatar

    Do you know what would be a good website to go to to find a list of good Healthy foods, posibly vegan.

    I’m going ot try the vegan for 1 month thing.

  35. Nadia Avatar

    My granny ate rice for the rest of her life, yet she could live up to 96 years old. She’s chinese by the way, rice is a must.

  36. Annie Avatar

    White rice is pretty bad for you but I can’t cut it out completely. There are some foods that just go with rice, like hotdogs and ketchup. Idk, maybe it’s a cultural thing.

  37. Katy Neylon Avatar
    Katy Neylon

    All I ever hear is about how food is healthy or not healthy. Basically every food is unhealthy from what this and the media says. I think everything is fine in moderation. And go out and get some exercise if you really wanna keep healthy

  38. Ashley Avatar

    I hate half of that food anyways(i’m a super picky eater). But i LOVE rice to me it has a falvor. Also salad dressings just gross.
    I’m a vegetarian and I am no hippy, my dad would probably kill me if i was.
    Energy bars are made out of that? never liked ’em never will just wish i would of invented them.

  39. DesiFitness Avatar

    Some nice points, but I have two comments: 1. baked potato sans anything else added makes for a great snack and a lot of good calories especially if you’re trying to gain weight. 2. White rice is good if combined with a protein like chicken or fish – this is why Asians are so lean. I prefer to mix brown and white rice together.

  40. justme Avatar

    Shut up you do not know anything

  41. Tabby Avatar

    Vegeterian food is healthier because meat usually has additives or chemicals in it.

  42. Matt Avatar

    Interesting but strangely reminiscent of a Daily Mail scare article. This is HORRIBLE for you, nothing good in it at all yadda yadda.

    Juice, rice and baked potatoes are not bad for you. What the hell do you eat?

  43. ANON2 Avatar

    Seriously? Not one person has said anything intelligent or knowledgeable here except for the first poster James and Anon.

    First off. . .do you people even know what Pasteurization is? Pasteurization simply slows down or rids of microbial growth in food. It not only gives better shelf-life but it also keeps you safe from food disease that can make you sick or even kill you. Botulism anyone? It mostly pertains to milk, but can also apply to juices as well. Such a mass production of juice, why would any corporation take a risk of poisoning a large quantity of people with E-coli? If you want fresh unpasteurized juice, make it yourself, you deal with it. But DO NOT DRINK UNPASTEURIZED MILK! I learned that growing up on a dairy farm.

    Also, Yogurt. Yogurt has no beneficial qualities because, again, it is pasteurized for YOU SAFETY. So, any probiotics that are supposedly in them, were cooked to death.

    Salad, is a general statement. Salad is not lettuce. Lettuce is lettuce. Salad can be a variety of vegetables, there’s even pasta salads. Stop saying salad is bad for you. Perhaps lettuce has no nutritional value, but who eats a bowl of JUST lettuce? It’s simply a filler, and must alot must be consumed for a small portion of calories.

    Processed food depends. Frozen vegetables are frozen within hours of harvesting, and retain high vitamin and mineral elements. Tomatoes, when cooked are actually more healthy for you than raw, because it releases Translycopene.

    Baked potatoes are a better option than French Fries as James said. And pretty much everything he said I totally agree with, except for the energy bars. Energy bars are packed full of carbs. Our Body needs those carbs for energy. And what do we do with that energy? Simple, you exercise. So don’t eat energy bars unless you are about to take your morning run. Don’t eat them to sit around the office all day. Duh.

    As for Rice, simple, just eat Qunioa. It is a like a grain, much actually it is a Veggie. It is jam packed full of amino acid-rich protein and it is non-gluten.

    Either way. . . it’s simple, if you want to be healthier stay away from dairy or at least drink only non-fat dairy. I don’t eat dairy AT ALL 100%, cut down on Gluten or rid of it completely, don’t take a multivitamin actually eat veggies, eat fruit and take your vitamins from that, eat protein, and make sure you take Vitamin D everyday because this is the “sun vitamin” and alot of us don’t get enough of it. But all in all, the best way to stay fit is the most basic rule. . .just eat smaller portions and exercise. Just make sure you are actually eating. Frankly the poster sounds like he/she may have body dimorphic issues. :/

  44. Kristin Avatar

    so, after spending a month in Europe (where they don’t use salad dressing) I now cannot stand to have salad dressing. It messes up with the goodness of the salad — if your salad has veggies and such on it instead of just lettuce. Also, I love to have spinach leaves and mixed greens for the base of my salads — I hate iceburg lettuce.

    The reason I’m even here is because I just got back from getting a stir fry (which I know isn’t exactly healthy, buti load it with veggies). Anywho, I had the option of noodles, brown rice and white rice. I knew that white rice is def. out, so i was between brown rice and noodles. I went with the brown rice, but was curious about which was really healthier (and i don’t make it a habit of having a stir-fry).

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy day!

  45. rage4hate Avatar

    Meng y u gots ta rage quit like this bro umadbro? Rage quit like an anon2. Y u made tho bro?

    TL:DL Opinions =/= Fact

  46. The Uglytruth Avatar
    The Uglytruth

    Do you want to know why there are so many conflicting statements on this post? The answer is simple. Tell me what type of diet you want to go on and I will find evidence (if you call non-scientific internet info evidence) that supports your diet. Want to be healthy, its simple. Exercise and a well balanced diet is where its at. Depriving your body of useful foods because one negative aspect of the food is bad. Meat alternatives such as tofu have been popular for years. Recent studies are questioning the safety of those foods. Stick with the basics. Balanced diets consist of foods that can be found at any local grocery store. Whole foods and other stores are not concerned with your health(sorry if you have hurt feeling). These stores are interested in one thing, emptying your pockets. Shop and eat smart. It works. Ask my 90 year old Grandmother. She has no clue was the Whole Foods market is!

  47. Leo Avatar

    Potato is actually high in vitamin C. Romain lettuce has a lot of vitamin A. As far as yogurt goes, home made sugarless yogurt is very good for you.

  48. charles sills Avatar
    charles sills

    potatoes and rice are extremely healthy for you. the skin of a potato has, by weight, way more vitamin c than an orange. potatoes also have more potassium than a banana. and of course rice, esp. brown rice, is super healthy as well. with unpolished brown rice your getting a completely whole grain food. and rice are packed full of amino acids, and guess what? if you eat rice and beans in the same meal ( i love red beans and rice, as well as black bean rice burrito) you get all the amino acids to have a complete protien! you should really research what is actually healthy and what isnt.

  49. Anon Avatar

    You’re all a bunch of idiots. Juice IS god for you. You just need to get natural juice, which isn’t that difficult. And Salad IS nutritional, as well as rice (some varieties). Get your heads out of the clouds. Look around you. Go to a supermarket. There are energy bars that are GOOD for you too. Cliff bars, for example. Natural and organic foods all around you, though sometimes more expensive.

  50. andrew Avatar

    Ur wrong about juice being pasteurized to keep old and very young (at risk pop.) from dieing. Its because big business could not be trusted to keep deer crap or any other animal from contaminating our juice. That’s why the military went to this and the food industry just followed up (easier to make one product than two). I also read something about pasteurization destroys vitamins. While heat may do this, it would ultimately come down to the type of pasteurization. There are three types that I know with convention pasteurization being 145*F for 30 min. Iraq naturally got pretty close to this with temps at 125*F plus. Thermometer maxed out at 125*F. I do agree that unpasteurized juice maybe be better but I do not agree that buying juice that is unpasteurized with a brand name is. Its more expensive and is only a deceptive ploy by the food industry to separate you from your money. If you are truly worried about this then wash and squeeze your own. Also maybe do some actual studding on the subject before spotting out half truths. I do believe you honestly mean well but have the sheep syndrome that everyone else seem to have. All in all, if you are lazy about your juice, just buy pasteurized. It is SAFER than unpasteurized juice and just as healthy. Don’t tell me you think time on the shelf won’t effect nutrient content in juice. You might want to look into this. After all microorganisms living in unpasteurized juice need their vitamin and minerals too.

  51. Mila Avatar

    Some things you said are true (diet soda, energy bars, WHITE crackers, etc) . But some things youre saying are really getting my goat.
    Baked potatoes ARE good for you. They contain potassium, vitamin C, Folic Acid, Magnesium, Zinc & Copper, with the skins containing a very large amount of fiber! Also, potato is only high – GI eaten plain, eating it with something like low fat cottage cheese, or even a drizzle of olive oil reduces the GI. If you let it cool down, potatoes are also a great source of resistant starch (i.e. like fiber, part of it doesn’t actually get absorbed by the body). Potatoes are super-nutritious, as long as you don’t mutilate them by turning them into french fries. Sweet & blue potatoes also contain various antioxidants which give them their colour.

    Rice is very good for you; it has niacin, B vitamins, and other nutrients, just do the research you were supposed to do before misleading people with this post of yours. True, white rice has less fiber, but for some people who have delicate digestion and can’t handle much fiber, white rice is actually a better alternative; it does have less nutrients, but theyre still there.

    As for crackers, white crackers are no good. But wholegrain crackers are a great alternative if you must have crackers. Fruit is the best snack, but for those who can’t limit their snacks to fruit, wholegrain crackers are great.

    As for pasturisation – do NOT drink unpasturised milk! Is the high risk of contracting gastroenteritis really worth it? The reason that outbreaks are relatively rare is because we try to keep everything as germ free as possible! Goodness! As for juice, its safer to drink unpasturised, but then again youd be better off just eating the fruit. On that you are right.

    But in general, you need to do research before posting stuff like this.

  52. Esther Avatar

    Wow. Congratulations. You’ve just eliminated meats, dairy, fruit and veg, grains, and fats. Wait. That’s all five food groups, isn’t it?

    Can’t imagine what you’re eating at your house. Tree bark and urine, maybe?

  53. Sophia Avatar

    So what this article and everyone else is saing is…you pretty much can’t eat anything because SOMETHING in everything causes some sort of medical condition. Just eat decent and don’t eat fast food…I eat salads and I’m fine, I drink diet soda and I’m fine…if I had to stop eating everything that caused cancer, I think I’d live off almost nothing.

  54. AsianRice Avatar

    I don’t understand why you don’t like Rice. I LOVE rice. I love WHITE rice. Not brown rice. There’s this sweetness to white rice that is very hard to find when eating them.

  55. Natalie Avatar

    David, plant a garden.

  56. lee Avatar

    to be honest i was overweight and eating the foods you mentioned help me drop 48pnds!! within the last 6 months.my opinion i DONT agree but hey to each there own.i excersize daily aswell.i portion my foods.i drink no pop or juice my choice.and i gave up snacks like cookies and such my choice.eat what you want just portion and excersize daily you’ll be fine.my mom is 47 125lbs excersizes daily and eats everything!!! but by moderation!

  57. Glo Avatar

    Personally, I enjoyed the article. I disagree with the comment “Eating healthy is all about making the less detrimental choice as most of the time you don’t have the best options layed in front of you.” In my opinion, eating healthy is about avoiding foods that are unhealthy and eating foods that are healthy. You can still choose the lesser of two evils and be unhealthy. Just because you are less unhealthy doesn’t qualify you as healthy. However, I do believe choosing the lesser of two evils is a good option if there isn’t another option. Lol…Once again, just voicing my opinion. Please don’t take it offensively.

  58. Chris Avatar

    Um….potato’s are high in all kinds of nutrients. Vitamin C, B6, Copper, Potasium, Manganese, and fiber. I think the point is more what you put on the potato is what is bad (butter, bacon sour cream, etc.). However they are nutritious, cheap and easy to make and still delicious with a little flax oil and liquid aminos or filled with vegetarian chili (especially on a cold day)

  59. kj Avatar

    Potatoes are very nutritious and good for you. It is how they are prepared, topped, and eaten that determines whether the consumer will reap the benefits. You know, Irish immigrants were the among the healthiest, longest-living people to come to North America and what do you think they ate a lot of? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Of course, it is a starchy food so people who cannot eat starch are out of luck (same with rice). It is the starch we need to be wary of.

  60. kj Avatar

    Oh and for the commenter that mentioned eating canned foods; frozen is far better than canned. I avoid canned goods and choose frozen because it is the best-known way to retain the nutritional value of our food. I’ve heard it is even better than fresh produce since fresh deteriorates as fast as we put it in the fridge (although I still prefer fresh).

  61. mahala Avatar


    i sense some irony and hypocrisy in this blog. the title contrasts well the close mindedness of your opinions where you diss “hippies” and “9-5” people, generalizations which seem uncalled for.

    in regards to what you say about food, most all foods turn into sugar, granted, moderation and eating nutrient dense food is key to physical health.

    while i don’t dislike whole foods market, it is also in the way of locally owned co-operatives/farmers markets with straight from the source local food and which also offers little in the way of pompous pseudo-health addicts. and by the way, whole foods operates only from the assistance and dedication of 9-5ers. i believe in a lifestyle of spiritual, physical, and emotional healing in which you follow your body’s natural rhythms and needs.

  62. The End of the W Avatar
    The End of the W

    There’s no healthy soil anymore. There must be at least a couple of dozens plants contribute to healthy soil, different sort of trees dropping their leaves etc to produce healthy soil.

    It’s all disappeared, destroyed. Our food is just a joke, a way to make money. It doesn’t really matter what you eat, it’s all a bad joke. Enjoy soda pop and ice cream, at least it has some taste to it.

    Welcome to the world that was created to produce money.

  63. Nonya business Avatar
    Nonya business

    Wow so basically we should all eat twigs, leaves, and berrys? But wait! There is probally something bad about that too. U should know that all foods are okay to eat. Some are better than others but you shouldn’t label something as horrible and bad for you. Everything is okay in moderation. U should like me when I was in my eating disorder. Everything was bad to me. Now I’m learning more about food and understanding nutrition. Maybe you should too

  64. Nonya business Avatar
    Nonya business

    **sound not should

  65. Honesty Avatar

    Honestly… well, first some context. I too am a lifestyle entrepenreur – make enough money in less than 10 hours a week to travel, socialise and enjoy life.

    Your 8 points on nutrition… honeslty, you just sound like a whiney contraryist here. “I don’t like it, and it’s not so healthy, so fuck that food”. I’d leave these posts to people who actually know what they’re talking about, rather than taking another opportunity to prove how “off-beat” you are.

  66. Tracy Avatar

    The writer of the article sounds like judge judy on her period…ugh! Complain, Nag, Nag, Complain, Complain.
    You sound like youve had waaay too much tree bark and berries*. You need some sugar to sweeten up your tight arse! You should tie your arms behind your back and stick your face into a container of cookie dough flavored frozen yogurt.
    Someone mentioned BALANCE. Go find some. Juice is good for you in small portions. Drink only a 6oz glass of orange juice. Two teaspoons of sugar is what i need to get down two cups of green tea. I dont like it with honey. Im not gonna take after you by bending over and forcing myself to drink it.
    Do better babe! Ciao.

  67. DudeWithViolin Avatar

    Tynan isn’t a journalist. He has a personal blog, and he shares the results of his research, which has worked for him.
    You don’t like it, go read science magazines.

  68. Spencer Avatar

    Dude. potatoes contain so many vitamins and minerals the list is too long to even try.Desired quantity of baby potatoes (I like to use this mixture I found recently at a health food store… it is a mixture of white, red, yellow, and purple baby potatoes)
    1 red pepper
    1 green pepper
    1 yellow pepper
    1 or 2 onions
    a couple cloves of garlic, finely chopped (or mashed garlic from a jar, organic preferably)
    1 or 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil and/or virgin coconut oil
    a little salt and pepper to taste (I like using a sea salt instead of normal commercial salt)

  69. joe blow Avatar
    joe blow

    asians ( have been eating rice for centuries upon centuries. they are known to be among the healthiest because of thier diet. rice is not bad for you. having 6 servings in 1 sitting probably is. moderation is key.

  70. Will Avatar

    Most of those scary chemicals on that diet soda’s ingredients list are harmless, aside from the phosphoric acid (which is in regular soda as well) if you’re in a high-risk category for osteoporosis.

    Aspartame has not been shown to be a carcinogen in any reputable, peer-reviewed study. One commenter referred to “aspartame poisoning”? Maybe if you’re phenylketonuric. Otherwise … nope, just more myth mongering.

    If someone listed half the naturally occurring chemicals in a fresh apple, to the uneducated, that’d sound every bit as scary as the ingredient label on a diet soda can.

  71. rodrigo amarante Avatar
    rodrigo amarante

    don’t have lots of nutritional don’t mean “bad for you”. baked potato, rice and most of salada in this list is simply stupid

  72. HerdurGolderias Avatar

    Fun facts about carrots and the lies with live.

  73. MJ Avatar

    You’re probably a fatty. You care too much about what you eat you’ll miss the point of living a good life. Loosen up a bit!

  74. Kyle Avatar

    Was this written by a 13 year old socal girl?

    The Baked Potato- “worst possible thing you could eat.”

    Rice – “I seriously don’t understand why people eat rice. It doesn’t even taste good. Maybe that’s why people think it’s healthy.”

    Frozen Yogurt – “I think it has less fat than ice cream, but I don’t even care enough to look it up.”

    “The only dressing that’s good for you is olive oil with a little bit of lemon juice or vinegar.”

    Energy Bars – “the hugest scam ever.”

    “The only good energy bars are Larabar, Organic Food Bar, and Organic Fiber bar. One of Boomi bar’s products are ok too.”

  75. Riikkuuuu Avatar

    You’re insulting salad? Are you completely brain-dead..? Vegetables (& fruit) contain the most antioxidents, vitamins and the like than anything else. You should try looking up the nutritional info of the foods you’re insulting. Oh wait, don’t, there’s scientific FACT backing them up.

    It’s about HOW you eat, not what you eat.

  76. Frustrated Avatar

    Most Asians live on rice their entire lives. We have a higher lifeย expectancy than most races. Rice is good for you, in a reasonable quantity. Know your stuff before you bash on them.ย 

  77. Bob Ballou Avatar
    Bob Ballou

    Right.ย  People live twice as long as they did 100 years ago because of all the bad food.ย  And we don’t all have salmon streams running thru our back yards.ย  As a matter of fact, it’s been proven that people who eat a steady diet of salmon die ten years sooner than they normally would have because of the gigantus pegulius protein effect that is carried in the esters of salmonitic mitochondrial fluids.ย  I could go on and on, but I won’t.ย  I just wonder how many of these “facts” you’ve proven out instead of parroting what other people have told you or written.

  78. Estrella Avatar

    So you are saying people shouldn’t eat brown rice based souly on the fact that you don’t like it or eat it. And since when is juicing stripping the nutrition away from the fruit? This article is full of opinion and I hope no one takes you seriously.ย 

  79. cam Avatar

    The diet sodas having cancer causing sweeteners is pretty inconclusive. Many of the most popular sweeteners almost definitely donยดt cause cancer. Please donยดt make up stuff.

  80. Wtf Avatar

    Utter bollocks

  81. scukit Avatar

    fucking dumbass

  82. Vickey Nguyen Avatar
    Vickey Nguyen

    errm based on what I read I think any food that contains sugar or starch is put in your “bad” list…. Please consider about saying “I seriously don’t understand why people eat rice” because rice is many nations’ main & traditional food. It’s cheap and without rice many people would’ve starved to death. Rice saved many lives. So boo you!

  83. Sheila Avatar

    SAD! It’s a shame that the Chinese & Japanese eat rice on a daily basis,live to very old age,better health than us here in the U.S.You should tell them rice is bad for them.Think before you speak!(it applies to us all)

  84. Anhwu Avatar

    Stop saying that rice is not good and wondering why ppl eat it! May be it’s not that healthy but It’s main Asian food! Everything is healthy in its own moderation.

  85. Aubreyr Avatar

    I think this was really a not thought out article with little or no research and now I’m completely annoyed by this person.ย 

  86. Maxgl Avatar

    What do you eat then Debbie downer? Geez

  87. Frankie55 Avatar

    How many fat chinese are there? Not many.

  88. soccergirl56neo Avatar

    Please learn your facts before you post an article that many people can see.

    1. Glucose is not bad for humans. EVERY cell in the human body runs on glucose!! Not fat or protein. (not saying these two macronutrients aren’t important) Carbs are the healthiest foods you can eat…but LOW FAT carbs. Sources: fruit is #1, then cooked carbs such as potatoes, rice, and other root vegetables.

    2. Rice and potatoes are great for you as long as you keep them low fat and vegan

    3. Salads are VERY HEALTHY. Given you don’t add tons of fatty dressing full of animal biproducts.ย  You say lettuce isn’t even that healthy and it has a low amount of vitamins.ย  Leafy greens are INCREDIBLY healthy for humans.ย  They contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are very healthy for us.ย  They should be eaten every day without restriction.ย  Good saladย dressing recipe: orange juice, dill, and ginger.ย Or mangoes and cilantro blended.ย ย YUMMM! ๐Ÿ™‚

    4. Oil and vinegarย are TERRIBLE for you, against the common belief.ย  Oils are 100% refined fat.ย  All they do is add junk to the trunk.ย  Looking for healthy fat? Try a half of an avocado in a salad or a glass of coconut milk. Vinegar is extremely acidic and not healthy at all. It is just an unnecessary processed acidic food that should be avoided.

    Make your own salad dressing people!

    orange juice, dill, and ginger
    dates and orange juice
    mangoes and cilantro

    Experiment with fresh fruit and herbs!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  89. Shamarimonae_ Avatar

    LOL you seem mad, JUST DONT EAT THERE!ย 

  90. Agus Avatar

    Lettuce has many vitamins and protein, it even has calcium…http://www.incrediblesmoothies.com/nutrition/10-surprising-nutrition-facts-about-romaine-lettuce/ย 

    are you sure milk is good for you?ย http://www.naturalnews.com/031255_milk_health.html

  91. CountMonaco Avatar

    Guys, I’m sorry I’ve been such an asshole to everybody. It’s just, I’m so frustrated at how what goes on in factory farms is not known to the public, I tend to insult people who don’t know. I’ve finally taken the cucumber out my ass, and realized that most meat eaters, were probably raised eating meat, and don’t know what happens to meat before it ends up on your plate. I would not like to contribute to that, and I wish that someday, we all realize our impact on the earth. But resorting to namecalling is not the way to go about this. I really want everyone to know how much I regret calling you “moron” or wishing death upon you all. That was really hypocritical of me, that I want animals to live, but I want my fellow brethren to die. From now on, I promise to tolerate views that differ from my own, and to share facts, not insults. I want to thank SoccerGirl56ne for showing me the light, and the heinousness of my actions. All I can do is encourage people, but I can’t force them to change, and using offensive language is the worst way to go about that. I feel like such a moron.ย I hope that everyone forgives me.


  92. LuLu Avatar

    I have read how bad rice is for you.Brown rice is full of arsenic.I won’t eat rice anymore.

  93. Shawntaeverett Avatar

    There is no advance or credentials to support any of this information. This is basically just a picky eater having their say about food.

  94. Zen Avatar

    Just to share my two cents. First too much of anything is bad. Over eating I think the biggest culprit of many ailments in our society. Unfortunately in modern times what we as a society over eat (overdose on) really is starch/sugar in all its forms. Not “Bad” in of itself but the quantities are everywhere. Then there are levels of absorption depending on the food and the KIND of processing it under went.

    Anyone who had their wisdom teeth removed due to rotting might understand my next point. Why is starch and sugar so “bad” for you? Put another way what is it good for? Well turns out starch and sugar is really good for Candida ( a fungus which lives in your gut) and has a symbiotic relationship with you. It’s role in life is to help you break down sugar. Harmless sounding enough. Problem is one can develop and overgrowth (too feeding and multiplying) of this fungus which can begin release too many of its own toxins that erode and eventually create tears into the gut linings exposing the body to those toxins in the bloodstream; kind of like how trapped food against your wisdom tooth creates a breeding ground for bacteria to erode your tooth. This condition is widely classified as leaky gut.

    Under this condition having more and more of the even the good stuff (a potato with its nutrients) at this point escapes the greater threat of feeding a fungus population out of control. Unfortunately it seems from my research leaky gut can be caused by several factors but Candida overgrowth is certainly one of them. If one suspects it sound as though you are doomed. Well maybe, but to be more proactive you could try greatly reducing carbs in your diet (if not eliminate it) and get only the carbs from raw sources like vegetables (I would avoid fruit given the condition the sugars outweigh the beneficial fibers gained). Couple this with ingesting unrefined virgin coconut oil, which contains natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal acids (capric, lauric and capryllic acid). Take 2- 4 tablespoons a day. What will this all do? Well the idea is you kill off much of the overgrowth and give your body to begin healing itself, which is a slow process and patience really is its own reward. Again if you ever had a tooth removed you understand how long it takes for the wound to heal; anywhere from 2 – 6 months which if you think about it is about how long most modern medicines are recommended to consume so why not try this natural approach first and see if it works? But of course demand (no, no consulting) that tests for Candida and/or leaky gut be taken. Doctors are smart but they don’t have all the answers from inspection alone and should consider a patients account for what they are experiencing and also understand that people are at least educating themselves about their bodies.

    Oh and for what its worth eating too much meat for me gives me what I call “protein headache” so again everything in moderation. Also as a kid I use to eat pizza practically everyday after school. Final note: every body is different from genetics to where flora and fauna in your body are positioned and who much and even their own “health” will affect your health. So there are no cure alls or magic diets but there are only dietary components that you and your doctor must compile to create regimen that works best for you. Gracias.

  95. Prism Avatar

    Maybe Tynan means well when he picked out these 8 foods… but there’s a bit of food snobbery in the analysis. The post starts off with how Whole Foods is the only place outside of your home to get “healthy food”… Any supermarket that sells produce–things that come from the ground or a tree and not from a factory is good for you..even potatoes.

    So if anything in regards to this post, eating healthy is a blessing and being able to inform instead of ridicule in a condescending tone is probably a better way to get this information out. I agree a lot of the science is left out in this post..there’s plenty of science on why rice is inherently bad for humans in certain contexts (glucose sensitivity if someones metabolism is already messed up).

    At the end of the day, no one is going to be ill from eating any of these things in moderation. Unfortunately, the standard American Diet is not one of moderation. There’s way too much lunch righteousness going on with “healthy people- ie.Tynan” vs “the rest of them who don’t know any better”.

    You are what you eat but being condescending towards what other people put in their mouths is a very ego-centric existence drawing on feelings of superiority and exclusion of those who might have not have access to resources/knowledge to make the same dietary choices.

  96. Athatjz Avatar

    Good thing about this is people are aware of what they are ingesting and get the connection between what they eat and wellness.

    Good looking site.

  97. trang Avatar

    I do not even understand why there are so many comments here and why this post appears on google search. Maybe because its absurdity is beyond compare.

    The whole article does not only show the lack of basic knowledge but also gives a very real sense of ignorance and close-mindedness, such as, vegetarian foods are unhealthy or ‘I dont understand why pp eat rice’.

    As other pp have pointed out many mistakes, all I really want to say is **** off!

  98. Athatjz Avatar

    You have progressed to having a trainer and eating better as per your later posts which sound improved.

  99. FatJohn Avatar

    aparently vegan diet is exceptionally good for the ego

  100. lf Avatar

    Well since you know all, and feel all that don’t eat and think like you don’t deserve life, answer this, why do we have carnivorous teeth? If your so right why do we not have teeth like rabbits and other non-meat eaters? Do the other non-human species who also consume meat/flesh of other animals and have carnivorous teeth need to confer with you to get it right and be worthy of life since the laws of nature are incorrect according to you?

    Why did I deliver a 7 3/4 lb healthy full term baby, when I ate a balanced diet of grains, nuts, vegetables, fruits, walked 2 miles a day, and OMG, I, the murderous ignorant meat eater also consumed meat and dairy, but never fast or processed foods, while a co-worker of mine followed a strict vegan diet, believing she was doing her unborn baby all the best of benefits as advised by a supposed vegan “specialist”. During her pregnancy she became gaunt, weak, and would pass out, and continued to ignore the advise of her obstetric physician to add meat and dairy to her diet during her pregnancy, it was determined to deliver her baby via C-section due to her heart developing problems during the stress of labor, and sadly when they retrieved her son he too died 4 days later, because like his mother he was malnourished.. An autopsy revealed she was malnourished with other bodily/hormonal imbalances, not related to her pregnancy, always had good health prior to, and yes all other possible causes that could have attributed to the demise of her baby and herself were ruled out. There were no pre-existing or congenital defects, the deaths were determined to be secondary to the strict vegan diet she followed. So since your ways according to you are “the way” and anyone or thing that does otherwise is shit and not worthy of life, please enlighten my ignorance, why did a perfectly healthy woman become sick and die and her sons life also taken once she adopted to vegan way?

    Yes Americans are obese and sick due to the processed and chemically laded foods, fast ,and so called fun foods we eat for convenience and taste vs. purity and to live. But extreme diets such as your vegan, the South Beach, Dr Atkins, and all the others out there are just as unhealthy and or/deadly. The answer is moderation, including meat and dairy, but not the junk/fast foods, the body needs a bit of everything to function at its optimum, too much or too little of anything is not good, but maybe that is why your so hateful, have such a narrow minded way thinking towards others who don’t think like you, your body is suffering from chemical/hormonal imbalance, due to your extreme dietary beliefs, your mind is whacked out and your body is screaming for some balance.

  101. morenalinda Avatar

    I’m not gonna leave any rude comments except for everything I just read was absolute crap, BS if you will… I’m off to fix my salad, one of which has helped me lose not 1, not 5, but 80+ pounds…

  102. Nick Avatar

    Actually olive oil is NOT good for you – it is one of the most saturated fats but has very little nutrient value.

  103. Noneofyourdamnbu Avatar

    your article is complete bulcr*p except for the diet soda, frozen yogurt and diet bars part. How can you say rice is not good when it contains fiber, fiber keeps you full for longer so u dont eat too much and then put on more weight gtfoh!!

  104. oh well Avatar
    oh well

    so in other words…. eat water….. what else is there? Not too many fat Asians and there is about 5 billion of them eating rice. Hmmmmmmm.

  105. Sggyjittff Avatar

    Then what are the healthy food

  106. fuck you Avatar
    fuck you

    Please die of an overdose of broccoli, spinach and apples.

    That would make my day.

  107. SooRa Avatar

    Sorry to say it to you Tynan but while your post definitely has a very passionate feel to it… You really let us down with your inaccurate and clearly uninformed mis-understandings of our wonderful food system and how one item eaten alone isn’t any good but eaten with other combinations actually can do this etc etc.

    You do vegans/vegetarian food in-justice and probably put off a lot of people who perhaps don’t know better.

    AK said it best. A large majority of your blog is really oppnion… not non-fiction. You have a nice enough writing style and it caught my reader interest but please do the proper research before telling people non-truths.

    P.S. What he writes about energy bars is somewhat true but he doesn’t mention that the mistake a lot make is that they eat it as a snack and do nothing else.

    It’s a energy bar for a reason… to be consumed for energy. They are best eaten if you’re doing a heavy activity like a several hour hike on large hills or pretty much any strenuous activity for several hours long. Also… he forgot to mention KIND bars… they’re also very good. (though some would say the sugar energy gel gummies are better since it’s easily digestible and weighs less on your body, good for long endurance runs.)

  108. saha Avatar

    lol wow that’s a ridiculously silly article.

    I hope anyone who read it understands that it’s a very misguided opinion.

  109. Tom Avatar

    just run 5 miles a day and eat whatever you want. Life is too short to not indulge and be a dork like this douche.

  110. oscar Avatar

    why are you such a cunt, I wonder?

  111. Noah Avatar

    The this guy is a fuckimg idiot, that’s why he still fat!

  112. May Waglermore Avatar
    May Waglermore

    All of these things can be part of a perfectly healthy diet.

  113. Angelo Dinoto Am Avatar
    Angelo Dinoto Am

    Baked Potato is high in Vitamin C. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2770/2Also eaten w/salt and not much more the properly baked potato [dry and mealy] will absorb toxins in your digestive tract. I am sorry that you have created this site of misinformation. You could adjust the site to focusing on what I believe is your purpose for creating the site. And that is how healthy food is turned into unhealthy food. I understand your valid viewpoint [if I am correct in my understanding] that people destroy the health benefits of food via garnishes, dressings and other unnecessary additions. You are on the right track here just tweeking the focus of the site being more specific will improve it.

  114. KelseyWoooww Avatar

    I must say that the comments are ridiculous, by telling you to die for a post?!? What is wrong with people?!?!? If healthy food doesn’t matter to you, you should have stopped reading after baked potato… For the writer of this blog, I feel very sorry for you for the stupid bull crap some of the commenters have said.

  115. asiangamerxd Avatar

    this is stupid for one all this bulls*** is opinions and our bodies need starch so you are only partly right. and rice is bad for you but is also good for you at the same time and shut up the only reason you probably say rice is tasteless is because you eat it plain with nothing on it.

  116. Carl Avatar

    uhm just to put it out their …. if your reading this article or these details people put in do research on just how bad

    1: suggar is horrible more importanly High fructose corn syrup: don’t believe me do the reasearch!

    2: pickles kill you: don’t believe me ask the doctors and do research!

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