Around this time last year I asked for readers to fill a survey. One hundred and thirty people participated and really helped me understand what readers are looking for.
I used to be obsessed with getting a lot of readers, but I’ve been thinking lately that connecting with my existing readers is a lot more important. This stems partly from the nagging feeling that people who come here aren’t getting everything they want out of the experience. Still, they’re coming back, which means that they probably feel like I have the ability to deliver it.
So this year’s survey is to help me understand better what BTYB means to people. I’ve kept it as short as possible in the hopes that many people (that means you!) will take the time to fill it out. Feel free to write one sentence or pages,I will give every submission my full attention and consideration, and I often make changes based on a single person’s opinion.
You can go to the survey here, or you can fill it in below. All questions are optional. I hope you’ll fill them out, but if you don’t have an answer or much time, leave some blank.
Above all, thanks for reading. I consider it a privilege to write for you.
P.S. To the anonymous guy who left me a message today,great suggestion! I will write a post about it soon.
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