The Open Road

I’m lying in bed in the RV right now. Yes, I still live here and love it, but that’s another story. The only difference between tonight and a normal night is that my bed is flying down the highway at 60mph, headed for the east coast.

My esteem friends and colleagues, Jonah and Krystal, are accompanying me on my first actual road trip in the RV. We’re going through the scary bits of America as quickly as possible (Arkansas, for example), and are trying to get to NYC before Krystal’s flight on Monday.

I’m going to hopefully meet up with Ross Jeffries, the first “pickup artist” to ever teach seminars, in New York before he leaves. Online he sometimes comes off like a prick, but in real life he’s one of the most warm and genuine guys in the community. I’m also going to stop by and say hi to my aunt, uncle, three cousins, and my grandparents who are visiting them.

After that I’m headed up to Maine to drop Jonah off with his family. Before leaving we’ll hang out with our friend Jake for a day or two. He joined the military after college and is a pilot.

Then I’ll head up to Vermont to see my father’s side of the family. They cook very delicious and completely non-healthy food, which is a minor problem.

After Vermont I’ll go back down to Boston to stay with my grandparents and visit my Boston friends for a week or two. Then I’ll head down to New York again, pick up Krystal, and we’ll hang out in New York for a week before heading back home. I’m planning on meeting Sarma Melngailis, who is one of the coolest people in the Raw Food community. She has a restaurant called Pure Food and Wine which serves absolutely amazing gourmet raw food. It’s so good that last time I went 6 of my carnivorous friends came back with me two days later.

I’m really looking forward to traveling in the RV a bit. It was a great feeling to be able to leave Austin without even considering packing. I have everything I need with me already! I have a laptop I have to sell and I thought, “Oh crap… I’ll have to wait until after the trip to list it so that I can ship it out.” Then I realized that it’s just as easy to ship it from wherever I happen to be when it sells. How neat!

I’ll miss this RV when I sell it before Life Nomadic 08.






12 responses to “The Open Road”

  1. SargeNation Avatar

    Have Fun! Road Trips are the dog’s nuts of Traveling!

  2. Kelsey Avatar

    Love ya miss ya broha

  3. George Avatar

    Do you have buyers already lined up for that RV ? How much would it be selling for ?

  4. Dean Moriarty Avatar
    Dean Moriarty

    Man! I love what you’re doing! I can’t wait until I can do that…Just up and go! I love it!

    I’m with George…How much for the RV Playa?

    D. Moriarty

  5. Tynan Avatar

    I don’t know how much I’ll sell it for. Hopefully more than I bought it for since I got a steal and put a bunch of new stuff in it. I’ll post here when I sell, though. It would be cool to have a BTYB reader continue the journey.


  6. Matt Savage Avatar
    Matt Savage

    I love what you are doing with your life right now. You’ve completely simplified it and are now able to travel all over the place. Very inspiring. I can’t wait to hear about your Life Nomadic adventures in 2008.

  7. Tiff Avatar

    Meanwhile, I sat at home all day Saturday knitting Krystal’s other glove. These are the levels I am sinking to with you guys gone.

  8. Donovan Avatar

    Thanks Tynan. Always the mobile inspiration for us in our immovability.

  9. vaj Avatar

    I just saw the commercial for Mystery’s show on VH1. I’m excited.

  10. Nick Hance Avatar
    Nick Hance


    Thanks for stopping by. Cindi and I really enjoyed your and Jonah’s company. 🙂

    Hope you had fun in the Porsche, and you’re welcome here anytime you’re in town.


  11. Kyle Avatar

    I agree with what you said regarding Paul Ross. He is a really warm guy. It was hard to reconcile who I read about in “The Game” with who I met at the Speedlife seminar in 1996. Love the website!

  12. Jan Avatar

    What’s “Life Nomadic 08”?

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