Thanks for Reading

Nothing groundbreaking here today (is there ever?). I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone for reading my site. It’s a great feeling to know that every time I fill another green page full of words, hundreds of people will read it. My favorite e-mails to get all day are the ones that say I have a new comment. I especially look forward to the comments from regular readers.

Growth has been slow recently, but I’m up to an average of 500 readers per day. There are also huge spikes due to popular stories (like those on the right sidebar) which drive my readership to the thousands, but even on bad days I get at least 400-500 readers.

More encouraging is the fact that people are staying longer and reading more. In fact, almost 15% of the people who visit this site stay for over an hour! I’m really flattered that people are that interested in reading what I have to say. Also, around 40% of the readers are repeat visitors.

I try to respond to every e-mail and myspace message, but sometimes I lose track of who I’ve replied to and forget. If I haven’t written you back, I apologize.

My aim is to make this site the one site that you really hope updated every day. I have sites like that ( is the latest). I hope that every day you are entertained, learn something, or are at least prompted to reflect on your life. If you’re a lovely lady type I hope you’re powerfully compelled to come sleep over and possibly do my laundry while you’re here.






9 responses to “Thanks for Reading”

  1. Pentarix Avatar

    haha I took a break but I’m back and reading man, it was good to catch up! Keep at it, I’ll shout at you later!

  2. giggledelop Avatar

    been reading ever since i saw a link to your pick up storys. been hooked since. It was the indoor swimming pool story that kept me here. loved it

  3. Isarian Avatar

    I love this site ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ve been reading ever since you started blogging your polyphasic sleep experiments, and I’m here just about every day. I love your outlook on life and the interesting perspectives and thoughts you bring up. Not to mention your various exploits are excellent reads ๐Ÿ™‚

    If you blog it, they will come! I know I will ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    I read every day, wish there was like “news from PU scene” so I dont hawe to read anything else on the net ๐Ÿ™‚ Do you have a humorous story that can make us laugh? Just a suggestion.

  5. David Avatar

    Ive been reading since you asked Tom green at if you could interview him…. Still waiting for that btw.

  6. Greg Militello Avatar
    Greg Militello

    Hey, like many others (i think) everyday when i get home i check my RSS and I get excited when ever there is an update on a blog that actually has some meaning to it.

    I look forward to continue reading your blog.

    Also if you come out to Boston any time soon shoot me an email. It would be wicked cool to meet you in person.

  7. Alcibiades Avatar

    hey tynan, what stats-stracking program are u using, and what figure are you identifying as representing “visitors”?

  8. Tynan Avatar

    Alcibiades, I use statcounter, and I keep tabs on the unique visitors per day figure.


  9. Spin Avatar

    Love the sleep apnea and “stop snoring” Google ads on your page. Bet you’re making tons on those. It fascinates me how Adsense can push technically relevant ads that are actually rediculously misplaced.

    Tynan…email me. I’m actually a fairly well know person in Austin circles, but don’t want to go droppin names here. I’ve got some ideas I want to drop by you.


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