
Since Krunkaoke got shut down, I go to Rain every Wednesday. It’s a gay club that does Karaoke on Wednesday nights. They have a good selection of songs, a cool light up stage, and a laid back attitude towards me including “nigga” in all of my songs. The downside is that I get hit on / groped by gay guys, but I can deal with it.

I get home at 1am and I check on my fish. They’ve had tail rot on and off for the past few months. I’ve put hundreds of dollars of medicine in the tank trying to fix them, as well as adjusting their food and cleaning the tank and doing more frequent water changes. When I moved to my new place they got a lot better, but have since gotten worse.

I noticed that one of the black tetras was doing really badly this morning. His fins had all but distenegrated and he couldn’t swim properly. It was really sad – he was the only remaining fish from the first group that my friend gave me. It seems dumb to get attached to fish, but I really love them.

Now, twelve hours later, he’s doing worse. He’s been sucked up against the intake for the filter and doesn’t have the strength to pull away from it. I nudge him with the net, but he gets sucked right up against it again. He’s going to die.

With no chance of recovery, I put him in a plastic cup and walk over to the freezer. He can’t keep himself upright, so he’s lying on his side looking up at me with his little eye. I feel really bad… I’m about to kill him, and he has no idea. I’m sure all his fish brain knows is that I’m the guy who feeds him.

I put him in the freezer. It’s the humane way of killing fish – as if killing things is humane. I lie down on my bed, which Evan is sitting on. She tries to console me, but I just want to stare into space and be alone. She leaves, and as soon as she’s gone, I burst out crying.

I haven’t cried in two years, not since I broke up with Katya. It’s that same feeling, too, doing something you know is right but hurts the other person/fish (ok, I just smiled for the first time after writing that).

Then a friend who has cancer calls me with bad news. Suddenly the fish doesn’t seem like such a big deal.






5 responses to “Sad”

  1. Hu_Hefner Avatar

    That sucks man. When my last cat died I cried like a 4 year old girl for 2 days. He was my friend. Pets, even fish, ask for nothing, and give unconditional love. Just remember, “he’s not really dead, as long as we remember him”

    Wait a few weeks, cycle maybe 75% of your water, and then get fish 2.0, and pretend like the last fish was the new fish’s brother.

  2. David Avatar

    Pfft a fish is not a very strong creature… Get a goldfish or better yet have your friend get you another fish.. then it’s just as special…. Ohh or get a crab.. those are fun to watch.

  3. Princess Avatar

    Hey, I miss krunkaoke! I was just thinking about that the other day. I’ll come watch you at Rain sometime soon!

  4. evan Avatar

    thanks for making me all sniffly this morning before i’ve even had coffee…
    just think about the amazing party we’ll be having when i’m better. hopefully it will involve karaoke and copious amounts of goodflow. mil besos.

  5. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    Well its the cycle of life dude. I had a 35centmeter Oscars, lived for 10+years , they used to eat from my hand, they could ring a bell if put in the tank, they would play with a ball in the tank, the smartest fish I ever heard of. When the first one died I gave it to the neighbours cat to eat, I couldnt watch though. Point is we are all on that way so dont fell bad, just know how preciouss is your time here and the way you treat others when they are alive.
    PS: Get Oscars – Astronotus Ocelati

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