• When People Stop Getting Better

    One way to break down a lifetime would be to think of it as two portions– the part where the person became better, and the part where he coasted.  In a normal person’s life, the getting better part would include everything from his first breath of air, as he learned how to see and feel…

  • The 100% Foolproof 1 Step Method To Always Achieving Your Goal

    For some of us, achieving goals is hard. Like real hard. I know for it often seems that way. I set a goal and start doing something and I slack. A couple days later I’ve abandoned the goal all together. In some cases this was unacceptable. I really wanted to complete my goal. I needed…

  • Doing Things When You Don’t Want to Do Them

    I’m sitting at my desk in my RV. It’s nice out, but the RV is in direct sunlight, so it’s hot inside. The fan is on maximum speed, which cools me down a little bit at the cost of it being really loud. Two seconds ago I checked my email. I also checked my email…

  • Slow Twitch and Fast Twitch Brains

    Muscles are built from two types of fibers– fast twitch and slow twitch. Slow twitch fibers fire slowly, but are more efficient with oxygen use, making them suitable for the long punishment of a marathon. Fast twitch fibers don’t use energy as efficiently, but they fire faster, making them good for sprinting. Brains aren’t made…

  • The Scale of Happiness

    Emotions are a matter perspective. Rich people can be miserable, poor people can be happy, single people can be fulfilled, and married couples can be lonely. The most prepared amongst us can feel nervous, and the least prepared can feel confident. The situations we find orselves in provide cues to our brains, but our internal…

  • No One Cares if You Buy a Rolex

    When I was in college, I bought a Rolex. In the week or so that I waited for it to come in the mail, I got really excited about the idea that I was going to have a Rolex. To me, someone who had a Rolex was a different type of person, simply because he…

  • The Community Side of SETT

    Last week I was having dinner with my friend Daniel Odio. He’s a successful tech entrepreneur whose given me a bunch of good advice on SETT, and will be the first person who’s not named Tynan to switch his blog to SETT. In other words, he’s a dude who knows what’s up. He asked me…

  • Allison

    This week I’ve been going through the seven plastic boxes of stuff that I’ve had stored in my dad’s garage. I thought I only had two or three, but when it’s not stored at your own place, it’s easy to lose track. He asked me to consolodate it into fewer boxes, which is a pretty…

  • Where The Bar is Set

    I have a rule for myself that I have to shut my computer off at midnight every day. I allow myself to stay up until three, which means that after cleaning the RV and scratching a bit on the violin, I have two hours and change to read. So I read a lot of books.…

  • The Action Threshold

    Fundamentally, I think life is about taking action. It’s about drawing information from your surroundings, formulating that into a decision, and then finally acting on that decision. People who are successful and happy tend to be those who take a lot of action. My beef with video games, TV, movies, and other sorts of passive…