• Should You Focus on Strengths or Weaknesses?

    Should You Focus on Strengths or Weaknesses?

    I saw an interesting debate on Twitter recently between two guys who were debating whather it was better to focus on one’s strengths and leverage them for results, or whether it was better to shore up weaknesses and become more well rounded. The conversation caught my attention because it really is a common situation people…

  • Monthly Reports

    Monthly Reports

    A few years ago I started writing a monthly report to a few friends sharing my progress on CruiseSheet. My primary motivations for doing so were that these friends were interested and asking about it anyway, and I felt that they might hold me accountable or offer me some good advice along the way. Those…

  • Las Vegas Update

    Las Vegas Update

    Four years or so ago I bought a small condo in Las Vegas. I did it almost entirely because it seemed like a great deal and because I visited Vegas sometimes, and not at all because I intended on moving to Las Vegas. Since then, things have escalated. I now live in Las Vegas full…

  • Dumber People

    Dumber People

    Sometimes new tasks can be daunting. I was in Hawaii trying to fix our minivan, and even though the steps involved in replacing spark plugs and wires looked quite easy, I wasn’t particularly confident that the van would start when I turned the key. I’ve noticed that a lot of people, including people who are…

  • My Routines in my Home Bases

    My Routines in my Home Bases

    One of the main reasons my friends and I have bought home bases around the world rather than just relying on AirBnBs is that it makes it easier to develop good routines in each one. I’ve found that having a good routine in a place and going back to it over and over again is…

  • How I Use Airplane Time

    How I Use Airplane Time

    When I asked for blog posts at my last Budapest event, one person asked how I spend my time on airplanes. At first I didn’t think I had all that much to say about it, but as I thought about it I realized that airplane time is actually quite critical, especially when you travel a…

  • Uncommon Luxuries

    Uncommon Luxuries

    The common view of luxury, consisting of fancy hotels, expensive clothing, and jewelry is an odd one to me. Those things are luxurious in that they are certainly not necessities, but it often doesn’t seem like they are doing the person indulging in them much good. On the other hand, with a little bit of…

  • Freestyle Mentality

    Freestyle Mentality

    I was a little bit nervous the night before I held my first Superhuman event in Las Vegas. People had paid a fair amount of money and had traveled long distances for an event, but I hadn’t planned anything. It was very important to me that everyone have an amazing time at the event. Still,…

  • Your Three Social Layers

    Your Three Social Layers

    One very common thing I work on with coaching clients is social skills. Through that work I’ve seen a lot of common patterns and have come to use a three layer model to think about and discuss how people are interacting with the people around them. If all three layers are in good shape, you…

  • Recognizing When It’s Over

    Recognizing When It’s Over

    As I’ve written before http://tynan.com/trendy, I’m generally early on a lot of different things from nomadic travel to online gambling. Being early to things is valuable, but it is also equally valuable to realize when something is over and to leave early. This skill is actually easier than finding new things because it involves just…