• Financial Phases to Follow

    Financial Phases to Follow

    The normal financial path that’s prescribed by our society is to get out of school, get a job, and then start making money and keep making as much money as you can until you retire. That works for some people, but it also leaves a lot of people unsatisfied and feeling trapped within the rat…

  • What I Admire About My Friends

    What I Admire About My Friends

    As I always say, I really do believe that I have the best group of friends that a guy could ask for. I use friends as a shorthand, but I really mean it to include everyone who surrounds me, including my wife and my family. The people in my life are truly incredible, and a…

  • Shifting Gears

    Shifting Gears

    Living in an RV was one of the best things I could have possibly done for the eight or so years I did it. It allowed me freedom, both physical and financial, made it easy for me to travel, forced me to become minimalist, and taught me a lot. If I were still living in…

  • Things I Like about Things I Don’t Like

    Things I Like about Things I Don’t Like

    As I wrote (last week), it’s very easy to criticize problems, and it’s easy to categorize things as good or bad without any nuance. I think that it’s a lot more productive to recognize the good in everything and everyone, and so in that spirit I’d like to challenge myself to share some positive things…

  • Answers to Real Estate Questions

    Answers to Real Estate Questions

    Last week I posted about buying our fifth group property, an apartment in Tokyo. I got more emails and messages about this post than any in recent history, and people asked a lot of good questions, so rather than address them individually I will answer them all in a blog post. It’s also worth mentioning…

  • We Bought a Tokyo Apartment and I’m Done With Real Estate

    We Bought a Tokyo Apartment and I’m Done With Real Estate

    For the past three years I’ve been actively searching for an apartment in Tokyo for my friends and I to buy. It was by far the most difficult city in which to find a suitable apartment, and even up until I got the notification a few minutes ago, I wasn’t entirely sure that it would…

  • Why I Don’t Predict Failure

    Why I Don’t Predict Failure

    If you spend time in San Francisco, you hear a lot of startup ideas. A few of them sound really cool, but a lot of them sound pretty dumb. I used to fall into the trap of criticizing them, without the founder present, because it was easy and fun. He thinks he’s going to rent…

  • Superhuman 4 in April (One Scholarship Available)

    Superhuman 4 in April (One Scholarship Available)

    I just got off the phone with the last of the attendees of Superhuman 3 and am totally blown away. Every single attendee followed through with everything they said they would do and many of them made enormous progress that they previously thought was impossible. Best of all, several of them came into SH3 telling…

  • Balancing Inflows and Outflows

    Balancing Inflows and Outflows

    Imagine that everyone has a bucket, and they fill it with tasks. At the bottom of the bucket is a hose that is constantly draining it at some rate, which represents completing tasks. The tasks are your obligations in life, your work, and your responsibilities. We all know people with overflowing buckets. It almost doesn’t…

  • Сау болыңыз 2019

    Сау болыңыз 2019

    Another year gone! For the first time, as I read through old monthly updates and scrolled through my yearly calendar, I was shocked at how quickly time had passed. Things that happened last February felt as though they were just a few months ago. In some ways this year was very dense. For the first…