I’m Moving

I’ve been trying to post for a few days, but my site hasn’t been working. Luckily the computer gnomes magically fixed it tonight. Anyway, one of the reasons that I’ve been so busy lately is because I am moving!

I’ve been wanting to post about this for a while, but I’ve been waiting to make sure it’s a sure thing. Between offers going back and forth and inspections, you never know what will happen in the end.

Anyway, a friend and I bought a condo right in downtown Austin. It’s right next to one of my favorite clubs, The Foundation, and only a couple blocks away from some of my other favorite places like Halcyon, Alamo Drafthouse, Whole Foods (YES!), and even my work.

Best of all, it’s one of the penthouses, so we actually have our own part of the roof. We’re going to put a hot tub up there, and there’s a rooftop pool a short walk away. The previous owners planted a garden with a fountain, so that’s cool too.

I’m seriously looking forward to living downtown. My house right now is really cool, but is very far away from downtown. When I bought it I had no sense of direction so I just sat in the real estate agent’s car and looked at all the houses she brought me to. I bought the one I liked the best, and then slowly came to realize that it was 15-20 minutes from downtown. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is for Austin.

Now I’m working on selling my house, which may be a bit of a challenge. I took the liberty of tearing out the closet in one room, installing stadium seating and a 10 foot screen and making it into a movie theater. Another room has a hole in the ceiling for all of the cables to go into the 8′ server rack that controls the house and theater. I set up a robotic lawnmower, and had to chop off the bottom quarter of a fence so that it could get to the front yard. These are all cool things, but they make selling it a little strange. I think at least hte rack will have to go.

When I move downtown in the next couple weeks I’m going to get a bike, jlaix style. I want to get a 60s Schwinn with tons of chrome. There are also these awesome bikes called “art deco bikes”, but they’re too expensive. I also want to get either a segway or a vintage Vespa. I can’t really decide which would be cooler, but I do know that if I got a segway I would have to put spinners on it so that people wouldn’t think it’s nerdy.

I leave you with some pictures of the new place:






23 responses to “I’m Moving”

  1. jlaix Avatar

    Killer… I got to come out for another visit soon. One thing I’ve found, is you should get a guest bike for when you have extended stay guests… because you’ll want to go out to the club on your sweet-ass fucking bike and the damn guest will have to walk. Lame.

    Also… I got some new mods for the Scwhinn… a chromed bullet retro headlamp, which enables me to break more laws when riding at night, and most importantly the AIRZOUNDS II airhorn, which emits an earsplitting 130db blast that makes any dumbfuck auto driver notice you coming through the red.

    PEGS front and back are crucial. I’ve done two peg pulls from the club at this point. The girl ideally must weigh 120 or less, and try to find a bar uphill from where you live.


  2. Tynan Avatar

    Awesome advice… especially the guest bike. Any suggestions for particular years or models? I basically know nothing about bikes. I just want one with the most chrome, and possibly a basket so I can go grocery shopping with it.

    BTW – Krunkaoke is dead now, so I’m going to be starting up a new one with help from Spin.


  3. Hawt Avatar

    Hey Ty, I just re-read The Game and I was wondering what’s up with the Wallaby? I know a lot of the truth was stretched in the book so I figured I would come to you and see whats up.

  4. Matt Avatar

    Where the hell did you get a robotic lawnmower?

  5. Magnus Avatar

    I especially like the pipes running along the ceiling. You could have a family of hamsters move in or something, to carry messages for you.

  6. jlaix Avatar

    Fuck the basket. Get a messenger bag from timbuk2 or some shit. You want to keep this as light as possible, because with an old Schwinn the bitch is already like 100 lbs of steel.

    Mine is a ’69 Scwhinn Racer in sparkly red, found mint condition in some dude’s basement. You can find these bikes, look and ask around. Just make sure you got that guest bike for me dog. Don’t forget the tassels and the dice on the valve stems.


  7. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    OK iI think retro vespa, a oldtimer, would be the best thing. Maybe hot rodded a little 🙂 Or plain retro, no basket thing thoght, that is to much gay in my town. On the vespa you can drive groceries on the floor of the bike.

  8. Jazz Avatar

    All I ever wanted in a house, ever… All you’re missing is coloured lights running through out the house, and there you have it *drumroll* the best house/bachelor pad ever.

  9. jlaix Avatar

    Ty is not allowed to get a Vespa. The last time I checked, he’s neither gay nor European.


  10. peyton Avatar

    Ty, get a Vespa. Segways in concept are neat but in actuality are really stupid. A Vespa has much more power and goes much farther. Ladies love it (I can tell you from experience), and the ones that don’t aren’t the kind you want to be hanging out with. You can get an extra helmet and keep it under your seat for giving people rides. And, jlaix, I completely disagree that you have to be gay or European to own one — it helps, but is by no means a requirement.

    Technically, you might have to get a motorcycle license to drive it but that is definitely cool (you do here in New York).

    -Proud owner of a GT200 (which is not retro — minor downside)

  11. jlaix Avatar

    Well, here in San Francisco only homosexual Eurotrash hipsters are permitted Vespas. The rest of us have to get MOTORCYCLES.

    I think you’d look real sexay on a 250cc Kawasaki Ninja or some shit like that.


  12. Stewen Wright Avatar
    Stewen Wright

    Yes MOTORCYCLES is wayyyy cooler, but vespa is awesome compared to a seqawy with spinners, brrrrr. Here in europe everyone rides scooters & vespas so its considered pretty normal. Harleys are driven (here) by doctors and impotent rich people, that dont deserve such bikes but can afford them…. I want one… 🙁

  13. The Reel Deal Avatar
    The Reel Deal

    Awesome pad, man.

  14. Tynan Avatar

    Hawt – I never got the wallaby. I put down a deposit on her, but then backed out after taking care of Katya’s dog for a week. It was too much work. Now i have fish that I love to pieces. I have the best auto feeder you can get (8 micro feeds per day) and the lights are hooked into my home automation system so that they are bright from sunrise-sunset and have blue moonlight at night.

    Matt – The robotic mower is by a company called “friendly robotics”. I have four of them because they keep breaking.

  15. Sir Turj Avatar
    Sir Turj

    At over $1,000 each, I probably would’ve lost faith in the concept after the first 2 mowers broke down.

  16. Diana Avatar

    Who do you have your house listed with? sounds cool.

  17. Jonathan Avatar

    I just finished reading the Game – the bit at the end says “Herbal lives with his wallaby, Shaniqua, in the house he owns there”
    What other inaccuracies are there in the book?

  18. LadyTea Avatar

    The idea of the bicycle or a vespa is really quite appealing. It says, “I’m not trying to be cool, by having a motorcycle, I just need to get around” Whenever I find out a guy has a motorcycle, I stay clear.

  19. Hawt Avatar

    “What other inaccuracies are there in the book?”

    There are a bunch, that’s why he had his compiled posts removed from mASF.

    According to Style’s “Lost” collection of posts, before the first workshop with Mystery, he was already having success with women, getting make outs and phone numbers, etc. But in The Game he makes it sound like he didn’t even know what kino was, when he did.

    And also, as much as he hated on Speed Seduction for being creepy in manipulative, most of his posts refer to him using trance words and patterns and other SS lingo, before AND after the Mystery workshop.

    This isn’t really the place to discuss them so I’ll stop with that, but after finding all of this out, along with the Annihilation Method fiasco, it really makes me look at Style in a different light.

  20. TYNAN Avatar


  21. TYNAN Avatar


  22. matt Avatar


  23. Rogerrichard Avatar

    Pictures are so amazing to see……Thanks for sharing it become my inspiration


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