I Eat Raw Eggs!

EDIT: I have no idea why this post is so popular. People love to read about it and flip out because I said that I am “basically a vegan” even though I used to eat raw fish every couple weeks back when I was a raw foodist. A few things to make clear:

  1. I really couldn’t care less whether you call me a vegan, omnivore, carnivore, or just a jerk. I’m actually embarrassed to call myself a vegan because most vegans have these insane attachments to labels, and most (not all) of them eat tons of processed junk. If you want an accurate label, go with “someone who eats as healthily as he knows how”.
  2. I was partially wrong about B12 in this article. We have a 3 year supply which gets recycled well enough that it’s more like a 30 year supply. Topping off once in a while is good enough.
  3. If you’re still hung up on what I eat, check out this post. I eat strictly vegan with no processed foods (sugar, flour, etc) or bad oils almost all the time. Once or twice a month I eat a small amount of “normal food” because I occasionally find myself in a location where I can’t get the kind of food I like to eat.

I love doing stuff that normal people don’t do. Especially stuff that seems crazy but is actually really good for you. Let’s add another one to the list – eating raw eggs!

Being a raw foodist, the only “meat” I eat is the occasional fish. That basically makes me a vegan. The biggest problem with being a vegan is that you naturally don’t get enough B12.

“But what about the vegan animals?” you might ask. Well, most herbivores actually consume a lot of bugs when eating plants. Those bugs provide the B12. Without B12 you can get depressed lose your energy, or become a hideously deformed troll (just a guess).

I was researching ways to get my B12 without taking a supplement (I’ve never swallowed a pill before in my life), and I found a site about eating raw eggs. It turns out that salmonella bacteria only cause a problem in people with weak immune systems. Why do people have weak immune system? Because they don’t consume enough bacteria.

That’s right… Bacteria (in proper doses) is good for you!

In fact, if you build up a reasonable tolerance to bacteria, you all but eliminate your chances of contracting disease in foreign countries by drinking the water. Thus, the benefits of eating raw eggs is two fold.

I don’t remember why, but you only eat the yolk, and not the sac that holds the yolk. If you start out eating too much, you will get sick (just temporary, not a big deal), so you start off with half a teaspoon for a week, and then a full teaspoon, and then one yolk, and then two yolks. Two yolks gives you the full amount of B12 that you need every day, and more doesn’t really provide any benefit.

Interestingly, the reason that most people eat yolks isn’t for the B12 or the bacteria. They consider these to be side benefits. Most people eat yolks because doing so is apparently excellent for your skin.

Luckily for me, my friend Kristin has a chicken coop and is going to give me some really fresh eggs. Until then I decided to just get the best ones I could from a store.

Tonight was my first try. I cracked the raw egg at my desk, poured the white into a cup and stared down the yolk. All my years of being warned not to eat raw eggs were coming back. I poked into the yolk with a spoon and got a little more than half a teaspoon.

Hesistantly I sipped the yolk. Wow! It’s actually pretty good. It tastes like a custard that isn’t very sweet and is thicker than I expected. After I finished, I found myself wanting to eat the rest of the yolk, but I’ll stick to the recommended amount for a while.

I’m pretty psyched about this new development. A lot of animals eat the raw eggs of other animals, so it stands to reason that I would too. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be chasing down gazelles by next year and eating huge chunks of their flesh with my bare teeth. I mean… I wouldn’t predict it necessarily, but then again who thought I’d be eating raw eggs?






60 responses to “I Eat Raw Eggs!”

  1. Milo Avatar

    You’re so wrong. I’ve seen Napoleon Dynamite and that’s not how you eat raw eggs. You’re supposed to crack open about six dozen in a pitcher and chug that goop by the gallon.

  2. Administrator Avatar

    Hmmm… you are bigger and stronger than I am. I guess I have no choice but to follow your advice. Cheers!

  3. Milo Avatar

    Yes, that’s true. I am strong like bull, dumb like ox. ;]

  4. Magnus Avatar

    You’ve finally cracked, and that’s no yolk.

  5. dom Avatar

    Dude, just nut up and slam the whole egg down, It’s not going to hurt you.

  6. Kelsey Avatar


  7. Leilani Avatar

    Awesome…I do three whole raw eggs a day. The white is good for you…just do like he told you and swallow, bitch….you’ll like it

  8. Madness Avatar

    Raw Eggs are an excellent source of Protein also. For those of you that train, do exercise and keep active this is a really good source of food to consume! Keep up the egg eating and be strong 🙂

  9. Egg man Avatar
    Egg man

    Tynan, you are not crazy at all. In Japan, the most common way to eat egg is “raw eggs over rice”. Of course, use fresh eggs!
    But I have never been heard or warned about food poisoning from eggs, so am very much wondering why people in US (I am in US now) think it disgusting. It’s very yummy and one of my soul foods.

  10. egg muscles Avatar
    egg muscles

    raw eggs are very good for building muscles! i eat them all day and getting stronger but try not eating the yellow part casue it contains all bad cholesterol

  11. Hens Eggs, yuk Avatar
    Hens Eggs, yuk

    Why does everybody eat chicken eggs? Yuck! Rattlesnake eggs are WAY better. And they taste like chicken.

  12. gus Avatar

    dude, “egg muscles.” the yolk is the bit that has all the protein in it. which makes muscles. it would be very stupid to just eat the whites.

  13. other guy Avatar
    other guy

    Umm, no, dude, Ever seen egg white powder?

  14. john de la Garza Avatar
    john de la Garza

    your’re as you put it vegan, but eat fish and eggs

    I’d say you are not a vegan, but someone who eats animal products. I’m not saying that is bad. I eat raw fish and raw yolks everyday, plus raw red meat when I buy it from time to time. It just seems odd to say you are a fish eating vegan. My definition of vegan is someone who eats *no* animal products. We probably don’t share that definition.

  15. john de la Garza Avatar
    john de la Garza

    actually the white is much higher in protein percentage wise

    I’m not saying to eat egg whites here… I only eat yolks. There is no shortage of protein in most people’s diets. You may want to do some research on this if you disagree.

  16. john de la Garza Avatar
    john de la Garza

    Can you point me to a peer reviewed study that backs your claim? There is no bad cholesterol in *raw* eggs. Cholesterol can become oxidized when heated, but we are talking about raw eggs.

  17. Tynan Avatar

    This was written before I went vegan. I now eat no animal products as a habit (the possible exception being when I travel). My intent is to have 5% or less of my diet be animal proteins.


  18. Sean :-) Avatar
    Sean 🙂

    I was thinking about eatin raw eggs, and this was the most useful site I could find. Most of the others said raw eggs = Salmonella. So to summarise; start with a little and increase to 2 eggs a day, and buy organic free range eggs. Thanks now 2 buy sum eggs 😀

  19. Sean :-) Avatar
    Sean 🙂

    Just ate my first raw, organic, free range egg! it didnt taste great, kinda like bitter custard. I the whites,yolk and all into a cup and whisked with a fork then downed it. I wasn’t Sick though!!! YAY!!If I get ill I’ll tell ya. Bye

  20. Tynan Avatar

    You shouldn’t whisk it. I forget why, but it may have something to do with damaging the proteins.


  21. Andrew Avatar

    You’re not even vegetarian if you eat fish you idiot. And vegan means no eggs.

  22. KiNg Of EgGs Avatar
    KiNg Of EgGs

    Ok with eating eggs. Et the white yes good for you but it can increas ethe chances of getting some disease thingy i on’t know the name off.
    Fortunatly the egg yolk helps prevent the disease so swallow the whole egg whole or make an eggflip and you will be fine.

  23. KiNg Of EgGs Avatar
    KiNg Of EgGs

    Ok with eating eggs. Et the white yes good for you but it can increas ethe chances of getting some disease thingy i on’t know the name off.
    Fortunatly the egg yolk helps prevent the disease so swallow the whole egg whole or make an eggflip and you will be fine.
    O and don’t whisk it cause it damages the molocules

  24. KiNg Of EgGs Avatar
    KiNg Of EgGs

    Ok with eating eggs. Et the white yes good for you but it can increas ethe chances of getting some disease thingy i on’t know the name off.
    Fortunatly the egg yolk helps prevent the disease so swallow the whole egg whole or make an eggflip and you will be fine.
    O and don’t whisk it cause it damages the molocules so really not egg flips

  25. Breaker Avatar

    I saw the raw egg gulping thing in a Stallone movie. What I do now is I blend a tablespoon sugar, tablespoon soy or rice protein powder, a bit of banana, half cup milk, and 2 or 3 raw eggs in blender. The best protein shake for some1 allergic to milk.

  26. pinky Avatar

    At first, you’re horrified. Then remember that they won’t remember how they were born in a few hours, and it’s all good. See how chicken hatch(Factory style):

  27. Ciara Avatar

    I can’t believe it tasted good! I’ll have to try egg yolk sometime…But I’m planning on making a raw mayonnaise, not eating it from a spoon. Sorry, but I’m hidieoufied by the idea. You could try adding agave nectar next time and actually making that custard which you speak of.

  28. Trish Avatar

    i’m 62..just getting into raw…don’t care whether i’m a vegan,vegetarian, or whatever…if something agrees with me i use it..raw eggs do..yolk and whites (nature balanced) ..super green salads too every day ..wondering if eating raw eggs will boost my hormone levels ..hope some one who knows something can tell me.

  29. naomi Avatar

    hey-o from japan,
    came across this entry looking to see if eating raw eggs was safe. everyone in japan eats them. in japanese breakfast restaurants, it is traditional to get a bowl of rice, an egg yolk, and a piece of fish (raw or cooked). reading this i went there this morning, and the way they eat raw eggs is delicious!

    simply make a bowl of white (preferably sticky) rice, dump an egg yolk and a dash of soy sauce on top, mix lightly and eat (mine was with salmon). super tasty! i guess as a rawist, tynan, you can’t eat rice, but for all the raw-egg naysayers this is a good and not-so-gross way to try it. you could add teriyaki sauce instead of soy to make the flavor sweeter.

  30. Sim Avatar

    if you are having a tough time drinking raw eggs, its easy; just pour the egg in a cup and then pour some milk & gulp it doen in one go. Thats it!!!

  31. Jacques Avatar

    hi there , I consume 10 -12 raw eggs per day , 5 in the morning and 5 at night …only having one yolk per 5 eggs.. truth is that the protein value is equal in both white and yolk …but the yolk has high value of cholestrol but is actually easy digested by the body.

  32. that guy Avatar
    that guy

    i ate a raw egg today. my friend dared me so i did. it actually didnt taste bad. and i looked it up and only one out of every 30,000 eggs has salmonella.

  33. Dream Avatar

    Im another one of these ‘vegans’ that occasionally eat some fish. I also eat turkey on thanksgiving.

    Never any chicken
    never any red meat
    no direct dairy products (cheese/yogurt/milk)

    **I eat deserts on occasion with milk as an ingredient**

    I consider myself a ‘vegan’ for simplicities sake (makes life at resturaunts easier and the endless questions from typical meat eaters, usually end quick when I say Im a vegan).

    I don’t know about Tynann, but I don’t really care about animals more or less than a typical hamburger eating american. It’s just irrelevant to how I eat.

    So for all you peta lovers getting your panties up in a bunch over someone calling themselves a vegan when they eat fish like once a month…

    Relax. Go chew on some carrots.


  34. xrawfoodvegan Avatar

    I am an omnivore. I get my panties in a bunch when people who eat meat or fish or eggs or milk call themselves vegan because it misleads other people into thinking that one could actually be healthy and be a true vegan. All the true vegans I know are 1. not true vegans 2. f’ing crazy and on drugs and not really true vegans. I aspired to be a raw food vegan for several years, being completely strict for several months at a time and I was 1. crazy 2 depressed 3 absolutely starving and cold!!!!

    Now I am 60 % vegan. The other 40% is animal products!

    It is ridiculous to call oneself ANY % vegan, as if it were some sort of accomplishment to get the number lower or something. It is a 100% pipe dream to try to be vegan. It almost killed me. And yes I “researched” the heck out of it and did it right. The only problem was is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to do right!

    Try raw, grass raised, organic, animal products which actually help cure and prevent disease, unlike the regular store bought animal products which are as bad as the John Robbins and Robert Cohens of the world say they are.

    Of course I am not anti vegetable. It would be great if the general population ate more vegetables. It would also be great if they ate more CORRECTLY raised animal products instead of the “death on a stick” variety available in most stores.

    1. Debra R Blakeley Avatar
      Debra R Blakeley

      Impossible to do it right? You were probably doing it wrong.
      Try being fruit-based. High-carb.

  35. unplugged Avatar


  36. Amanda Avatar

    This entry is ancient, so I don’t know if you will see this. I’m not sure how much research you did, or how much you remember, but I had a question.

    I love raw eggs. I have had food poisoning several times, BUT NEVER when I had eaten a raw egg recently, even in weeks.

    Since I grew up eating raw eggs (occasionally, but more often than the average American), I suspected that my body had developed an immunity to its possible bacteria.
    Then, since I’m seeming rather weak to “food poisoning,” could this still be true? Are there different KINDS of bacteria that cause food poisoning, so that I could be resistant to one, but not the others?

    I was also trying to find some information on the Japanese practice of eating raw eggs, to see if there was any difference that made that theoretically “safer.” For example, if the US egg industry is doing something stupid that makes the eggs more prone to bacteria, etc.

    If you wouldn’t mind emailing me a reply, I’d really appreciate it.

  37. Julian Avatar


    Great way to eat wraw eggs: I do this every day for breakfast:

    1/2 cup milk
    1/2 cup OJ
    2 WHOLE eggs

    blend ingredients for 1 minute, drink! Tastes like orange julius, makes a good fast easy breakfast.

  38. Truth Avatar

    well the truth is that the whole egg must be eatin whole for 100 percent assimilation. Dont believe believe in bad fat, bad cholesteral bullshit. Eggs are called whole foods so it them whole. This is because egg white(full protein) has enzymes need to break down egg yolk (fat and protient)and vice versa. I eat about 25 raw eggs a day and i feel just fine. Not only fine but stronger and fuller everyday. Peoples fear of bacteria and parasites is as flimsy as old mans hard on. I even eat raw meat (chicken, turkey, red meat, any thing) and for the last year i have not experianced any sickeness of anykind. So do some reasearch on the raw fat and protien diet you might find some interesting facts that western science completely ignores. All the antiboitics and pills only helped in further destruction of my body, while whole raw foods have allowed my body to heal. However i do reccomend eating 3 times the amount of raw fat as you eat meat. Protien builds but its the fat the stabilizes and helps in the proper break down of protiens.

  39. amelian Avatar

    I hope some people read this comment because it is a bit of wisdom someone that a vegan friend once shared with me when I considering being vegan but was overwhelmed by how extreme the diet felt:

    It is the effort.

    Making veganism seem frightfully strict does nothing to encourage people to take on the diet. This “you are vegan/vegetarian” or “you are not a vegan/vegetarian” is too “all or nothing” and it frankly makes people think that the diet is just too hard. Its not!

    Please if any vegans or vegetarians are reading this, try to calm down on being so harsh in your definitions because quite frankly wouldn’t you rather have 50 people doing their best to eat as vegan/vegetarian as possible than have those same people be so scared that they will do the diet wrong or look foolish that they then continue to eat meat and animal products 100% of the time.

    Encourage people to do the best they can. It is the effort.

  40. LOL! Avatar

    People like you, and Dream that consider yourselves vegan and eat fish, actually any type of poultry or animal products present yourselves as ignorant individuals.

    One Vegans, vegetarians do not eat “any type of meat or animal products”. Let me repeat that again… VEGANS and VEGETARIANS DO NOT EAT ANY MEAT OR ANIMAL PRODUCTS.

    Stating you eat fish, eggs, turkey, chicken… and then saying your are a like/are vegan/vegetarian is a highly laughable ridiculous statement.

    You may claim that type of lifestyle if you do not consume any animal products point blank period.

    It’s not being hard on anyone, it’s stating pure facts. I’m not going to claim I’m a vegan because I do consume fish, chicken, and I do use animal products in my food such as the chicken broth, and fish broth. All in all I eat meat.

    Majority of what I eat is vegetables, grains, and fruit, though because I consume meat and animal products I cannot consider myself a vegan. I don’t deprive myself of the vitamins and protein my body needs.

    Just please save yourself the embarrassment and don’t call yourself a vegan if you say you eat fish, chicken, turkey, eggs… you get the point. 😛

  41. Nisha Avatar


    Thank you for the orange julius recipe, that sound delicious, I am definitely going to try it! Currently I mix my raw eggs in raw almond milk, but next time I am going to add some OJ. Yum!


  42. Analeigh Avatar


  43. Donovan G Avatar
    Donovan G

    shutup hooker!!

  44. TheFitnessNerd Avatar

    Tynan, you’ve got an entertaining site here, but I gotta tell you bro’, you are dead wrong when it comes to raw eggs.

    Setting aside the salmonella issue for a moment (which is overstated generally), the majority of the protein in an egg, whether cooked or raw, is in the white, NOT the yolk. Yes, the yolk has the B vitamins — but it contains very little protein.

    Second, there is zero scientific evidence that suggests raw eggs are any healthier for you than cooked — especially when it comes to protein absorption. In fact, the research suggests exactly the opposite: that raw eggs are 40% less bio-available than cooked eggs. Check the research — it’s there. It was published in 1997 in The Journal of Nutrition. Google it.

    Now, I know you’re a “raw foodist” — so you’ll probably just dismiss this study as a conspiracy among the mainstream medical establishment and “cooked food people”, but until you can show me a study that says the opposite, let’s try to deal with the reality based world.

    Finally, you’re right that most healthy people can deal with some salmonella. But you’re not right about people with immuno-compromised bodies. They typically aren’t immuno-compromised because they haven’t been exposed to enough bacteria — but because they have some kind of health condition that has hurt their immune system (like cancer, for example.) Suggesting that they should just eat more bacteria to get their immune systems back in shape is just dumb. In fact, if they took your advice it could kill them.

    Stick to the pickup artist stuff and leave the diet, nutrition and health advice to people who know what the hell they are talking about.

    Other than that, I get a kick out of your site. Especially the ghetto pool post.

  45. Fargut Avatar

    No scientist can tell me what’s healthy and what isn’t because they don’t know. In Japan I ate tons of raw stuff including eggs and I was fine. I ate a couple of raw quail eggs and am fine. Oddly enough the only time I have ever gotten food poisoning was when I had shitty American food or drank yogurt that had been sitting out.

    By the way, people can call themselves whatever they want. I don’t see anyone complaining about how stupid Americans are calling their fake Italian restaurants Italian when it is all disgusting over sweetened, salty, ignorantly and lazily prepared food. No American knows how to cook pasta correctly. You DON’T drain all the water but should be leaving half a cup of it in the pasta! Dry pasta is sacrilege. And what about those people who say they’re religious? I am willing to bet you that most of them don’t follow any of the moral rules such as don’t steal, don’t be jealous, don’t want something that belongs to another and so on, so why should they be allowed to call themselves a Catholic or a Mormon? What about ignorant people who have no knowledge of Buddhism and call themselves Buddhist? Or people who have no clue about art and call themselves artist regardless of their utter lack of talent (and a rusty chair glued to the ceiling should not be considered art as well as most of the garbage they put out at Burning Man). So I eat tofu, meat, eggs, and whatever I need to enjoy a complete and healthy diet. Can I call myself a Vegan? Sure, why not. It is a free country so I can go around saying I’m a vegan. I don’t see anyone getting angry if I say I’m a carnivore if I eat vegetables as well. Get off your pedestal and stop acting as if you’re doing God’s work by being a vegan or a vegetarian. We don’t care what lifestyle you choose just don’t smother us with your pushy vegan ideals. Every vegan I knew was crazy, anti-social, and self-hating. Unless you eat bugs with your vegetables you will NEVER take in the nutrients you need and will always suffer from deficiencies. I don’t care what you say about it. I have done extensive studies in the field of nutrition and I have yet to find a nutritionist or doctor who would actually recommend not eating meat. You are built to eat meat. We come from beings who survived mostly on hunted food, and I doubt that the food gathered was ever enough to feed a family. Don’t deprive yourself of meat, just make good choices and eat good non-processed and possibly farm raised animals. Organic doesn’t always mean they’re healthy. It just means they weren’t given antibiotics and hormones. I come from Italy and you will rarely if ever meet someone who is a vegan. We enjoy all aspects of food and eating and realize that each ingredient must be tasted. Maybe if you ate meat in a way where you can actually taste it you would come to your senses. Until you stop being so pretentious, you will always get negative reactions when people find out you are a vegan. Do what you want to your body, but again, don’t act like you’re holy, because I very much doubt you are.

  46. JESSICA Avatar


  47. Tom Avatar

    Vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, whatever. People will call themselves whatever they want. It’s often more mental than physical. Here in Atlanta a lot of males call themselves girls and females, guys… Because in thier head that’s what they are even if by definition it’s not true. You can’t really fight it.
    As for eggs, I cook the whites and eat the yolks raw. Cook the whites to avoid the biotin deficiency issues and eat the yolks raw to avoid the cholesterol issues. Best of both worlds.
    According to Nutritiondata.com, egg whites have 4g of protien and egg yolks have 3g of protien. Not a big difference.

  48. Zuper Avatar

    Crack an egg open over tomato juice in a glass and drink it once/day. Tasty!

  49. Pete Avatar

    Dude, you’re not a vegan.

  50. Moliere Avatar

    Dude you are an idiot! you are NOT a raw foodish if you eat fish unless you eat it raw, and eating only fish does not make you a vegan, it makes you a pescetarian, which is far from vegan or vegetarian, for your information fish IS meat, you can’t be a vegan eating fish and egg you prat, stop taking Bullsh**

  51. Fab Avatar

    I agree with the others that said you are a total idiot, you may call yourself a vegan but you are not, you don’t even know what are you talking about!!! all that crap about not getting b12 and becoming depressed, so not true of course if you go eating junk food you will be sick, haha i’m half mad cos you are posting fake information and confusing people and half amused cos you sound like a total ignorant (which clearly you are), please do yourself a favor and google the term vegan or raw diet so you see you are not in any of them. Apart from that you just look like some really stupid guy who sits hours in front of the computer and writes bullshit in this site.

  52. kara Avatar

    not a vegan, but you are definitely a douchebag.

  53. Nicky Avatar

    I find it hilarious that people are still commenting on this post… Holy shit:

    a) This post is over 3 years old
    b) He is an honest-to-god vegan now
    c) I can’t believe you are all wasting time and intertubes on this.

  54. ur mum Avatar
    ur mum

    lol u have a teaspoon of egg yolk and u say u could b chasing down bears or some shit next yr…. dude u sound like you have some serious thinking to do about ur sexuality, lol theres some sick twisted people in this world… but at just for the recod i still hate the media more then you

  55. anna Avatar

    hahahaha 2011 😛

  56. Hooker Li Li Avatar
    Hooker Li Li

    Lets keep this thread going pimps and hookers. Egg whites are anti-nutrient even though they have protein. I like getting my yolk fix by making a sunny side up egg on extra virgin coconut oil and eating just the hot liquid yellow yolk. Ever since the gov had fastfood switch to vegetable oils have you seen how heart disease is still on the up? Vegetable oils are not stable at high temperatures like EVCO which the body can also break down more easily. Ask a chemist!

  57. squeezy beezy Avatar
    squeezy beezy

    The thread continues! Why not?

    I was vegan for a couple years, about a decade ago. True vegan, uptight about it too.

    Lately I refer to my diet as “mostly vegan and mostly raw”. Occassionally I’ll eat cooked food and/or animal products–never touch proccessed junk however. Unless it’s that or starve. I eat more fruit than anything else–and I feel awesome.

    Had my first raw egg today. It was fun to approach that taboo and yuck factor–and overcome it.

  58. me like egg Avatar
    me like egg

    I’ll continue to eat cooked eggs sunny side up, because it deactivates avidine which causes us to lose the biotine. Raw eggs are obviously going to contain a little more vitamins and protein, but you have to also remember that cooking it makes the eggs protein more available. This is all according to studies I have looked at on the internet, but I don’t feel like telling what sites :P.

  59. Yooks Avatar

    No one’s posted in a year! I must fix it!

    I eat raw vegan foods a lot. I find that they are more colorful and appetizing, and I feel much better after eating them. However, I have always been a bit leery about going completely vegan, mostly because strict vegans have a reputation of being 1) Preachy, 2) Condescending, and 3) Judgemental, emphasis on the mental. Of course, I live in Southern California, where vegans run rampant in the streets.

    I’m also not willing to completely give up a lot of the cultural dishes I love that remind me of home, animal products and all. I’ve grown up eating raw eggs at least a few times a week. My mom’s Japanese, and raw egg over rice was a cheap, affordable and delicious dish that I’ve been eating since I was maybe 3, and I never got salmonella. PROOF THAT YOUR CHILDREN WILL NOT JUST DROP DEAD IF YOU GIVE THEM RAW EGGS. Japanese eggs are beautiful – they’re so deep orange and rich! We made that raw dish using conventional rather than organic free range eggs after moving back to America when I was 7 – still never got sick.

    After being diagnosed with diabetes at 17, I had to give up my favorite dish because I couldn’t have the rice, and I had no other ways to eat the raw eggs I loved. (The Japanese have one other dish I know of where you dip thinly sliced meat in raw egg and boil it for about 5 seconds, but most people reading this probably don’t do the meat thing).

    It’s funny – I found my way back to the raw food diet because after years of struggling with high blood sugar, a week of raw carrots and beets seemed to bring it down to pre-diabetic levels without medication. Since that worked so fantastically, I’m exploring other raw food options, and I’m so happy to come across these egg recipes that I never knew about! I tried raw eggnog last night, and it was one of the best things I’ve ever had. Matterfact, I’m going to make more right now.

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